Fantasyland Philosophy

All of you guys make MK sound like the worst park on Earth and you forget that it's the most visited park in the world. I'm 20 and I love MK not for the rides but for the experience. Anybody reading these forums must think that MK is a cheap immitation of disneyland which is not true. they both have their pros and cons but you guys bash MK to the point where its ridiculous.

Fantasyland is going to be a great addition because its going to add to the atmosphere of the park something disney is known for. Not to mention parents are going to love seeing their kids interact with this fictional world. I know my mother has just as much fun when her kids are having fun. There nothing like witnessing a toddler think that a Princess is real its a diffrent kind of fun that works only in Disney.


New Member
All of you guys make MK sound like the worst park on Earth and you forget that it's the most visited park in the world. I'm 20 and I love MK not for the rides but for the experience. Anybody reading these forums must think that MK is a cheap immitation of disneyland which is not true. they both have their pros and cons but you guys bash MK to the point where its ridiculous.

Fantasyland is going to be a great addition because its going to add to the atmosphere of the park something disney is known for. Not to mention parents are going to love seeing their kids interact with this fictional world. I know my mother has just as much fun when her kids are having fun. There nothing like witnessing a toddler think that a Princess is real its a diffrent kind of fun that works only in Disney.

Nobody is claiming this but DL does kill MK in almost every way.


New Member
No one is claiming but the way you guys talk about MK makes it seem like it a horrible park to go to which IS NOT TRUE!!!!!

While Epcot is my favoite MK is right behind and I love it but it needs a lot of work.

FL getting it
AL: Another E-ticket maybe Indy
Frontier: Needs a C or D ticket
TL: SGE and MILF should be replaced

These are just my opinions but that is what I think MK needs to be the best again.


Well-Known Member
Although I do agree that there needed to be some sort of expansion in MK for the real little ones, I am still feel that boys are completely getting shafted here. When I was there this past New Year's there didn't seem to be too much that a boy can get his hopes up about. There are no character meals geared for boys and there weren't any boy friendly characters around the parks. Everything was princesses and fairies. Where are the Captain Hooks, Peter Pans, Pinocchios, Robin Hoods, etc.
And now with the expansion it is more princess stuff. I know that this post is not as organized or well thought out (I'm in a bit of a rush here) but this is something that has just been bothering me for 8 months since I returned. There just isn't enough character interaction for boys and it seems to only be getting worse :(.
While Epcot is my favoite MK is right behind and I love it but it needs a lot of work.

FL getting it
AL: Another E-ticket maybe Indy
Frontier: Needs a C or D ticket
TL: SGE and MILF should be replaced

These are just my opinions but that is what I think MK needs to be the best again.

Ok so Stich isn;t that bad as evryone makes it to be its good for kids and monster is perfect for tommorow land!!!! A portal that takes you to another city??? How creative is that!And it fits with the theme and not to mention the technology is very innovative and the show is fun for everyone I had a great time at Monsters especially since they made fun of my mom:o


New Member
Ok so Stich isn;t that bad as evryone makes it to be its good for kids and monster is perfect for tommorow land!!!! A portal that takes you to another city??? How creative is that!And it fits with the theme and not to mention the technology is very innovative and the show is fun for everyone I had a great time at Monsters especially since they made fun of my mom:o

We have a difference in opinion while MILF isnt that bad SGE is an abomination!


Well-Known Member
I'm in support of this project, and I don't even care for the Princesses.

But those who seem rather negative about it (it's something new, wouldn't you rather have this than leaving that land empty for another 30 years?), look at it like this: it may mean the World Showcase will have fewer meet-and-greets with Princesses and return Akershush to it's Norwegian roots.


Well-Known Member
I'm so glad we finally have someone in Lasseter who understands. I love the Fantasyland plans and think the environment will be so special it will make everyone happy.

As the Dad of a toddler my concern is this:
Right now, we wait in a 45 minute line to see three princesses (and yes, my 4 year old boy loves the princesses, especially the kisses!). When the expansion is done, will we have to wait in three 20 minute lines to see those same princesses? It kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it (except it gives us more breaks to be able to go buy that soda or ice cream)?

As for the dark rides, I wish Disney would get away from the "we have to have the latest and greatest" mindset for just a little while. Creating a couple of new dark rides in the vein of Peter Pan or Pooh would be relatively inexpensive (compared to something like TLM or TSMM) yet the kids would absolutely love it and it would help take away some of the crowds from the others. I would imagine they could also be pretty easily re-themed and refreshed every 10 or 20 years pretty cheaply to give the parks something new without spending a fortune.

It sounds like I'm griping but I'm not. I'm ecstatic for the expansion!


Right now, we wait in a 45 minute line to see three princesses (and yes, my 4 year old boy loves the princesses, especially the kisses!). When the expansion is done, will we have to wait in three 20 minute lines to see those same princesses? It kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it (except it gives us more breaks to be able to go buy that soda or ice cream)?

I'm worried about wait times as well, but I'm more worried about waiting an hour for each of them.

Creating a couple of new dark rides in the vein of Peter Pan or Pooh would be relatively inexpensive

That's what I would like.


Well-Known Member
So the complaint is that the Magic Kingdom doesn't have enough for toddlers now?

I'm sorry for those people that are delusional enough to think that their toddler is going to remember everything from their visit. We brought my nephew there when he was 1 1/2 years old, and aside from stealing an ornament off a Christmas Tree in DinoRama, he spent the majority of the time sleeping. I also maintain that he got more satisfaction out of filling his diaper than he did from seeing Winnie the Pooh.

That being said, there were colors, there were lights, and there were noises that were undoubtedly stimulating to him. The Magic Kingdom is probably the best park in Central Florida for kids of that age group. What we found was that Islands of Adventure was absolutely atrocious for children of that age - but you know what, he gets into both places for free so I suppose you get what you pay for.


As for the dark rides, I wish Disney would get away from the "we have to have the latest and greatest" mindset for just a little while. Creating a couple of new dark rides in the vein of Peter Pan or Pooh would be relatively inexpensive (compared to something like TLM or TSMM) yet the kids would absolutely love it and it would help take away some of the crowds from the others. I would imagine they could also be pretty easily re-themed and refreshed every 10 or 20 years pretty cheaply to give the parks something new without spending a fortune.

I completely agree. However, some fanboys think that it is a disappointment if it's not Disney's best.


New Member
I'm so glad we finally have someone in Lasseter who understands. I love the Fantasyland plans and think the environment will be so special it will make everyone happy.

As the Dad of a toddler my concern is this:
Right now, we wait in a 45 minute line to see three princesses (and yes, my 4 year old boy loves the princesses, especially the kisses!). When the expansion is done, will we have to wait in three 20 minute lines to see those same princesses? It kinda defeats the purpose, doesn't it (except it gives us more breaks to be able to go buy that soda or ice cream)?

As for the dark rides, I wish Disney would get away from the "we have to have the latest and greatest" mindset for just a little while. Creating a couple of new dark rides in the vein of Peter Pan or Pooh would be relatively inexpensive (compared to something like TLM or TSMM) yet the kids would absolutely love it and it would help take away some of the crowds from the others. I would imagine they could also be pretty easily re-themed and refreshed every 10 or 20 years pretty cheaply to give the parks something new without spending a fortune.

It sounds like I'm griping but I'm not. I'm ecstatic for the expansion!

Amen FL could use a couple of C or D tickets in this expansion.

Walter Yensid

Active Member
I may be in the minority here, but when I think of my past WDW trips, its not even the attractions that come to mind the most. I think about how I feel the moment I walk into my resort room for the first time after all that flying and check-in. Or that first walk around the resort, or getting off the bus at Magic Kingdom for the first time of my trip. I love all the attractions, but that isn't what immediately comes to mind when I think about what makes it my "special place". Its just that joy of walking around the beautiful parks with the people that I love in my life, creating memories and just enjoying the surroundings. Im a 30 yr old male and while I don't have any connection to the princess movies of the 90's, Disney always does everything so far above and beyond expectations that even grown men can find something to like. I'll walk around the new FL and enjoy all the water features they add, the architecture of the villages and Beast castle. Those are attractions in themselves to me. An attraction is something that attracts you and doesn't always need to be an actual moving ride system.

Definitely not the minority. I am not saying anything negative about Universal here (I do not want to start that war on this great thread), but let's be honest. Why are people travelling from all parts of the country, all parts of the world to Orlando? There are plenty of amusement parks out there with thrilling as well as kid attractions closer to their homes. Universal has amazing rides and hotels attached to their property. There are many other choices. But, people are travelling the long distance and bypassing these parks spending more money than they had to because of how Disney does it.

I agree with you. I obviously have my favorite rides and enjoy those. But, my favorite part of the entire trip is upon my first entry into MK. Walking under the RR tracks of Magic Kingdom, intentionally keeping my eyes gazed to the left or right as I round the rotary, and then turning the corner to seeing the castle. There is no feeling like it at any park, anywhere (and it is the same feeling each time no matter how many times I go). Same thing when you come to the bridge and first see the Tree of Life at DAK, or walk under SSE or see the Tower of Terror up close. Who else does these things? For ToT, they did not have to spend the money and build a 'hotel' around could have been like every other exposed free-fall ride. But, they did. Who else puts hidden (Mickeys) on their rides or builds stories for not only their rides, but their parks (Typhoon Lagoon) or adds the details no one may ever notice (all the real names in the Main St windows or when HM used to have the wedding ring in the pavement).

But, on top of that, where else can you go where the employees are so sold on the purpose of what the park stands for. These cast members may not always agree with management or the company, they have their own stress in their lives, but they put that all aside and create such amazing experiences for people. When I was younger, I always wondered where they found all these nice people (Remember, I am from MA...haha). And this magic flows through every Disney park, hotel, and service and you feel it everywhere you go on property. This is why we love it. It is the 'feeling' these places and people create. Who else does this?

No one. This is why you are not the minority. This is why people travel from all over the world to come. Because even though there are other rides, other parks, and other attractions, there is no place that does it like Disney. And that is why my family and I went down there so many times when I was young and it is why my wife, daughter and I go down now, and it is why my daughter and her children will one day go down (with me following in a walker...haha) as well. It is not about attractions, it is about this 'feeling' they create for you and your whole family regardless of age or gender. This is why I am so excited about the FL just seems Disney is spending the extra money to keep this tradition going.

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