Extra Magic Hour Gripes?


Sorry for my string of posts...just got to read this thread and have a lot of comments about things that have been said!

AbsolutDiznee said:
I disagree. When i'm on Disney property, specially buying merchandise, the CM will ask "Would you like this shipped to your resort?" before asking "are you staying on property?" I think that many times it is assumed that you are staying on property and there is a certain stigma attached to those that are not.

Actually, if I was an off-site guest..I'd look around and say hey...
1--On-site guests don't pay for parking..they get free monorail/bus/boat transportation
2--On-site guests get Extra hours at the parks
3--On-site guests can make purchases all day long, not have to wait until the last hour of a day, and not have to carry ANYTHING
4--On-site guests no longer have to pay for airport shuttles/renting cars...they get "white glove" treatment from the moment they arrive..

Then I'd say--"It may be worth the extra money to stay here..look at all the perks I get"

PS...I can only imagine the people that think it's unfair that DVC Members/AP Holders get to go to soft openings of attraction (although I must say, the only soft opening I have attended is Stitch-and that was more of a punishment than perk) :hammer:


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Chape19714
Disney World Resorts and the Theme Parks are 2 seperate business, under 1 name, Walt Disney World. Just like Kraft and Nabisko are the same, but with different names bank accounts etc.

the Disney resorts PAY the theme parks for the use of the parks after hours.

If an off-site hotel were to pay the fee, then they could offer the same incentive.

Just to add to this. The fact is that Disney (the parks) are not providing a benefit for resort guests. Disney (the resorts) is the ones providing this benefit. That right there ends the argument. The RESORTS are providing a benefit for THEIR guests.


Well-Known Member
hakunamatata said:
I feel it is important at this juncture to once again state that....

Disney ownes the parks, they can do what they want.
You're right... everyone tends to overlook that point even though it's been made once or twice. :lol:


MouseMadness said:
WDW is a business... people who stay on-site are doing more for their business than those who stay off. To me, it is a nice way to say thanks, and nothing more than that. :wave:

:eek: Wassat now? Common sense? Christy, what are you doing to us?

I don't really understand the problem here. Pay more, get more service... pretty familiar concept, I would think.


Active Member
Erika said:
:eek: Wassat now? Common sense? Christy, what are you doing to us?

I don't really understand the problem here. Pay more, get more service... pretty familiar concept, I would think.

i agree, i just don't see where the argument is. :brick:


Connor002 said:
i agree, i just don't see where the argument is. :brick:

And before anyone accuses me of being one of the "rich folks" -- We are, until I can get some work going, single income (about 1/3 less than we are used to) cross-country transplants with a baby on the way. Don't talk to ME about being broke :lol: My next visit to WDW is years off, and my last trip was 2 1/2 days long in early 2003. But I don't begrudge anybody the privilege of staying on site and getting a little extra time to play. Disney is not a charity.


First, in the interest of full disclosure, I have stayed at AKL (Concierge Level) and POP in 2005. I also went to Disneyland</ST1:place this year and stayed off-site.

I have read through most of the recent threads regarding on-site “extras” and a consistent theme is that “Disney is for everyone” or “Disney prides itself on equality.” The harsh reality is that Disney is for those that can afford to pay and that Disney is a business interested in profit therefore the more you are willing to pay the more you get. This is true through the business world. Also, none of these extras are free, they are paid for one way or another.


First, we need to distinguish between a hotel and a resort such as the entity of WDW.

The purpose of WDW (Downtown Disney, the <ST1:p<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com /><st1:PlaceName w:st=Water</st1:placeName> <st1:placeType w:st="on">Parks</st1:placeType></ST1:place, the multiple theme parks, and the many hotels) is simply to get the guests to spend every vacation dollar with Disney.

As much as we all would like to believe that the idealistic aspects of Disney are the end all and be all, the magic could not be delivered on the scale that it is without the reality of business and profit.

We DO NOT all pay the same. There are MYW options, APs, Premium APs, <ST1:p<st1:placeName w:st="on">Seasonal</st1:placeName> <st1:placeType w:st="on">Passes</st1:placeType></ST1:p, etc. With each ticket that we pay for there are differences and the more you get the more you pay or vice versa.

Think back to E-ticket rides, those that could afford rode, those that could not did not. This is not something new.

<O:pIn their attempt to secure every dollar possible (no judgment here, just stating the strategy) Disney has implemented many incentives to reach that goal.
They have EMH, Magical Express, free onsite transportation, Special Tours such as the Sunrise Safari and others. These are specifically designed to convince the consumer that there dollars should remain with Disney and not a rental car company, an off-site hotel or other non-Disney business.

Though I do not have data I would be willing to bet that internal marketing research shows that an on-site guest is likely to spend more than an off-site guest. I would be willing to bet they could even tell you how much more based on which resort you stay at (thus some of the extras for concierge guests) and that the perks are economically profitable and therefore a justifiable expense.

<O:pThere already is a compromise built in. You get what you choose (or can afford to choose) and this allows a diverse group of people to enjoy the magic.

<O:p Just my take.

And I am a Red Sox fan and so curious as to Speck's Avatar, although I have a suspion.


Computer Magic said:
Maybe I'm making this too simple. If everyone was able to participate in EMH would there be a need for EMH?

Would it just be regular park hours?

Maybe that was already talked about *shrugs*

Your not making this too simple. Your are right on target, right along with Disney is a private company and have every right to make policy. It's not unfair, it's good business!


Well-Known Member
We were at MK for EMH last month. I think the CM at the TTA put it best speaking to a guest who did not have a wristband:

"We will not make you leave the park, you just won't be able to ride any of the attractions."

She was not rude about it and I think it was nice of her to let the guest know so he didn't have any problems at the next attraction (he had already ridden the TTA and was exiting).

We also spoke to several CM's about the transition from E-Ride Nights to EMH. All agreed that it was much more profitable for Disney to give the resort guests the park time for free, as those guests would spend additional monies on food and merchandise. They threw some dollar amounts out (I can't remember them) but it was certainly a significant amount Disney was making in those 3 hours.

The reality is that without all of the on-site perks, Disney resorts would struggle to compete. Sure there are those of us who love the theming and proximity and would stay anyway. But with new hotels/motels/parks entering the market all the time, Disney needs to find ways to draw the tourism dollars on property.


Well-Known Member
In july, my family and I stayed on property for one week and then we stayed off property for one week which adds up to a 2 weeks vaction.

While on property, of course, we took advantage of the emh. It was "rewarding" because we are staying on disneys property going to the disney parks.

The next week was off site, and we could no longer take advantage of the emh, but one night we were there at mk, it was an emh for on site guest. We werent "forced" out of the park or anything, as a matter of fact, we even got to ride TTA and CoP during the emh, because they didnt ask for wrist bands, and we didnt even much know.

So the point is, you dont have to "leave" the park if your staying off site during emh, you just cant really participate in the attractions. And the way I viewed it was, I can do multiple things in one day, for example, start of the day at BB go back to the hotel(by disney transport) take a shower then go to one of the theme parks(AK) then maybe go relax at DTD or back at the hotel, then go to the emh park for a couple of hours. I got more rest, and I got to do more things. And IMO emhs are just extra hours I can spend in a park, I know its going to be crowded on the major stuff, so Ill just soak up the atmosphere and do the other attractions I normally skip during the day and I have fun. You see, I am rewarded because Im staying on property going to the parks that or on property, and it is fair. IMO


Well-Known Member
peter11435 said:
Just to add to this. The fact is that Disney (the parks) are not providing a benefit for resort guests. Disney (the resorts) is the ones providing this benefit. That right there ends the argument. The RESORTS are providing a benefit for THEIR guests.

Exactly...and also to add to my point, Disney Resorts is also paying Disney Transportation for use of it's services during EMH. So it's all the resorts, just like stated above by peter11435.


Well-Known Member
lawyergirl77 said:
Oy not this again.

Won't happen. Shouldn't happen.

i tottaly agree, as being disney resort guest to me, we should get special perks....god knows we pay enough....like the bus , monrail , and boat transportation some like it some don't to me i feel quite special that i don't have to drive the entire week....don't care if i have to wait....hell, i'm at disneyworld!!!!but to make it so different resorts have different lines.for rides....not very fair....i think if you pay to stay at either a value or home away from home resort it should be the same privalages....your a resort guest...period..... yes this subject has been through the ringer and back.....sometimes i sit and think.."what has not been talked about here"? after a while i think we do run out of questions.....although some of them that are asked from time to time make me say "dam why did'nt i ask that"?lol

19 more day s till i get my magic fix!!!!!!!!


I remember the bad old days when only people staying onsite could make restaurant reservations!

And then they changed it so that the general public could go to one location in the park to make reservations.

And then you could do it at the Ocala AAA rest stop. I thought we had really arrived then!

Now I can call from my cellphone from anywhere.

EMH will someday phase into something else. If you don't like it just wait a while and it will go away too.


Well-Known Member
AbsolutDiznee said:
It seems like a lot of people that have posted on this forum prefer to stay on-site, where are all the off-siters comments??

I've stayed an equal number of times on and off site (maybe more times off site)...

So my opinion isn't really determined or influenced by that...



New Member
AbsolutDiznee said:
It seems like a lot of people that have posted on this forum prefer to stay on-site, where are all the off-siters comments??

I have mostly stayed off site and I have no problem with EMH whatsoever. Pay for a disney hotel=paying for EMH. Sounds simple to understand. I'm sorry if some of you feel pushed out, but I'm sure that isnt Disney's intention. Why not try to avoid the park with the EMH that night? I know its not the point, but you may not feel pushed out if you do.

You have the park for the whole day, mostly from 8 to at least 9 (well maybe not DAK but its generally the case for the rest of the parks). Thats over 12 hours of park usage.


Well-Known Member
AbsolutDiznee said:
well as an off-siter, i'm not saying i would pay for it. but as long as I had the opportunity to participate if i wanted to, it would satisfy me. Why can't they come up with a compromise where resort guests get emh for free (included in their room rate) and off-siters pay a nominal fee?
That would kind of defeat the purpose of EMH since EMH is a benefit to guests that stay onsite. Like peter11345 has been saying all hotels offer benefits. And most if not all theme/amusement parks that have their own hotels offer these types of benefits to guests that stay in their hotels. I know for a fact that Disney, Universal, and Cedar Point all does this. I haven't really been to any others so I can't state for a fact, but I'm sure a lot of them do. The park hours are posted, so you know exactly what you're paying for, nothing more. It's not like you're being denied something that you paid for.

AbsolutDiznee said:
so what's the difference between a all-star resort guest that spends $99 for a hotel room or a guy that spends $99 at a gift shop on Main Street? they are both spending the same amount of money? Why should one get rewarded and not the other?
If you spend $99 on lets say a snowglobe at a gift shop you know that your paying for that snow globe and nothing else. If you spend $99 on a hotel room then with that $99 comes along a hotel room, access to the pools, EMH, transportion, free soaps and shampoo :lookaroun ... Now if they said that if you buy a certain snow globe then you get to participate in EMH and then they don't allow you in that's a problem. Again, you just have to know what you are paying for. Disney isn't a charity. ;)

The person that said he has to stay off-site because he travels with his dog, that's a good reason, but your giving up the resort benefits. Just like I would be giving up other hotels benefits (free breakfast, free transportation other places, etc.) if I have to stay at an all-star resort because I can't afford to rent a car and pay for gas. (please don't think I'm attacking you because you choose to travel with your pet, I actually think disney should have a resort like universal that allows pets, but some people may not agree)

If you think that's unfair, I'm sorry, but life isn't fair so everyone just has to accept and deal with it.


Well-Known Member
AbsolutDiznee said:
It seems like a lot of people that have posted on this forum prefer to stay on-site, where are all the off-siters comments??
Many people in this thread have said they stay off-site. You just ignored them because most did not agree with you. I myself said that I rarely stay on site. As a local I only book a night at a resort once every 7-10 trips. The rest I have no access to any resort benefits and have no problem with that. I am going to once again point out the fact that EMH is not a benefit provided by the parks, it is provided by the resorts for their guests. Additionally any resorts/hotels could offer this benefit for their guests if they wished.

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