Face it, Mission Space's Days are Numbered.


Active Member
If M:S is closed, lines for test track and soarin will go long to the hell. If that's what a lot of people would like to see, fine.


A dark ride? Heh. Face it. The days of the slow cart ride through a hall of singing animatronics is long over. It was cool in the 70's, it just doesn't cut it today. People like a little excitement in their lives.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
imagineersrock said:
Very interesting... all this talk really makes me want to see what the "official" numbers are for these attractions, according to Disney.

Yeah, but "official" and "actual" are still two seperate things. :wave:

The Mak

CitizenRob said:
A dark ride? Heh. Face it. The days of the slow cart ride through a hall of singing animatronics is long over. It was cool in the 70's, it just doesn't cut it today. People like a little excitement in their lives.

Totally untrue. Monsters Inc at DCA and the upcoming Nemo and Friends ride at the Seas beg to differ. Don't forget Siemens sponsoring SSE, too.


New Member
CitizenRob said:
A dark ride? Heh. Face it. The days of the slow cart ride through a hall of singing animatronics is long over. It was cool in the 70's, it just doesn't cut it today. People like a little excitement in their lives.

So is what you are saying is that today's youth has no interest in learning anymore? Youd rather spin around in circles?


Well-Known Member
I'm very sorry for the family of this latest death. What may become an issue outside of perception is insurance. The insurance cost on the ride is certainly higher with all of the complaints.


So is what you are saying is that today's youth has no interest in learning anymore? Youd rather spin around in circles?

They can learn, and still have fun. Remember...Epcot used to be the 'boring' WDW park. Not anymore.


Well-Known Member
No matter what anyone thinks about this subject all companies , Disney included have a corporate responsibility to the community to look into these types of incidents(I am not saying that they actually do it though). I still don't think it is fair to always blame the media on the bad press. If nobody died on the ride I would never heard about it just like you never hear anything about Cedar Point. Some people make it sound like some media outlets are making it their job to destroy Disney but I have not seen anything so egregious that I would agree.

Just my opinion!


New Member
mousermerf said:
Test Track, as I listed, is based on the show being 5:34 seconds, with 30 seconds for load/unload. It can run up to 29 vehicles, so that means every 5:34 seconds, 29 vehicles will have loaded.

That's true, but according to a CM friend of mine, they usually only run 25 o 26 for safety reasons. Just thought I would throw that in there.


blackride said:
No matter what anyone thinks about this subject all companies , Disney included have a corporate responsibility to the community to look into these types of incidents(I am not saying that they actually do it though). I still don't think it is fair to always blame the media on the bad press. If nobody died on the ride I would never heard about it just like you never hear anything about Cedar Point. Some people make it sound like some media outlets are making it their job to destroy Disney but I have not seen anything so egregious that I would agree.
Just my opinion!

When the media runs a stories about people (with High Blood Pressure) that got sick on MS and allow the statement "I didn't see high blood pressure listed on the warnings" to go without investigation as to whether or not high blood pressure is/was on the warnings it is either extreme laziness, incompetence or deliberate lack of investigation to slant a story. Either way bad reporting.

When the media hypes a death, but then ignores or buries the autopsy results, that is a slant. They got their big bump by sensationalizing the story. Saying whoops, "severe, long standing high blood pressure," and that she ignored the warning signs will not get them more ratings. Not quite as catchy as saying Disney ride kills tourist.

When they hammer home that this is the 2cnd person that has died and conveniently leave out that this is out of 12 million riders, that is a slant or again bad reporting.

Disney does have and has exhibited corporate responsibility. Not too long ago there were posts about how much money Disney had donated to community groups, they consistently host children that would otherwise not have a chance to go to Disney, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, and WDW voluntarily reports statistics on ride incidents to the state of FL.

Balanced info is what should be reported, but it rarely is. This is not true with only toward Disney, but with most media outlets as a pattern.


New Member
Original Poster
uklad79 said:
It doesn't sound like the safety of the ride did lead you to the conclusion, more like stupid dump American news reporting! High on misinformation, sensationalism and very low on facts and any form of journalism. Look at the crass stupid title of the news piece, only a dumb ______ would write it.

I'm not sayin g i want it closed.. I'm saying what public opinion is going to force them to do. Just because it's misinformation and bad journalism doesn't mean the public doesn't generally believe in it.

How do you know it's struggling? A ride that always has lines, 1 hour the day after the death! The ride has high capacity I would like to see figures for all rides before making such a ill informed comment.

Give me a break.. 1 hour waits on easter week? Wow. Let me know when they stop dumping 'surprise fast passes' for it, like they are easter candy.
Simple fact is, that it's not drawing like it did after opening.

Well thank god you don't run anything to do with the Disney Company or you would be fired for suggesting such a dumb idea. Do you think they opened the ride without testing? Do you think that if the 2 deaths had anything to do with the ride they would not have closed and redesigned it? Why would they shutter a ride that is fine and has no defects?

My conclusion was drawn on the fact that the only 'focal' point of the ride is indeed the intensity.. Changing that is as bad as closing the ride.. You'll lose the loyal ridership you have.

I am amazed at how some people are sucked in by the media's hype. Stop watching Fox news and other such rubbish! America has enough gang crime, murders, involvement in wars, and corporate crime to fill the news so why they bother to report that someone died in a theme park of a natural cause is unbelievable. Time to get back to real news and away from tabloid on TV I think! :hammer:

Perhaps I am the only one dealing with reality here, my friend.. 2 people have died shortly after leaving the ride... The RIDE is the common factor.. The common cause, the end all be all. Whether the person smacked there head on a console and it killed them due too severe head trauma, or they simple died because of a health problem.. THE RIDE STILL EXASERBATED THE PROBLEM AND CAUSED THEM TO DIE.

...Riddle me this.... IF I hit you with my car and you die, and you COULD have gotten out of the way, but unfortunately you were wheelchair bound and couldn't manuver fast enough... Did your wheelchair kill you?

No, I did with my car...

There.. arguement complete.... Notice, I didn't need to resort to personal insults and attacks to express myself.. Have a magical day!

Face it MS is here to stay if you want to ride it or not![/QUOTE]


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Original Poster
JET12monorail said:
Face it--New Orleans, Louisiana's days are numbered.

Wow.. how polite.. Would it suit you to know that I'm not living in a FEMA trailer down here?... WOW.. I actually picked MYSELF up and fixed things in my home without Habitat for humantity?

Sometimes the maturity level in WDWMagic surprises me.

Tell me this, would you joke that much about sept 11? Once all the 'missing persons' are done being 'declared dead without body' the count will surpass that of Sept 11th... let me know when it stops being less tragic then that..

Moreover, you live in Denver do you? Gee, shouldn't you leave? Lots of snowfall there that causes deaths and accidents constantly during the harsh winter..


hardcard said:
Give me a break.. 1 hour waits on easter week? Wow. Let me know when they stop dumping 'surprise fast passes' for it, like they are easter candy.Simple fact is, that it's not drawing like it did after opening.

Really now? How many times do you go to the park? I live about 10 miles from the Disney area. So I frequent the park, and I have yet to see short lines at MS. It's always packed. And a couple of sickly people who foolishy choose to ride it, won't change anything. It's going to continue to be a popular ride..Heck, all the news media about it will only make it even more popular..People will want to see out the 'Ride Of Death'


New Member
Original Poster
CitizenRob said:
Really now? How many times do you go to the park? I live about 10 miles from the Disney area. So I frequent the park, and I have yet to see short lines at MS. It's always packed. And a couple of sickly people who foolishy choose to ride it, won't change anything. It's going to continue to be a popular ride..Heck, all the news media about it will only make it even more popular..People will want to see out the 'Ride Of Death'

I have been the world 6 times in the past 24 months.. no, I don't live in orlando...

For the record.. I rode MS a week after it opened and wait 10 minutes.


hardcard said:
I'm not sayin g i want it closed.. I'm saying what public opinion is going to force them to do. Just because it's misinformation and bad journalism doesn't mean the public doesn't generally believe in it.

Well, the general public may believe i, but they also have notoriously short attention spans. Since most people that visit WDW do so once every 7 years I doubt that the public outcry will be minimal.

hardcard said:
Give me a break.. 1 hour waits on easter week? Wow. Let me know when they stop dumping 'surprise fast passes' for it, like they are easter candy.
Simple fact is, that it's not drawing like it did after opening.

So, the public public opinion against MS is only valid in non-busy times? Ridership may be down, but it is likely because of the amped up warning signs (which can also account for less people being sick afterwards); which is a good thing if the warning signs are functioning to keep people off MS that should not be riding.

hardcard said:
My conclusion was drawn on the fact that the only 'focal' point of the ride is indeed the intensity.. Changing that is as bad as closing the ride.. You'll lose the loyal ridership you have.

I doubt Disney will be changing anything since both deaths have been linked to pre-existing medical conditions. Also, from a legal point of view I would think changing intensity would be used in a suit to prove responsibility.

hardcard said:
Perhaps I am the only one dealing with reality here, my friend.. 2 people have died shortly after leaving the ride... The RIDE is the common factor.. The common cause, the end all be all. Whether the person smacked there head on a console and it killed them due too severe head trauma, or they simple died because of a health problem.. THE RIDE STILL EXASERBATED THE PROBLEM AND CAUSED THEM TO DIE.

Sorry, the common cause is that both deaths were the result of pre-existing medical conditions. One a rare, undiagnosed heart disease and the other has "severe, long standing high blood pressure." It could actually be just a statistical coincidence that these people died after MS. 2 people out of 12 million does not prove it is the ride.

hardcard said:
...Riddle me this.... IF I hit you with my car and you die, and you COULD have gotten out of the way, but unfortunately you were wheelchair bound and couldn't manuver fast enough... Did your wheelchair kill you?
No, I did with my car...
There.. arguement complete.... Notice, I didn't need to resort to personal insults and attacks to express myself.. Have a magical day!

No, the arguement is not complete. It is incomplete.
Or it was an accident. They do happen. Of course if the person in the wheelchair wheeled themselves into the middle of the street without paying heed to the warning (traffic flow, red light vs green light, no cross walk) and you did not have time to stop, then I would say the decision making of the person killed them and had they made decisions like that every where they were it could have been a train, a truck or something else that killed them. The underlying cause was knowing they had limited mobility (or severe high blood pressure) and deciding to ignore the traffic laws (or the warnings leading up to riding MS). Under your logic all cars should then be pulled from the road.

hardcard said:
Face it MS is here to stay if you want to ride it or not!

and I'll choose to ride unless I meet the criteria on the warning signs. Then I have to adjust MY behavior and accept responsibility for what I do.


hardcard said:
I have been the world 6 times in the past 24 months.. no, I don't live in orlando...

For the record.. I rode MS a week after it opened and wait 10 minutes.

You went on it once and it had a short line, so you're basing the ride's entire popularity on that one trip?

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