Extra Magic Hour Gripes?


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The opportunity is available to everyone. The difference in price for those 3 hours between the average onsite resort and off, equals roughly the same price as a hard ticket event as Mickey's Not So Scary or Very Merry events.

So, you "buy your way in."

About the "locals" griping - Disney gives away 2,000,000 or MORE single-day park hopper tickets to be used for non-employees per year. That means on any given day there's roughly 5,749 locals at the parks who paid nothing to get in. These estimates are all low, and in actuality would include a greater base than "locals" (though they would make up the bulk of the numbers) because the tickets given out are a perk for working for the company to be given away to anyone they please.

So, in general, the real "locals" don't give a mouse's tushy what hours there are since they typically don't pay admission in the first place.

Add to that FL resident discount rates on tickets and FL resident room discounts (and the fact that CM's can get friends/family room rates too!) and you've got a whole bunch of locals who are playing smiling space fillers.


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lawyergirl77 said:
Argh - who said you actually have to stay there! Just check in and voila! Access to EMH benefits! Stop looking for insults where there are none - I'm trying to give you options!! :wave:

point taken.


New Member
Laura22 said:
I think you should take this argument about Disney being "unfair" with the extra magic hours to a company who is GENUINELY unfair - Universal Studios.

Universal Studios hotels are super expensive - so therefore you can only get the perks to use in the parks if you have a lot of money, versus Disney hotels that start at $70-$80 a night (which is a wonderful price considering the awesome theming and perks you get).)

I disagree, only because although the Universal hotels may be priced higher (I have gotten a room at the Royal Pacific for $100 a night, which during peak times of the year Disney rates their value rooms sometimes higher than that) The rooms are much bigger and you also receive more amenities that are already in the room so you don't have to ask for them (hair dryer, coffee maker, mini bar, room service until 1am...etc)

Laura22 said:
Disney continues to allow even their day guests to have an enjoyable day whether staying onsite or not. Universal Studios lets all their resort guests skip the lines, therefore making for a miserable park experience for day guests who have to wait in ridiculously long lines.)

I also disagree with this. Universal resort guest have to wait in line with the rest of the ExpressPass people and ONLY works with the rides that have ExpressPass just like everyone else. The only difference is that resort guests do not have to wait until they use one ExpressPass before they get another. They use their room key.

I'm by no means trying to tick anyone off or be a smarta**. I happen to enjoy going to Universal as well as Disney ( I live in FL so it's easy) and I have stayed on-site in both places so I do know what goes on there.


Well-Known Member
SpenceMan01 said:
I've never stayed on site. My Dad is too "frugal" (read: cheap) to do so, therefore I don't have access to EMH. Does this bother me? Not really. I know that we could take advantage of EMH if we stayed on site, but we didn't, so we can't. I find the regular park hours and plan my trip around that. Many times I plan to avoid EMH because it can make the park crowded all day (remember those MGM threads of recent times?).

This also demonstrates choice. Spenceman01's dad may be thought too frugal by Spenceman01 to stay on-site, but then again, I suspect Spenceman01 has gone more often as a result. Spenceman01, don't forget to thank your dad. :)

In October, this will be our first trip since 1992!
We saved our pennies and by choice, are staying on-site with all the perks, including the MYW with meals. It is many years later, but choices needed to be made. As a result, we are looking forward to a great vacation with dessert after lunch and dinner every day we are there, something we would not have been able to do had we made more visits over the years.

If I lived closer, I'd happily take up Ft.Wilderness camping in a tent for $35/night for those perks and go more often. A boat ride to the MK? How cool is that?


Active Member
O.K. here is my opinion, and don't anyone get nasty now(there has been alot of that today).

I think that Disney does EMH as a perk, just like everyone else has said. The perk is for on-site guests because we usually,but not always, pay more(even at the value resorts and the rooms are tinyfor a family of 4,so we get 2 rooms,hence with the discount we still pay more).
Plus, if you do not want to rent a car(that's why Disney provides free transport ,even from the airport) you eat ALL your meals on property , spend money in the game rooms at the hotel, and always making those trips to the gift shop at the hotel to pick up the crap that you forgot and it costs a small fortune.(try, over $5.oo for a 10count box of tampons!! and a second mortgage for baby formula or diapers)
We spend a heck of a lot more by staying on-site so we should get a few extra hours in the parks(so we can shop more and spend more), isn't Disney just sooooo good to us!!!!!!!;)


Lets all get along and understand the reason.

Heres the low down. Perks are everywhere these days and disney is no exception. Now there are three kinds of guests at disney world. Offsite guests just park patrons, then you have onsite guests which are disneys guests(you have wanted them to take care of you from a cheap bed to an expensive suite and on top of that take what ever they might offer you from extras in your room to extra time in their parks), last is the resort guests that might not be there for the parks but to relax. Now as a patron you paid a park addmission to stay from A time to B time so you take it as face value. The resort guests get to two options on is park addmission which they can only got to one park per day. If they choose the non EMH park they can't go to EMH ( is that fair) yes because the other parks are usually less dense that day so they chose that route. It is only the park hopper guest that can go to what ever EMH with out a worry and they paid extra for that perk. Just like dickens they ask for more and they get it as the newonse goes.

Lets just say there are walls all around us and sometimes you have to take the wall for what it is and either take another route or live with it. You stay offsite you arent a guest but a patron. You are just getting addmission to the show and not the meet and great before or the party afterwards. Where as the onsite guests have been offered that ticket to go to these events for being a guest.

Sorry for the descriptions I like to use but its the best way to explain what I mean and I just dont understand how someone can be upset when they werent offered something and never paid for it or worked for it. I have the same problem with people up here in canada on welfare that dont feel they need to do anything but lay around and get money for it. Just a question but as a kid was anyone else upset when someones mom gave their kid a sucker but you didnt get one even though you aren't one of her kids? Was that wrong of her?


Active Member
Why shouldn't I get the perk by staying on-site. Many other hotels have perks and the reason that these hotels have perks is to attract customers. If I decided that I wanted to get free breakfast with my room, I'd pick such a hotel.

If I decided to stay at a Marriott I'd get reward points, but if I just decided to eat in their restaurant and spent just as much money on food in their hotel as a single night's stay, you're saying that Marriott should give me rewards points too even if I wasn't staying there. Well that makes no business sense and it is all about business.

What Universal does is a perk to their guests, but they are also smaller and it does create some havoic with day guests during peak times. Universal also has other things that their guests can buy to avoid the lines too.

Also the advantage for most locals is that they can visit more and during the off times which it is much less crowded. The comment about locals not being able to afford more than once or twice a year because of pay differences makes no sense because why are they purchasing AP's then, even a seasonal FL AP for a family of 4 would still cost close to $1,000 and you make it sound the like couldn't afford that.
The whole idea of off-siter's paying a nominal fee would diminish the reason for people staying on-site. Disney is doing everything in its power to get you to stay on-site and capture every single vacation dollar from you and not wanting you to spend them anywhere else. Don't think for a single minute that the researcher's and number cruncher's haven't figured out that the difference of what an off and on site guest spends, and the on-site spends more, hence the whole concept of getting you on property.


New Member
Disney Makes Me Happy

I stay at Disney Resorts because of the proximity, magic, and perks. People like me who fork out the cash to stay at their hotels are proving that Disney is wise in taking care of their on-site guests. Once again, it's whatever the market will bear. It's called capitalism.... and I love it! God bless America!


Well-Known Member
I normally do not post, but here goes.

As a corporation the Walt Disney Company has a resposibility to it's shareholders to increase the value of the firm. When someone stays at one of there resorts it helps increase the firms revenues.

Those poeple who stay at resorts are not only spending money on rooms, but they are also spending money in Disney resturants too. They most likely will buy themself something to take home and remember the magic.

This all translates into more profits. So, The Walt Disney Company decided to offer EMH to encourage people to stay on site.

It all comes down to this Disney can make more money by offer EMH to guests who stay on site in the long run. This is what the whole function of a business is, to make money.


Well-Known Member
PirateJ said:
Thank you for your kind response.

The reason I stay offsite is because
1. I really just can't afford to pay for it
2. I travel with my dog so I need pet friendly accomodations.

1. Depending on when you are going, it's really not that bad pricewise to stay at a value resort. (I don't know when you are going, so I can't say either way.) I don't have a lot of money (I'm a college student, which is why I have little money), but I was able to afford a trip to Disney, staying on-site this past May without a problem to the bank account...

2. It is YOUR choice to bring your dog with you. You could always have someone look in after your dog if you left it at home. Be it a family member, a neighbor, or even some young girl you hire to come to your house to look after it. I have a family friend who goes on vacation ALL the time and they never take their dog with them...they always do one of the things I suggested.

SpenceMan01 said:
Many times I plan to avoid EMH because it can make the park crowded all day (remember those MGM threads of recent times?).

How true this statement is...

Computer Magic said:
Maybe I'm making this too simple. If everyone was able to participate in EMH would there be a need for EMH?

Would it just be regular park hours?

Maybe that was already talked about *shrugs*

Also very true.


Well-Known Member
krankenstein said:
I normally do not post, but here goes.

As a corporation the Walt Disney Company has a resposibility to it's shareholders to increase the value of the firm. When someone stays at one of there resorts it helps increase the firms revenues.

Those poeple who stay at resorts are not only spending money on rooms, but they are also spending money in Disney resturants too. They most likely will buy themself something to take home and remember the magic.

This all translates into more profits. So, The Walt Disney Company decided to offer EMH to encourage people to stay on site.

It all comes down to this Disney can make more money by offer EMH to guests who stay on site in the long run. This is what the whole function of a business is, to make money.

Also a very true post.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
PirateJ just so you know virtually every them park that owns hotels gives perks to their on site guests. For example Universal gives an unlimited use fast pass to guests of its 3 resorts. For years people have asked Disney "What do I get for spending $100 for a room on site when I can rent a house off site for the same price?" well Disney gave the public what they wanted...a reason for spending the extra money. They also provide free transportation, parking and package delivery as well as a slew of other little perks. If they did nothing extra for their resort guests there would be little reason to stay on site if price was the only factor.


Well-Known Member
Well...There is one point that really stands out in this conversation.

Disney World Resorts and the Theme Parks are 2 seperate business, under 1 name, Walt Disney World. Just like Kraft and Nabisko are the same, but with different names bank accounts etc.

the Disney resorts PAY the theme parks for the use of the parks after hours.

If an off-site hotel were to pay the fee, then they could offer the same incentive.

It's all on what you pay for.

In your case, you have to decide what is more important, your Dog, or EMH. The pricing arguement doesn't hold water.

I think EMH is a great system that should be continued.

At DL, They gave AAA and Disney Travel Co. Members early Entry into Toontown. AAA and the Travel Co. pay DL for the use of the land 1 hour early. Don't say that that's unfair. Just like you can rent out the park for a night and invite business CEOs and VIPs, the resorts can pay, and invite thier guests.


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Ok I get it, I know it's a perk...just as I have my Disney Visa and I get my reward dollars....but I don't use my reward dollars in front of everyone's face...and be like well too bad you don't have a visa so you don't get stuff for free. I guess that is how I feel with EMH... like the person who doesn't have the Visa and everyone else who does is using the reward in my face.

Just my own sensitivity though


Does anyone think the EMH are in part a good way to predict crowds and move the folks coming and going easier?

For example, if Saturday is the most popular day for the MK, they make the early entry days for MK some less popular day to send more people to the other parks on Saturday and balance out the crowds a bit.


Well-Known Member
Chape19714 said:
Disney World Resorts and the Theme Parks are 2 seperate business, under 1 name, Walt Disney World. Just like Kraft and Nabisko are the same, but with different names bank accounts etc.

the Disney resorts PAY the theme parks for the use of the parks after hours.

If an off-site hotel were to pay the fee, then they could offer the same incentive.

Exactly. For some reason they keep overlooking that point every time I try to make it.


Well-Known Member
PirateJ said:
Ok I get it, I know it's a perk...just as I have my Disney Visa and I get my reward dollars....but I don't use my reward dollars in front of everyone's face...and be like well too bad you don't have a visa so you don't get stuff for free. I guess that is how I feel with EMH... like the person who doesn't have the Visa and everyone else who does is using the reward in my face.

Just my own sensitivity though

It sounds to me like you think people are out to get you or something. Do you regularly have feeling of paranoia? I'm being serious because to me it sounds like this is a problem that's rooted internally with you.

Most of the time I've been to WDW I've stayed off property. I've NEVER felt lesser class or that anyone was "waving anything in my face." I mean sure, I feel pangs of jealousy when I see people getting on the monorail from the GF and think "oh, gee.. I'd love to be able to stay there" but I never feel like they're saying "HAHA look at me I'm staying heeeeeere and you're not!"

Maybe I'm just reading way too much into your response... but believe me... people are not out to wave things in your face.


PirateJ said:
Here's my argument:

4. Doesn't this actual hurt locals...i mean what person living in the area or those with an AP actually stay at a hotel

Okay..myself being a sort of "local" (an hour and a half away when I'm up at school...3 hours when I''m home) I can say this for sure--a lot of locals do not go at peak time. There is no reason for us to travel with everyone else in the world. We have the great ability to pick up on a random weekday and go-so I just don't think we are that upset about not being to go to EMH-we can go a time of the year where there is already very little crowds.

I mean, is it fair that as Florida residents we can get a seasonal AP? YES!! It's Disney saying, "thanks for visiting us during slower times, here's a huge discount"

That being said, I still stay on site 2-3 times a year. And during those times...of course EMH is great! Sorry you think it's unfair..maybe you can give us all 1 reward point each from your credit card from all the money you spend at Disney! Not fair that we don't get any kickbacks..


AbsolutDiznee said:
In case you on-siters haven't noticed...florida locals don't make the same wages as those in other areas of the country. I'm not sure they frequent Disney as much as you think...

Maybe they can only afford to go to Disney one or two days a year, maybe less than that. Why should they be penalized just because they live close and don't need a hotel room?

I can't believe this comment was bypassed for so long...

Where do you get your information? Florida locals don't make the same wages as a family in any other random state who CAN'T EVEN AFFORD TO GO TO DISNEY, should we invite them to an EMH just because?

The cost of us going one or two days a year (which I know us locals do MUCH more than) is almost close to the price for a Seasonal AP..Perk enough for me!

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