Fantasmic rehab


New Member
2 weeks ago when I saw Illuminations, the screamer at the beginning wasn't there.

Fantasmic also seemed different somehow, others in my party noticed it too. I don't know what it was, but it just did. I know that only one of the canoes had their torches going. One kept going out on one canoe, the other one didn't light at all.

If some of the canoes don't come out, doesn't that change Fantasmic somewhat? What about not having a barge?

While still part of the show, on any given night someone/something may not be there. That therefore changes the show.

So I guess everyone has the right to their own opinion. Maybe it's right or wrong, but then it wouldn't be an opinion. It would be a fact.


Originally posted by bamboo7
As far as you saying that the scene with 'the which/queen' being shorter than before (were you refferring to the evil queen or maleficent?) that seems rather unlikely as they can't just shorten a scene without throwing off the soundtrack for the whole scene (which is why when something big goes wrong in a scene they can either wait it out, till the next scene starts, or restart the show).

by being shorter they prob ment that in a pysical sence (the lift not going high enough)

the other reason that it might seem different is because it is a LIVE PERFORMANCE and no two live performances are ever the same.


New Member
:( Opps-- Sorry for the confusion about the witch, I meant her height, ( when she stands in front of the cauldron, sp? ) not the length of the scene. It is understandable that sometimes things are different, less cast members, different cast member and of course the wx and mechanical problems. Does anyone know if the floats, canoes etc are on tracks? It is still a "GREAT" show!! No matter what happens, and things do no matter how hard you try. :lol:

I just feel bad for people who may be seeing it for the first time if something like the paddlewheel boat is missing. :( :cry: I guess they would not know unless they get a chance to see it again before they leave. :lookaroun ;)


Active Member
Originally posted by darkennon
Because you do not have the right *TO* an opinion on this subject!

Your opinion is worthless, there is nothing to consider at all. no one cares. You're wrong.

My are you going to get a (deserved) lump of coal in your stocking this Christmas:rolleyes: Opinion, may or may not turn out to be fact.

I believe that everyone DOES have a right to an opinion:cool:

I don't think anyones opinion is worthless:D

People do care:) I care:animwink: And last time I looked I am someone:sohappy: So in FACT someone does care:cool:

As many have said; weather, technical difficulties, illness, refurbishment to major equipment (such as the boat at the end) etc changes the show for That Night:wave:

Hey, even the wait in line changes depending on the time of year:animwink:


New Member
Original Poster
Can someone close or delete this thread please. I'm sorry I asked the question now. It's becoming pretty obvious that opinion that differs from the majoriity is not respected here. My seemingly innocuous question has blown into a full scale slanging match, while no one has actually answered my question. I won't bother asking anymore, there's no point.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Dawnie
Can someone close or delete this thread please. I'm sorry I asked the question now. It's becoming pretty obvious that opinion that differs from the majoriity is not respected here. My seemingly innocuous question has blown into a full scale slanging match, while no one has actually answered my question. I won't bother asking anymore, there's no point.

Actually, before this turned into an irrelevant argument, we did answer your question. We don't know if there will be a rehab, but it is possible. I'm afraid none of us could do any better than that for you, as nothing official has been released from Disney. However, given that this park is already officially getting a rehab to the Imagination pavillion, I would guess they probably won't be rehabing Fantasmic! at this time--esp. if the Tower of Terror gets its rehab, too.


Hi guys! When I was there in May, I noticed that they had added lasers to the show. When were they put in? Of course I might just be crazy and... have never noticed them before. :p



Well, I guess I will try to answer some of your questions to try to get this thread back into the correct gear, and away from mindless name calling...

1) The show is NOT going down for rehab anytime soon. Let's be honest. This show is pretty much the only reason why people stay at the Studios past 5pm. By that time, they've pretty much done everything and now are just waiting for the show to start. If they decided certain things need working on, they'll just remove it from the show and work on it like they did the Steamboat.

2) The moat isn't big enough to handle the Steamboat and a Peter Pan boat.

3) The canoes and barges are NOT on tracks. Manually driven each and every show. The only thing that is tracked is the steamboat, because of it's size.

4) It's pretty much impossible to just "cut a scene" out of that show while it's running. The show is run off time code and you simply just can't cut a section out. It's exactly the same length of time each and every time you see it. Sorry to break it to granted, ELEMENTS of the show can be taken out, like the Dragon, or a lift, or the choreography can be changed due to weather conditions or other conditions on the stage, (mainly, the cobras' choreography....) that might make the show a little different...

5) Lasers have been in the show since it started. Sometimes they are more visible than other times. Always been there though. Sometimes they get cut due to performers and or airplanes being the way....

Well, I hope that answers pretty much everyones questions about the show. Have a day.


Originally posted by Coasterbp

5) Lasers have been in the show since it started. Sometimes they are more visible than other times. Always been there though. Sometimes they get cut due to performers and or airplanes being the way....

Well, I hope that answers pretty much everyones questions about the show. Have a day.

Thanks! Answered mine! :sohappy:


New Member
Just visited and the entertainments on park hours say that fantasmic is going to be on at the end of sept at 8pm thank goodness I've not seen it yet!! Hope the dragon will be working the night i go :wave: 73 days till I'm there :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
Actually, before this turned into an irrelevant argument, we did answer your question. We don't know if there will be a rehab, but it is possible. I'm afraid none of us could do any better than that for you, as nothing official has been released from Disney. However, given that this park is already officially getting a rehab to the Imagination pavillion, I would guess they probably won't be rehabing Fantasmic! at this time--esp. if the Tower of Terror gets its rehab, too.

Huh? Imagination pavilion is in Epcot...


RunDisney Addict
Originally posted by darkennon
Because you do not have the right *TO* an opinion on this subject!

Fantasmic! is the same as it always was. That is factual. Your opinion is worthless, because the show has not changed so there is nothing to consider at all. That's the whole point here. People who KNOW are saying "it's the same." and then someone who's seen the show once before pipes in "It felt different to me".... Hi... no one cares. You're wrong.

Explain to me how lacking a "X minutes until Fantasmic!" announcement really changed the show for you?

Knock it off...plain and simple. We don't stand for jerks on this board, and if you're going to be a bully to other members, you're going to deal with the original bully - ME. So unless you'd like to go toe to toe with a professional with a short fuse, I suggest you lay off.

I suppose it doesn't matter - as I have alerted the moderators and administrators of this board of your flaming manner. You may not think that people are entitled to their opinion.....however, you are dead wrong, as the Terms of Service clearly states that this board is for enjoyment and discussion of anything Disney and flaming or belittling other members is neither appreciated nor approved.

I don't even need to look at your profile to wrap up what kind of person you are. You are the kind of person that gets off on putting others down while making himself seem somehow "cooler" in the process. I'll tell you right now that if that's the case you have more psychological issues than I have time to go into right now. In short, you're a coward who can only fulfill himself at the humilation of others. You're a punk who can't even put his socks on the wrong way without letting out a cuss word or two after doing it.

Seek anger management courses - seek therapy - seek a long walk off a short pier. But take your attitude elsewhere, because now that I have you in my radar you'll be followed like a hawk. Don't like it? Too bad....every time you put down a friend of mine, I will go into great detail making you look like the fool you really are, because every time you do it, you'll reveal a little bit of your scared little man to me.

Get over yourself. We don't think you're cool.....take a hike, before you're forced out.
Originally posted by darkennon
Because you do not have the right *TO* an opinion on this subject!

Fantasmic! is the same as it always was. That is factual. Your opinion is worthless, because the show has not changed so there is nothing to consider at all. That's the whole point here. People who KNOW are saying "it's the same." and then someone who's seen the show once before pipes in "It felt different to me".... Hi... no one cares. You're wrong.

Explain to me how lacking a "X minutes until Fantasmic!" announcement really changed the show for you?

Belittling has begun. To say her opinion is worthless is a bit much. I agree that this isn't a topic that calls for an 'opinion' since it is based on factual information. The facts are: the show hasn't been changed since it opened except for sime minor choreography; people do see the show when actual performers or effects are missing. The show is the same it has always been but problems do occur to make it different every now and then. It is too bad that guests have to see a 'different' show, but these things usually can't be helped. I hope this has cleared up any confusion.


New Member
:( :veryconfu :lookaroun No Cinderella? I guess I was mistaken-- There are three floats one with Beauty and the Beast, one with the Little Mermaid and???? the other?? Hummm I keep hearing Some day my prince will come I keep hearing it in my mind---- Some day---- Oh- Was it Snow White?? Sorry!! Guess the old age is creeping in Ha Ha :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by DogsRule!
Actually, before this turned into an irrelevant argument, we did answer your question. We don't know if there will be a rehab, but it is possible. I'm afraid none of us could do any better than that for you, as nothing official has been released from Disney. However, given that this park is already officially getting a rehab to the Imagination pavillion, I would guess they probably won't be rehabing Fantasmic! at this time--esp. if the Tower of Terror gets its rehab, too.

Yeah I concede to you. If no one knows then that's fair enough.

I was just ticked off by the way the thread went away from the original question into a "I'm right, you're sooooo wrong" battle. I'm seeing that a bit too much here and it's just not fun. For someone to say that another person does not have the right to an opinion on a subject is just so wrong and goes against that whole freedom of speech thing that America professes to hold so dear. I just think life's too short for pathetic bickering.

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