Face it, Mission Space's Days are Numbered.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Connor002 said:
Its days are no more numbered than any other attraction.
End of story.
Give it up.
It's not going anywhere anytime soon.
There's not much to discuss.

I agree.

Long live waffles


New Member
Face it. If Mission Space is replaced it would be by sone sub par attraction. MS space is the most thirilling attaction ever by disney and every death and injury will be blown out of proportion....becuase Disney is the leader in Theme Parks.

Deaths are common place, well sort off, in Theme Parks and everyone who has been effected did not heed gthe warnings of the parks. Disney and other copmanies have said these attractions WILL cause problems with people with problems.


According to the scientific evidence I have, M:S's days are indeed numbered.

Estimates indicate that the attraction will have 9,125 days until it is removed, give or take a couple days.


Le Meh
Premium Member
hardcard said:
1. I created a new thread because this thread is not about a particular accident, just the ride and accidents with it in general.

2. I know MS hasn't been the direct cause of any of the deaths, but if you think that matters in the publics eye, you are sorely mistaken. IS that enough for Dsney to close the ride permanently? I don't know.. But I promise you, permanent closure of the ride will be discussed at some point.. Just because it has been the direct cause, doesn't mean it won't be blamed in the public eye

I would imagine there have been more people take ill on rides such as IASW, but no one makes a big deal out of it. MS is a cutting edge ride. People need to read the warning signes and take them seriously.


New Member
csaribay said:
According to the scientific evidence I have, M:S's days are indeed numbered.

Estimates indicate that the attraction will have 9,125 days until it is removed, give or take a couple days.



New Member
mousermerf said:

People see what fits their motives... 1hr line during peak season while Test Track and Soarin' have several hour lines. During normal season, it's M:S with 20mins and TT and Soarin at an hour and a half.

People See what fits their motives... Yes Mission: Space usually has a much shorter wait time than Test Track and Soarin'... But you left out why that is.

-Misson: Space has a THRC(Theoretical Hourly Ride Capacity) of 2100 with two preshows.

-Soarin' has a THRC of 1500 with one preshow.

-Test Track has a THRC of 1200 with one preshow.



Well-Known Member
Lee said:
Nah...it isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
From what I hear, ridership isn't down due to either of the incidents. It would take a massive drop in riders for them to consider writing off an investment of that size (hundreds of millions).
More likely, they will alter the warning signs to include high blood pressure and other ailments, and also perhaps have the CMs do a verbal warning before allowing guests into the ride chamber.
Darn, I was hoping they would demolish it and put something there actually worthwhile...:(


New Member
Yeah I agree, you would think that for $100million they would be able to create something a bit more encompassing/interesting about space travel than just the ride thats there, and a glorified arcade at the end.

Someone else had a great idea, a dark ride about space travel past and future, along with the simulation at the end for those who choose to teter on barfing up their lunch...

Epcot is less and less about learning and inspiring ... its a shame.


Premium Member
imagineersrock said:
People See what fits their motives... Yes Mission: Space usually has a much shorter wait time than Test Track and Soarin'... But you left out why that is.

-Misson: Space has a THRC(Theoretical Hourly Ride Capacity) of 2100 with two preshows.

-Soarin' has a THRC of 1500 with one preshow.

-Test Track has a THRC of 1200 with one preshow.


I can't say what the correct numbers are for those attractions, but those aren't them.

Edit to add: Space has the easiest one to figure out. It has its dispatch interval on display in plain view.


Account Suspended
imagineersrock said:
People See what fits their motives... Yes Mission: Space usually has a much shorter wait time than Test Track and Soarin'... But you left out why that is.

-Misson: Space has a THRC(Theoretical Hourly Ride Capacity) of 2100 with two preshows.

-Soarin' has a THRC of 1500 with one preshow.

-Test Track has a THRC of 1200 with one preshow.


Where on earth did you get those numbers?

M:S is about 1900, TT is like 1800+ with all 29 possible vehicles running, and Soarin is roughly 1800 too.


Premium Member
OK, simple Space math time. Space has a dispatch interval of 5:40. This can be seen above each Ready Room door. We'll assume that the four rooms are not opening simultaneously, but evenly spaced apart. 5:40 / 4 means a load of guests will be moved through every 1.417 minutes. Every 60 minutes, there will be 60 / 1.417 loads (42.34). Round that down to 42, and with 40 guests per load, thats 42 * 40 guests per hour. Theoretical hourly ride capacity for M:S = 1680.

Keep in mind that's THEORETICAL. That's every seat filled, in every bay, with each bay launched on time, every time, for an entire hour.


Account Suspended
Eww, M:S's dispatch was worse than I thought. I presumed it ran the same as Body Wars because the show lengths are roughly the same.


New Member
mousermerf said:
Where on earth did you get those numbers?

M:S is about 1900, TT is like 1800+ with all 29 possible vehicles running, and Soarin is roughly 1800 too.
Sorry if the numbers are off, all of them came off a quick internet search. Just goes to show you you can't trust everything you find on the internet.

You could very well be right, though 1800+ still seems high for TT. If your numbers are more accurate, then where do all those remarks we hear about TT's ridiculously low capacity and M:S's incredibly high capacity come from if there is only a difference of just 100?

Again, my bad on the wrong numbers.

EDIT: Thanks for the math lesson, MrNonacho :)


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Test Track, as I listed, is based on the show being 5:34 seconds, with 30 seconds for load/unload. It can run up to 29 vehicles, so that means every 5:34 seconds, 29 vehicles will have loaded.

29 x 6 passengers = 174 guests per every 5m34s. How many times does it cycle per hour? Roughly 10.8 times, so that gives us 1879 guests per hour.

Soarin is 87 passengers per flight. There are 2 flights. Technically, it's 4m41s, but then load/unload is an unknown, so I rounded it to 5m30s, though I know around opening it was 6-7m but went down as the CM's got more used to it. So that comes to 1896.


Account Suspended
Note to add...

Test Track running with only 24 vehicles drops it down to only 1500 (reliability upgrades made more vehicles possible though) and Soarin' only dispatchin every 7mins puts it at 1419.

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