Face it, Mission Space's Days are Numbered.


no2apprentice said:
Lee, do you think they will consider slowing it, say, down to 1.7g or 1.8g? I would think this would be the real decision for Disney, not just to shut it down.

Not likely.
The g's it pulls now are what is needed to get the proper effect for the ride. Lowering it would not solve the issue, yet would greatly reduce the quality of the ride.
In fact, spinning slower would heighten the sense of spinning which would really increase the number of "protein spills" in the capsules.


Well-Known Member
no2apprentice said:
Lee, do you think they will consider slowing it, say, down to 1.7g or 1.8g? I would think this would be the real decision for Disney, not just to shut it down.
The people (those with medical conditions) who have problems with M:S at 2 g's are still going to have problems at 1.8 or 1.7 g's.


New Member
I haven't read any of the other post on this thread, so sorry if i am repeating what others have said. Withe that being said, What happened this past week was a herific tragedy, and my prars are withe the woman's family. However, I highly doudt that Mission:Space will close any time soon for a few reasons.

1. It has not been determind if the ride itseld birectly caused the womens death. The young boys death was not caused by the ride, but by an enlarged heart.

2. Disney spent 100 million dollars to put this ride together, and i would be a hugh financial blow to just do away with it. So that won't happen.

3. Disney warns people over and over again not to rideif they have any health problems. It's likely the women didn't know she had high blood preasure, and that is nobody's falt. This tragedy was an accident and nobody can be blamed for it. Disney can't test any guest befor they get on the ride, so it is up the individuals to use good judgment and common sense.

In closing, I personally liked M:S, and have to say it is one of Disney's best attractions from a technology view point, and I would hate to see it true. And pray to God that nobody else has to go through what the young boy's and the women's family are going through, especially at a magicak place like WDW.


no2apprentice said:
Lee, do you think they will consider slowing it, say, down to 1.7g or 1.8g? I would think this would be the real decision for Disney, not just to shut it down.

A lot of people (including the media) are throwing the 2G # around, but Didsnye has never confirmed this. Also, I believe I read where Corrus stated in one of these threads it was about 1.4 Gs.


Well-Known Member
I don't see Disney "shutting" it down. They will/should educate the public on what it is, what it does, and what the end results *may* be. More warnings, I'm sure, are on tap for the ride.

No offense to anyone and my condolences to the family but there is no real reason to shut it down. You could step out of the bathtub, slip, hit your head and die. Since I'm sure this happens several times a year to people across the world, does this mean we should ban bathrooms or bathtubs?


mission space

It wont close, at least not till after the 25th anniversery...But im sure disney is considering slowing it down in some way.

Wouldnt bother me in the slightest, i find mission space to be okay to good. It would have been better if they would have built the SPACE pavillion they originaly intended instead of just a thrill ride with some video games at the end.


New Member
cameraguy said:
I haven't read any of the other post on this thread, so sorry if i am repeating what others have said. Withe that being said, What happened this past week was a herific tragedy, and my prars are withe the woman's family. However, I highly doudt that Mission:Space will close any time soon for a few reasons.

1. It has not been determind if the ride itseld birectly caused the womens death. The young boys death was not caused by the ride, but by an enlarged heart.

2. Disney spent 100 million dollars to put this ride together, and i would be a hugh financial blow to just do away with it. So that won't happen.

3. Disney warns people over and over again not to rideif they have any health problems. It's likely the women didn't know she had high blood preasure, and that is nobody's falt. This tragedy was an accident and nobody can be blamed for it. Disney can't test any guest befor they get on the ride, so it is up the individuals to use good judgment and common sense.

In closing, I personally liked M:S, and have to say it is one of Disney's best attractions from a technology view point, and I would hate to see it true. And pray to God that nobody else has to go through what the young boy's and the women's family are going through, especially at a magicak place like WDW.
For her not to know that she would have to haved lived under a rock in a cave.


Well-Known Member
My cardiologist has advised me not to ride M:S, and this was back in January, just after my heart attack. I saw him yesterday and we had a conversation about the recent death. He said that sustained g's that are experienced on M:S have the potential to trigger all sorts of reactions in the body, which could exacerbate any pre-existing problems or conditions. I enjoyed riding M:S, but in my case, I can't take the risk.

But he said coasters were still okay for me.:D


New Member
uklad79 said:
By anyone you mean 2 people out of millions? And who said it was the ride that found the week point? Maybe it was just their day to die and it would have happened anyway.

It doesn't sound like the safety of the ride did lead you to the conclusion, more like stupid dump American news reporting! High on misinformation, sensationalism and very low on facts and any form of journalism. Look at the crass stupid title of the news piece, only a dumb ______ would write it.

How do you know it's struggling? A ride that always has lines, 1 hour the day after the death! The ride has high capacity I would like to see figures for all rides before making such a ill informed comment.

Well thank god you don't run anything to do with the Disney Company or you would be fired for suggesting such a dumb idea. Do you think they opened the ride without testing? Do you think that if the 2 deaths had anything to do with the ride they would not have closed and redesigned it? Why would they shutter a ride that is fine and has no defects?

I am amazed at how some people are sucked in by the media's hype. Stop watching Fox news and other such rubbish! America has enough gang crime, murders, involvement in wars, and corporate crime to fill the news so why they bother to report that someone died in a theme park of a natural cause is unbelievable. Time to get back to real news and away from tabloid on TV I think! :hammer:

Face it MS is here to stay if you want to ride it or not!

I am sooooo glad you said this, you just said everything that I was thinking. There is NOTHING wrong with this ride. its not like there is no other ride in the country which a lot of people die and or get sick on.


Account Suspended

People see what fits their motives... 1hr line during peak season while Test Track and Soarin' have several hour lines. During normal season, it's M:S with 20mins and TT and Soarin at an hour and a half.


Well-Known Member
There is no way they are closing it any time soon. However, I do see them passably re branding it in the future by making minor changes such as making a new on board video and reopening it with a new name. There doing this to the entire park of California Adventure so I wouldn't be surprised if they did it to MS for many of the same bad publicity reasons.


Man does this get discussed to death. They won't close the ride. The won't even change the ride. Not the ride video, not the preshow, not anything that would be noticable to the general public. Why? Whenever some dies in a car crash, do they make drastic changes to cars? Yes, they may improve safety features, but does the car go slower? Is the car made out of marshmellow to avoid sudden high impact crashes? Does everyone have to sign a waiver before driving? Do warnings for cars then come in 27 different languages? No. Why? Because there's an assumed risk when you get in a car that yes, you might die. The entire auto industry can't expect to make that 100% safe, they simply do their best, and when someone does unfortunately die in a crash, it is an accepted fact that the risk simply came to be. As far as Mission:Space goes, there is not just an implied risk, there is an outright risk to riding this ride. Warnings are everywhere. It doesn't need to be in 43 1/2 different languages, the big red "WARNING" signs posted all over are usually an understood thing in all languages. And if someone has an unknown underlying health condition and it does play a factor when riding the ride leading to the unfortuntate, it happens. But for some reason, I can't see any family of a family member that does pass as a result of no negligence whatsoever, merely three result of an underlying condition aggrivated by the ride, actually suing to have the ride changed or closed. They were there for the same reason as everyone else, to have fun. I doubt they would want to take that away from anyone else.


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Mission: Space II: This time we're sending you to Jupiter, and your computer companion is the HAL 9000 (just don't try and disconnect HAL and don't close the pod bay doors).

Mission: Space II: sponsored by Piedmont Airlines.

Mission: Space II: the new and improved Stitches Great Escape, because we screwed up the first time.

Mission:Space II: we've slowed it down, moved it to the 20K area, and made it part of Toontown.

Mission: Space's Wild Ride. How long can you go before you barf on a family member ?

Yea, the Incredibles Tea Cups! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of M:S but it isn't going anywhere. Changes maybe, but the ride isn't going to get closed for good.. at least not now.. Not until Disney gets its 100 million plus out of it...


Active Member
hardcard said:
Face it, Mission Space's Days are Numbered.

Its days are no more numbered than any other attraction.
End of story.
Give it up.
It's not going anywhere anytime soon.
There's not much to discuss.

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