Before you go and say something ignorant like this again, you should know many people, mainly minorities are targeted, have experienced racism and have been pre-judged before. Treatment like this is unfair and if people want to speak up about it, let them. I'm black and I remember one day going to the mall with my two friends, one was black, the other white. My white friend stole something from every single store we went to. Shirts, pants, jewelry, you name it. In the last shop we went to, she had stolen a cell phone accessory. As we were walking out, with bags mind you, an employee stopped me and my black friend and asked us to open our bags and show her our receipts, while she let our other friend, the one who was actually stealing, walk out the door. I was in middle school, and I was scared to say something. Now, I wish I would have said something and I still regret it to this day. Crap like this happens everyday.