Fantasmic rehab


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Original Poster
Rumors are circulating about a Fantasmic rehab beginning around September this year.

Is it going to happen? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen or heard anything about it but I wouldn't be surprised if it wek down for a week just for some general rehab.


yeah, i heard this on screamscape, but we all know how relyable that is. I guess originaly they were going to change or add a scene, but due to budget cuts they're just going to do general stuff like paint things.


Well-Known Member
Well, I suppose since it's been running pretty much every night for five years now, it could use a pretty extended rehab during the fall off season, and who knows--maybe Disney would bring back Sorcery in the Sky for that period of time.


Well-Known Member
Down with Pocahontas!

i too agree about the scenes... the water screens are very neat in effect, but they are used too much... lets have more onstage action... what a great show, and what great possibilities it has!

instead of the long Pocahontas scene, couldn'e we get...

A Bug's Life Circus Show interupted by Hopper

Peter Pan and Hook dueling it out with Tink flying above the mountain (pan, wendy and the lost boys occupy the mountain, and hook, smee and pirates come sailing in on hooks boat...)

The Little Mermaid fighting Ursula (maybe a floating barge of Ursula...

The AMAZING duel between Gaston and Beast with Gaston falling off the back of the mountain, and all the enchanted objects helping in the fight against the villagers? (same sense as the lion king's blacklight segment)

Icahbod and the headless horsman

Scar and Simbaa on Pride Rock... (not for sure how they would pull that off though...)

ROBIN HOOD and Little John battling the hippos and elephants and PJ ______________ his thumb and being scared, and the sherriff of nottingham... wow... this is my fav. so far... I can see Robin Hood swinging towards Maid Marion like john smith in poc.

The Jungle Book does a rendetion of I WANNA BE LIKE YOU with good old king louie, baloo, mowglie, and some monkey dancers...

Aladdin vs. Jafaar

Hercules vs. take your pic of evilness


The Big Bad Wolf after the 3 pigs... -- stretching for that one.. .lol

Gonzo shooting out of a cannon, and fozzie doing bad jokes... stretching REALLY far for that one...

Festival of Fools fromt he hunchback with Esmerelda's enchanting magical disappearing of herself...

my MAIN POINT IS>.... how many of these HONESTLY interested you more than Pocahontas? it was charming the first time...but that was it... and the only good part is the explosion at the VERY beginning of the segment to wake you up from the long drawn out water screen part...

sidenote... i also think that instead of using the waterscreen for chernabog, they should use a big inflatable chernabog that comes over the top of the mountain, and they could project ghosts on the mountain itslef... with the dancing blacklight skeleton's from silly symphonies on the stage dancing...

one more thing... don't even think about touching the water screen projection of the bubbles, and the medley of disney cartoons, but I ENCOURAGE the adding of two more minutes onto that.. lol...

sorry that was so long,.... got really


Well-Known Member
Disney is not about to add more stage time to this already-expensive show if it still plans to run it every night of the year. While Disneyland's version may have more stage time, it also does not run most of the year. At present, it is scheduled to be closed from September 2, 2003 through June of 2004. We do not want to see our version go seasonal like that. I will take what I can get...


Active Member
I think Fantasmic is great the way it is. It is my wifes and I favorite show in Disney....although the wait for it to start stinks!



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWfreak89
Do you think that they might add a preshow during the rehab?

They used to have a preshow...I wish they would bring those two actors back (I believe it was a Tower of Terror bell hop and a Great Movie Ride guide)...they were hilarious when they started to sing "Who Let the Dogs Out":)
it's shorter now

I just saw the show last week ans it's alot shorter show than it used to be. They cut some of the floats out or something. I agree it's alot of video on the water screens. I also think they should turn on the screens after the fireworks to filter out the smoke that heads to the guests as you leave.


>>I just saw the show last week ans it's alot shorter
>>show than it used to be.

You're so wrong that it's not even funny.

I ONLY read these boards to see the level of idiocy certain posters can reach. Their mistatements actually amuse me because they are so off base.

But the fact that you can see a show, that's been there for five years, and convince yourself that it's been changed when it absolutely has not, is just sad.

Nothing has changed. Nothing is going to change. Fantasmic! is staying as is. It's disgustingly popular with the simple-minded theme park guests. Like it or not.
I have an older version on tape, and I compare it and it does have missing elements, there was no preshow actors up front to fill the wait time. and I'm pretty sure if the wind is too high or in the wrong direction, certin elements can be over ridden for the safety of the guests.

Remember this is just my opinion, I visit the park only two to three times a year, I don't get to see it everyday. I am also going by what alot of my friends have mentioned, They have seen my taped show from 1998.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by darkennon
>>I just saw the show last week ans it's alot shorter
>>show than it used to be.

You're so wrong that it's not even funny.

I ONLY read these boards to see the level of idiocy certain posters can reach. Their mistatements actually amuse me because they are so off base.

But the fact that you can see a show, that's been there for five years, and convince yourself that it's been changed when it absolutely has not, is just sad.

Nothing has changed. Nothing is going to change. Fantasmic! is staying as is. It's disgustingly popular with the simple-minded theme park guests. Like it or not.

Maybe you should go back to just "reading"

If somebody is mistaken about something there are better ways to go about telling them and "helping" them. You don't need to go about calling people idiotic. Simple-minded theme park guests...that's real nice.

Call me an idiot all you want but I don't think Jerry was that far off about cutting show elements out in certain weather...They do for Indiana Jones...why not Fantasmic?


Active Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Maybe you should go back to just "reading"

If somebody is mistaken about something there are better ways to go about telling them and "helping" them. You don't need to go about calling people idiotic. Simple-minded theme park guests...that's real nice.

Call me an idiot all you want but I don't think Jerry was that far off about cutting show elements out in certain weather...They do for Indiana Jones...why not Fantasmic?

Hear hear. Well said. I guess that's two things we now agree on.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53
Call me an idiot all you want but I don't think Jerry was that far off about cutting show elements out in certain weather...They do for Indiana Jones...why not Fantasmic?

Oh, they cut show elements all the time in Fantasmic! It can either be due to inclement weather or technical difficulties, but they will often leave out some of the pyrotechnical effects, and sometimes even remove the dragon effect completely. However, no permanent changes have been made to this show as of yet. And darkennon, if you only come on this site to ridicule people, you need to get a life:rolleyes:


>>And darkennon, if you only come on this site to ridicule people, you need to get a life

Wouldn't it be cool if a Snow Dogs attraction replaced Great Movie Ride?

We could call it "SNOW DOGS: The RIDE" and put it in the Chinese Theatre!!!1!


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by DogsRule!
Oh, they cut show elements all the time in Fantasmic! It can either be due to inclement weather or technical difficulties, but they will often leave out some of the pyrotechnical effects, and sometimes even remove the dragon effect completely. However, no permanent changes have been made to this show as of yet. And darkennon, if you only come on this site to ridicule people, you need to get a life:rolleyes:

Ok, I thought I had seen the show with the dragon missing...I thought I was going crazy :) (Which isn't far for me)

Yeah, I saw Indy in June and the entire scene with the plane was cut out.

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