Fast pass plus


Well-Known Member
Do you have a favorite college or professional sports team? Is the only you ever say about them positive? "Gee, I'm really glad they had and 8-and-8 record last year!" Right now, WDW is having an 8-and-8 season. In previous decades, they used to be the Super Bowl Champions.

We don't stop being fans or switch teams just because WDW is having a bad season.

But if you hang out at Disney forums, you would know that many have been basically saying Imagineering, Management, DVC, etc, etc has ruined everything for in and day out about everything that Disney does stinks. How long would your favorite team have to trade away all the good players and screw with the stadiums and logos and come in last place year in and year out before you would just lose interest. That doesn't happen on these forums. You also see the daily 'Disney is ruining it and no ones going to go anymore' yet it never transpires. Never. If all the complaints were valid, WDW would have closed shop a long time ago. So basically all the complaints and how they are worded then are just plain bogus. The threats are never followed through with, the predictions never materialize.

And many of the complaints are just downright ridiculous.

Before you ask why do I read the posts then....I have to filter through all the whining to get to the posts that do provide an interest to me.

Its obvious though that it isn't Disney, it is our culture. Everything is wrong, it is everyone else's fault. It was Obama's fault that I was living beyond my means. It is Obama's fault that healthcare costs are going up and it has nothing to do with everyone solving their weight related issues with perscription drugs, etc, etc.


Well-Known Member
Says the individual with a 'Fix Me!' Yeti avatar, admitting to the fact that Disney has incredibly laxed their maintenance and show quality standards.

Admitted to the fact? Are you sure that isn't your interpretation?

AK is not in a position to have EE down for an extended period of time. Disney has to invest in AK before that oppurtunity will present itself.

I am sure Disney had bigger plans for AK for the past 15 years. They haven't done much. Guess why? Could it be 9/11, then a recession, then another recession. No, it was because they just don't want to fix the Yeti. They don't want to expand AK. It is a big conspiracy.


Well-Known Member
Ha. I guess but I would then question why those that have a problem with everything Disney does hangs out at these forums to complain all the time about it. Why not just find something you like and ditch Disney if it is that terrible.

I don't really have a problem with the interactive queue (hence the ;) ) as I can't remember the original one (rode in 2002 - the ride was terrible, was under refurbishment in 2005 and 2007 when we went, and 2011 when the ride was one of our most ridden), but I can understand the reasons why people don't like it.

It's not about having a problem with everything that Disney does - it's that Disney isn't doing things to its full potential at a time when the competition around it is improving (Universal/SeaWorld).


Well-Known Member
I don't really have a problem with the interactive queue (hence the ;) ) as I can't remember the original one (rode in 2002 - the ride was terrible, was under refurbishment in 2005 and 2007 when we went, and 2011 when the ride was one of our most ridden), but I can understand the reasons why people don't like it.

It's not about having a problem with everything that Disney does - it's that Disney isn't doing things to its full potential at a time when the competition around it is improving (Universal/SeaWorld).

I believe Disney is doing the potential that the budget allows to a reasonable degree. Most of us including me probably don't have a real good idea of how much it costs Disney just to keep what they have at acceptable levels. Look for example how much money just went into redoing Main Street. When others complain about the Laugh Floor being in the wrong park, I think about how great it is that Disney spends so much time and money just in how Main Street looks.


Well-Known Member
I am sure Disney had bigger plans for AK for the past 15 years. They haven't done much. Guess why? Could it be 9/11, then a recession, then another recession. No, it was because they just don't want to fix the Yeti. They don't want to expand AK. It is a big conspiracy.

But isn't it cheaper to build things in a recession? It doesn't seem to be stopping Universal and SeaWorld building new attractions.


Well-Known Member
But isn't it cheaper to build things in a recession? It doesn't seem to be stopping Universal and SeaWorld building new attractions.

Yes, cheaper to build but it costs to build and maintain. When revenues are way down during a recession, it seems reasonable to me to slow down capital investments.


Well-Known Member
I believe Disney is doing the potential that the budget allows to a reasonable degree. Most of us including me probably don't have a real good idea of how much it costs Disney just to keep what they have at acceptable levels. Look for example how much money just went into redoing Main Street. When others complain about the Laugh Floor being in the wrong park, I think about how great it is that Disney spends so much time and money just in how Main Street looks.

The problem with Disney IS budget. Other theme parks can build similar quality attractions for a lot cheaper than Disney do.

And surely one thing doesn't excuse the other? Yes, Main Street looks great, but Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor IS in the wrong park. Disney should have enough money coming in to be able to be able to do basic maintenance and keep things to the standards it set years ago, as well as build new attracions.


Well-Known Member
Says the individual with a 'Fix Me!' Yeti avatar, admitting to the fact that Disney has incredibly laxed their maintenance and show quality standards.

Just to be fair, Disney is pretty strict when it comes to Ride Maintenance, in fact, it has become a lot more detailed and restrictive also. There is a lot of paperwork and responsibility that goes along with ride reliability to keep the lawyers and legal department happy along with the stricter guidelines from the safety department.

At WDW, did they hire extra maintenance workers? No, in fact, there are fewer workers now expected to do more, so now there is no one left to work on show quality, it is all about the ride and the show suffers for it. The budget for show items get cut and diverted to the ride all the time.


Well-Known Member
But if you hang out at Disney forums, you would know that many have been basically saying Imagineering, Management, DVC, etc, etc has ruined everything for in and day out about everything that Disney does stinks. How long would your favorite team have to trade away all the good players and screw with the stadiums and logos and come in last place year in and year out before you would just lose interest. That doesn't happen on these forums. You also see the daily 'Disney is ruining it and no ones going to go anymore' yet it never transpires. Never. If all the complaints were valid, WDW would have closed shop a long time ago. So basically all the complaints and how they are worded then are just plain bogus. The threats are never followed through with, the predictions never materialize.

And many of the complaints are just downright ridiculous.
I see that you’ve never been a long-suffering Chicago Cubs fan.:)

The Cubs have been mostly a bunch of “losers” for 100 years. Millions still follow them anyway, with a couple of million paying serious money every year just to see them blow another game. Their fandom in ingrained into them. Fans simply cannot walk away, no matter how bad the team. I spent many years in Chicago and listened to sports talk radio from time-to-time. Year-after-year, it was the same fans calling in, complaining how bad the team was this year, threatening to start following another team next year. Every year, they came back for more.

WDW is no different. In fact, WDW’s fans are spoiled. Until 15 years ago, WDW was the undisputed champion. As recently as about 5 years ago, WDW had no serious challengers, even if their best years were in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s.

Suddenly, Universal gets its act together and scores a major victory with WWOHP. (A victory, by the way, that WDW had won and then lost on a last-second buzzer beater.) Suddenly, DLR takes care of that big gigantic wart that was called DCA and scores a major victory with Carsland. Suddenly, SeaWorld has a major new renovation in progress and looks like it will be better than ever. Suddenly (it feels), everyone is talking about how much nicer Disneyland Tokyo and Disneyland Paris are than WDW. All within the last few years, it feels as if WDW is falling behind everyone else. (OK, they’re still ahead of Six Flags. Whoopee!)

I’ve been a WDW fan for decades and I’m not ready to throw in the towel. I want TDO to get its act to get and make WDW the undisputed champion once again.
Before you ask why do I read the posts then....I have to filter through all the whining to get to the posts that do provide an interest to me.
Filtering through a lot of posts to get to the ones you like is similar to what you have to do for pretty much everything in life. Do you always read every article in the newspaper? Do you always watch every channel and every show on TV? Do you always like every meal at every restaurant you eat at? I’m not sure why you think a discussion forum is any different. I’m sure there will be those reading our posts wishing the two of us never had this discussion, even though this is supposed to be an open forum.

If there are people who post things you don’t want to read, use the “ignore” button. I’ve never used it because I like reading a lot of posts but maybe it will help you. In my view, a lot of people have a lot of interesting things to write, both good and bad, about WDW. Sure, I’d prefer less thread drift (like we’re doing now!) and I strongly dislike the personal attacks (“I disagree with you so you are stupid”) but, otherwise, I enjoy most posts. The only button I don’t use enough is the “like” button.
Its obvious though that it isn't Disney, it is our culture. Everything is wrong, it is everyone else's fault. It was Obama's fault that I was living beyond my means. It is Obama's fault that healthcare costs are going up and it has nothing to do with everyone solving their weight related issues with perscription drugs, etc, etc.
I like to think of myself as a student of history. IMHO, there’s nothing new under the sun and much of what I think you’re blaming on our culture is simply human nature. It allegedly was Socrates who said:
Our youth now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for their elders and love chatter in place of exercise; they no longer rise when elders enter the room; they contradict their parents, chatter before company; gobble up their food and tyrannize their teachers.
Are things different today?

Is human nature different? No, people are still the same; natural evolution tends to be a slow process. What has changed? Technology. In Socrates’ day, I had to jump on my 400 BC equivalent of the soap box to be heard. Today, I can sit at home, type a few lines, and send my thoughts out to millions. With technology, you can choose to read my words or, if you prefer, simply use the “ignore” button.

P.S. I really want to know TDO’s ulterior motives behind FP+. I still believe they are not spending $1.5B out of the kindness of their hearts. See, now I can’t be accused of total thread drift!

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Yes, cheaper to build but it costs to build and maintain. When revenues are way down during a recession, it seems reasonable to me to slow down capital investments.

Did Disney's recession have a head start of a few years on the rest of us?

I would have thought a cash rich business would have taken the opportunity to develop infrastructure at a time when so many companies were desperate for business.


Active Member
I'm so confused about all this FP+ stuff. Does it mean i'll now have to start planning out all my trips several days in advance and reserve fast passes? We are locals and go to WDW all the time, sometimes for just a couple hours. I fear getting to the park and being told we can't ride something because it's "all booked up." Also, do you have to pay for FP+?


Well-Known Member
Ha. I guess but I would then question why those that have a problem with everything Disney does hangs out at these forums to complain all the time about it. Why not just find something you like and ditch Disney if it is that terrible.

Wow. Thanks for "showing your hand", so to speak... I was going to start responding to all your comments, but this has allowed me to see I would be wasting my time.

To clarify what happened...

1. Someone made the point that now with FP+, the stand by line moves slower at HM because only one side of the que is standby rather than both (as has been the case for years... Ever since they decided HM shouldn't have FP and removed it the FIRST time). Which is a fact.
2. On top of only only one side of the que being used for stand by, it also goes through the graveyard, which slows everyone down further. Which is a fact.
3. The graveyard was developed as part of the NextGen project, which FP+ is a part of. Which is a fact.
4. Someone ELSE points out that TDO developed the que because of FP+ (clearly implying management knew people would be standing in longer lines, and therefore needs buttons to push and water to spray). Which is a fact.
5. You deflect and go with the "I know you are, but what am I" defense, by saying if you're just going to complain, go away.

I shall not play those reindeer games.


Well-Known Member
But if you hang out at Disney forums, you would know that many have been basically saying Imagineering, Management, DVC, etc, etc has ruined everything for in and day out about everything that Disney does stinks. How long would your favorite team have to trade away all the good players and screw with the stadiums and logos and come in last place year in and year out before you would just lose interest. That doesn't happen on these forums. You also see the daily 'Disney is ruining it and no ones going to go anymore' yet it never transpires. Never. If all the complaints were valid, WDW would have closed shop a long time ago. So basically all the complaints and how they are worded then are just plain bogus. The threats are never followed through with, the predictions never materialize.

And many of the complaints are just downright ridiculous.

Before you ask why do I read the posts then....I have to filter through all the whining to get to the posts that do provide an interest to me.

Its obvious though that it isn't Disney, it is our culture. Everything is wrong, it is everyone else's fault. It was Obama's fault that I was living beyond my means. It is Obama's fault that healthcare costs are going up and it has nothing to do with everyone solving their weight related issues with perscription drugs, etc, etc.

You're stereotyping everyone to the Nth degree.

I defy you to find one poster here that you consider negative toward WDW and not find them praising Disneyland and TDA, or praising UNI and SW for what they've been doing these past few years.

The problem isn't with Disney Parks as a whole. The problem is with the property in Florida. And when people like you dismiss the opinions of those that post here with issue with WDW as just "people that can't find Disney doing anything right", it's not only completely misinformed... It also deflates and gives less credence to any other argument you make on here, simply BECAUSE you're that misinformed.

You gain respect here by being objective. And that goes both ways.


Well-Known Member
I believe Disney is doing the potential that the budget allows to a reasonable degree. Most of us including me probably don't have a real good idea of how much it costs Disney just to keep what they have at acceptable levels. Look for example how much money just went into redoing Main Street. When others complain about the Laugh Floor being in the wrong park, I think about how great it is that Disney spends so much time and money just in how Main Street looks.

Then shouldn't you change the wording in your avatar to "Tolerate me!!!"?


Well-Known Member
I'm so confused about all this FP+ stuff. Does it mean i'll now have to start planning out all my trips several days in advance and reserve fast passes? We are locals and go to WDW all the time, sometimes for just a couple hours. I fear getting to the park and being told we can't ride something because it's "all booked up." Also, do you have to pay for FP+?

We don't really know for sure if it's going to be just for on site guests, or AP's or what the deal is. The tests, so far, have only included on site guests, to the best of my knowledge.

There are a lot of red flags on this whole deal, so it's probably fair to be a bit worried.
I was at the magic kingdom yesterday and they have the Fast Pass + on the Haunted Mansion. What is usually a 10 minute or less wait time for standby was double. The problem is now instead of having the choice to skip the cemetary section of the queue you are forced to go thru it, which really slows the line up because of people fooling with the items or taking pictures. There is no reason for Fast Pass on the Omnimovers as it makes the wait times for those longer.
I recently was provided a Fast Pass Plus for Hollywood Studios several weeks prior to arrival. Went on line, planned my day, and was very excited for the concept. Despite having my daughter as a registered guest, only received one pass. Called and then said no problem once I get into the park to add her. hour later, and multiple phone calls, they finally gave her a card. Then they couldn't link hers to mine, so they cleared mine so we could match. Ooops, no events available. Seems all the Fast Passes were gone for the day. They ended up giving us re-entry passes which no one in the park knew what to do with them. Never got to use either the re-entry passes or the Fast Pass Plus passes.

Fast Pass Plus is a great concept with an extremely poor implementation. In my opinion, the management responsible for executing the program should be fired. The program is too rigid, the staff is too incompetent to execute it, and there is no concern whatsoever for the customers! Fast Pass Plus left a really bad taste, not just for the program but for Disney in general. If offered, just say NO!


Well-Known Member
But if you hang out at Disney forums, you would know that many have been basically saying Imagineering, Management, DVC, etc, etc has ruined everything for in and day out about everything that Disney does stinks.

I sometimes wonder whether you (and other people who make the same claim as you do here) read the same forum as me. I just don't see what you claim is happening. o_O


Well-Known Member
I was at the magic kingdom yesterday and they have the Fast Pass + on the Haunted Mansion. What is usually a 10 minute or less wait time for standby was double. The problem is now instead of having the choice to skip the cemetary section of the queue you are forced to go thru it, which really slows the line up because of people fooling with the items or taking pictures. There is no reason for Fast Pass on the Omnimovers as it makes the wait times for those longer.

I was also there yesterday. When I went through the HM standby they had the door open at the end of the dividing wall with a CM allowing people to go either direction (graveyard or direct). I guess they close the door when it gets busy and more people come through FP, but at least it isn't a set in stone thing.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Thanks for "showing your hand", so to speak... I was going to start responding to all your comments, but this has allowed me to see I would be wasting my time.

To clarify what happened...

1. Someone made the point that now with FP+, the stand by line moves slower at HM because only one side of the que is standby rather than both (as has been the case for years... Ever since they decided HM shouldn't have FP and removed it the FIRST time). Which is a fact.
2. On top of only only one side of the que being used for stand by, it also goes through the graveyard, which slows everyone down further. Which is a fact.
3. The graveyard was developed as part of the NextGen project, which FP+ is a part of. Which is a fact.
4. Someone ELSE points out that TDO developed the que because of FP+ (clearly implying management knew people would be standing in longer lines, and therefore needs buttons to push and water to spray). Which is a fact.
5. You deflect and go with the "I know you are, but what am I" defense, by saying if you're just going to complain, go away.

I shall not play those reindeer games.

1, 2, 3, 4. OK, so now I have to spend some time in line at the Haunted Mansion in exchange of not having to hold a spot for an hour for a parade? How is that bad?

5. No, not go away. Just why hang out and discuss something all the time about something that is so bad and that is hated so much.

Personally, I don't see what the big deal is about having to wait 10-20 minutes to build up anticipation for the Haunted Mansion. We love that their are lines on our favorite attractions. We love having a line in Pirates so we can walk slowly and enjoy the queue. I hate for example when their is no line on say Big Thunder Mountain and I have someone up my butt pushing me for 10 minutes as we eventually get to a line and stop anyway. Our family of 4 goes single file a lot so that people that are tail gating us (or talking loudly) can get by and enjoy going slow.

I guess I can see how those that want to run from attraction to attraction and do everything 5 times in the park may be a bit upset that now they will only be able to do everything 4 times.

Will some things be slower, probably, but in return you don't have to get up at the crack of dawn on your vacation, you don't have to run back and forth across the park getting fastpasses anymore. These good things far outweigh waiting 10 extra minutes checking out the cool new cemetary at the Haunted Mansion for us.


Well-Known Member
You're stereotyping everyone to the Nth degree.

I defy you to find one poster here that you consider negative toward WDW and not find them praising Disneyland and TDA, or praising UNI and SW for what they've been doing these past few years.

The problem isn't with Disney Parks as a whole. The problem is with the property in Florida. And when people like you dismiss the opinions of those that post here with issue with WDW as just "people that can't find Disney doing anything right", it's not only completely misinformed... It also deflates and gives less credence to any other argument you make on here, simply BECAUSE you're that misinformed.

You gain respect here by being objective. And that goes both ways.

How about the post from yesterday complaining that the Belle show is too geared for children?

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