Fantasmic rehab

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Originally posted by darkennon
>>And darkennon, if you only come on this site to ridicule people, you need to get a life

Wouldn't it be cool if a Snow Dogs attraction replaced Great Movie Ride?

We could call it "SNOW DOGS: The RIDE" and put it in the Chinese Theatre!!!1!

I can think of another large empty space that a ride like this could go.:rolleyes:


New Member
is it or isnt it???

well it seems as the refurshiment is going to happen, they have nothing posted for the times of the shows for the entire month of september...which happens to be the time of my trip. the really odd thing is that the same holds true with Illuminations! Has anyone heard anything about that???

my source is the disney world web page.

have a magical day!


Active Member
Re: is it or isnt it???

Originally posted by tommy112973
well it seems as the refurshiment is going to happen, they have nothing posted for the times of the shows for the entire month of september...which happens to be the time of my trip. the really odd thing is that the same holds true with Illuminations! Has anyone heard anything about that???

my source is the disney world web page.

have a magical day!

just because its not scheduled on the web page, that doesn't neccesarilly mean it will be closed. THey just don't always schedule stuff there too far in advance. and im positive that illuminations isn't going anywhere. i talk to illuminations managers almost nightly.
Re: it's shorter now

Originally posted by JerrySchauer
I just saw the show last week ans it's alot shorter show than it used to be. They cut some of the floats out or something. I agree it's alot of video on the water screens. I also think they should turn on the screens after the fireworks to filter out the smoke that heads to the guests as you leave.

The show is the same as far as length as it was when it opened in 1998. There have been minor 'choreography' changes but they are so minor that most people won't even notice them.


New Member
ok i just have a question about something. Is the river that they show FANTASMIC! on at wdw is it to small to hold the pirate ship from disneyland where they have hook and peter pan the lost boys wendy and all them fighting with the crock right behind them?


New Member
Originally posted by dizpins14
and how about less video.....I didn't pay to see all the movies I have on video on a water screen. No matter how cool that screen is.

I love the water screen! Thats something I hope they keep!!! :) :sohappy:


New Member
Originally posted by darkennon
>>I just saw the show last week ans it's alot shorter
>>show than it used to be.

You're so wrong that it's not even funny.

I ONLY read these boards to see the level of idiocy certain posters can reach. Their mistatements actually amuse me because they are so off base.

But the fact that you can see a show, that's been there for five years, and convince yourself that it's been changed when it absolutely has not, is just sad.

Nothing has changed. Nothing is going to change. Fantasmic! is staying as is. It's disgustingly popular with the simple-minded theme park guests. Like it or not.

Wow there, somebody must have missed their nap today! When was the last time you went to Fantasmic? I went last week and it indeed seemed different. So I guess I am an idiot, too.:kiss: I guess I will just have to go back for the 14 th time and take notes!!;)


Active Member
Originally posted by SnowWhite5669
I went last week and it indeed seemed different. So I guess I am an idiot, too.:kiss: I guess I will just have to go back for the 14 th time and take notes!!;)

ok, so you say that you saw it last week and it seemed different. i can promise you that it hasn't changed, but to be fair, i'll give you a chance to explain why it "seemed different". So, what was changed? was there a scene missing, or a new scene or something? and please don't just say "it's different than it was when it first opened because they added lilo and stitch on the boat at the end".


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by TRIPLEG
ok i just have a question about something. Is the river that they show FANTASMIC! on at wdw is it to small to hold the pirate ship from disneyland where they have hook and peter pan the lost boys wendy and all them fighting with the crock right behind them?

I don't know if size is a factor as much as cost...we were lucky to even get the Steamboat Willie boat at the end...they didn't want that in our show, originally, so I wouldn't hold my breath on getting the Peter Pan scene. However, there are so many other good Disney films that the possibilities for any future changes are endless. No body just wants to see a clone of DL's version...


New Member
Originally posted by bamboo7
ok, so you say that you saw it last week and it seemed different. i can promise you that it hasn't changed, but to be fair, i'll give you a chance to explain why it "seemed different". So, what was changed? was there a scene missing, or a new scene or something? and please don't just say "it's different than it was when it first opened because they added lilo and stitch on the boat at the end".

Why is everyone testy on this thread. If a guest says that they feel the performance was different why does someone feel the need to challenge their opinion! What I mean is that the magic was missing. The fireworks seemed less intense and there was no announcement about the amount of time until Fantasmic started. There was no build up of anticipation that made the performance even that much more spectacular. There was definately something missing. I understand that you are a cast member but don't use your position to belittle the opinion of others. Have a magical day...;)
Originally posted by SnowWhite5669
Why is everyone testy on this thread. If a guest says that they feel the performance was different why does someone feel the need to challenge their opinion! What I mean is that the magic was missing. The fireworks seemed less intense and there was no announcement about the amount of time until Fantasmic started. There was no build up of anticipation that made the performance even that much more spectacular. There was definately something missing. I understand that you are a cast member but don't use your position to belittle the opinion of others. Have a magical day...;)

I don't think anyone was challenging anyone's opinion. Merely saying 'something was missing' wasn't clear enough about what exactly was missing. I don't think bamboo7 was trying to belittle anyone either. I think He/She was just trying to find out exactly what portion of the show was missing to help explain why (for example: technical difficulties, weather, re-hab, etc.). :)

DisneyFan 2000

Well-Known Member
Hey I'm new here!!! I think all these rumours are not 100% for real!!!! Think about it.... MGM only has about 15 or 16 attractions and you are already talking about 4 attractions being closed???(RnR, ToT, Fantasmic & Animation tour) I think Fantasmic and the Tower will go under rehab.... the other 2 will go some other time........:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


New Member
:lookaroun Hummmmmm I was there the first week in June, I saw the show three times and each was a little different. I am sure the wx may have had something to do with it. (rain)

The Float with Cinderella on it was missing, as were two of the canoes, and the fireworks at the end were much shorter one night. Let me see another night the big boat was not used at the end with all of the characters on it-- I also noticed on that night that the witch/queen was really short compared to some of the other shows I have seen. A lot of times there are small things-- but the paddlewheel boat was surely a big one that night. :cry:

I believe their were some other changes since I saw it last year. Mickey was moved farther to the front so you could see him, ( when he pulls out the sword, and at the beginning) the snake was painted differently and a little larger, you could also see Mickey more in that scene. More fireworks at the end, although this seems to be different each time. Sooooooo I would say that there are changes-- some good, some bad, some due to wx etc.

The thing that makes me :mad: :fork: :goodnevil :cry: :mad: is the people who HAVE to leave before the end!!!! Especially when they walk in front of my video when Mickey is on his way to the top of the mountain!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr HOW CAN THEY!!!!! ( MISS the END!!)

Sorry this got a little long, but as I was reading, I was thinking about the shows. As a matter of fact I spoke to a cast member about some of the changes when I was there and he said they always try to update/improve the show--- adding little changes here and there! ( more bubbles tooo ) Uh Huh, Uh Huh-- :lookaroun :D :wave:


New Member
Hi I am also a new member, though I have been reading all posts for weeks. We are due or our trip 22nd sept:sohappy: till 6th oct :( I last visited sept 2000 and didn't get to see fantasmic :mad: so hope it will be open at some stage either at beginning or end of my trip.
I'm taking my three children for their first visit to disney so hope not too much is in rehab, especially ToT my favourite:D


New Member
Originally posted by darkennon
>>I just saw the show last week ans it's alot shorter
>>show than it used to be.

You're so wrong that it's not even funny.

I ONLY read these boards to see the level of idiocy certain posters can reach. Their mistatements actually amuse me because they are so off base.

But the fact that you can see a show, that's been there for five years, and convince yourself that it's been changed when it absolutely has not, is just sad.

Nothing has changed. Nothing is going to change. Fantasmic! is staying as is. It's disgustingly popular with the simple-minded theme park guests. Like it or not.

Maybe I am crazy but this sounds pretty belittling!! But that's just me I guess I am one of the idiots that Darkennon refers to!! Have a magical day!!! Love and kisses Snow White


Originally posted by SnowWhite5669
Why is everyone testy on this thread. If a guest says that they feel the performance was different why does someone feel the need to challenge their opinion! What I mean is that the magic was missing. The fireworks seemed less intense and there was no announcement about the amount of time until Fantasmic started. There was no build up of anticipation that made the performance even that much more spectacular. There was definately something missing. I understand that you are a cast member but don't use your position to belittle the opinion of others. Have a magical day...;)

Because you do not have the right *TO* an opinion on this subject!

Fantasmic! is the same as it always was. That is factual. Your opinion is worthless, because the show has not changed so there is nothing to consider at all. That's the whole point here. People who KNOW are saying "it's the same." and then someone who's seen the show once before pipes in "It felt different to me".... Hi... no one cares. You're wrong.

Explain to me how lacking a "X minutes until Fantasmic!" announcement really changed the show for you?


Active Member
Originally posted by pepsistar

The Float with Cinderella on it was missing, as were two of the canoes, and the fireworks at the end were much shorter one night. Let me see another night the big boat was not used at the end with all of the characters on it-- I also noticed on that night that the witch/queen was really short compared to some of the other shows I have seen. A lot of times there are small things-- but the paddlewheel boat was surely a big one that night. :cry:

As far as the float with Cinderella missing, and some of the canoes being missing, these aren't planned show changes, but rather last minute changes that are neccessary due to understaffing, or some indians or princesses not making it to the performance on time (that pumpkin coach breaks down rather often these days). As far as you saying that the scene with 'the which/queen' being shorter than before (were you refferring to the evil queen or maleficent?) that seems rather unlikely as they can't just shorten a scene without throwing off the soundtrack for the whole scene (which is why when something big goes wrong in a scene they can either wait it out, till the next scene starts, or restart the show). The paddlewheel boat was recently out of service for a while, due to a rehab.

With fantasmic, almost every performance has something go wrong with it. Usually something small like a canoe not being there, or Jon Smith not swinging across the mountain, and sometimes as big as no dragon at the end. These things happen all the time requiring small last minute changes to be made, but no huge changes have happened. no scenes added or taken out or shortened or anything like that.


New Member
Originally posted by darkennon
Because you do not have the right *TO* an opinion on this subject!

Fantasmic! is the same as it always was. That is factual. Your opinion is worthless, because the show has not changed so there is nothing to consider at all. That's the whole point here. People who KNOW are saying "it's the same." and then someone who's seen the show once before pipes in "It felt different to me".... Hi... no one cares. You're wrong.

Explain to me how lacking a "X minutes until Fantasmic!" announcement really changed the show for you?

Don't you dare tell me what I have a right "To"!! I have seen the show at least 30 times and obviously people care or there would not be a thread!! You don't know me or anyone else here. So please as someone else wrote go back to reading and leave us to our discussion!! And yes, I feel that when you keep having the annoucements it builds the excitement. I have a right to my opinion as does everyone else on this board. Have a great day because obviously you weren't having a good one yesterday.:kiss:


Originally posted by darkennon
Because you do not have the right *TO* an opinion on this subject!

Fantasmic! is the same as it always was. That is factual. Your opinion is worthless, because the show has not changed so there is nothing to consider at all. That's the whole point here. People who KNOW are saying "it's the same." and then someone who's seen the show once before pipes in "It felt different to me".... Hi... no one cares. You're wrong.

Explain to me how lacking a "X minutes until Fantasmic!" announcement really changed the show for you?

Listen, you may be right, you may be wrong, but either way you really need to change your attitude or you'll be gone from the board by tomorrow. This is a discussion board, you can't have a discussion without listening to other people's thoughts and opinions.

(P. S. I know the show felt different to me when I saw it last April)

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