"this looks like another case of a minority group overreacting to something innocent"
Really? You're agreeing with this. I guess its just a whole minority group overreacting, huh? I as a minority am very offended with this comment alone. I don't know if what the Black's are saying is true or not. Its not my call, but I am curious as to what makes you two think you can call out an entire ethnic group. You in fact made it racial when the op asked you not too. As hard as I work to teach my children to see pass color, there will always be people who just can't do the same. Those people are what I call racist, whether they be black, white, brown, or red.
I really didn't mean to offend you. I live in an area where there are people of many races and ethnicities. I myself am part Native American (minority, by the way, though I appear entirely white). I have friends who are black, Indian, Sri Lankan, Asian...only 50% of my high school is white. In fact, my father will sometimes make racist comments (he is under the belief that interracial marriage is BAD), and I call him on it.
But what I do have is perspective. I've been in classes that have been dominated by Asians. And ya know, being in the racial minority, I found out, sucks. The exclusion, the hurtful glances, the looking down on you because you happen to not be the same race...yeah. It really sucks. I quit orchestra because of it and a wrist injury. BUT! What the commenter met was that people in minority groups can be oversensitive to racism. It seems to me like they are taking advantage of the situation to try to win some money. I also agree with a previous comment about how the body language was different. He was folding his arms. A kid who wants to be hugged will hug a character. Besides, if the kids behind this kid had run up and hugged the rabbit, then of course the rabbit would hug back.
When I was 4, I hugged the queen of hearts. She did not hug back. Does that make her racist against whites? Probably not. Same deal here. The white rabbit is always "Late, late, for a very important date."
Plus, what if the actor himself was African American? The article didn't say, so...
I'm sorry if you misunderstood the comment, but what was intended was that CERTAIN members of minority groups will cry racism to get some money. It had less to do with race in the end and more to do with seeing what they can get from Disney.