Extra Buns Now $1.99!

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Yeah, yeah, yeah. What can I say, I got caught up in the idea that there was over a four-fold increase of the price of the bun, without thinking about the underlying reasons (or that the "four-fold increase" was only $1.59) why it was increased.

But you think that's bad? Phhh...The time I brought my own hot dogs and tried to grill them during the PotC village burnin' totally beats it!

Oh, and I guess I owe you an argument hedging and an insult...
What I meant was that a four-fold increase is too much, considering all I do is put some ketchup on it and eat it, you cotton-headed ninny muggins!

You were swindling them (don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good swindle), and they caught on. Now you have to find a new swindle. This is how the game goes. :D


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
I will probably get flamed for this but here goes anyways. When you split the meal you are using twice as many condiments on the burger bar that you didn't pay for. The bar is included for the person that bought the meal. Your kinda stealing to save money. Alright go ahead and flame away :D


Sharing a drink and assuming the person you came to the park with doesn't have cooties will save you more money in the long run then worrying about buns.


New Member
You're laughing out loud out loud? :shrug:

So I was actually low... Proves my point even further.

And yeah, it's been a while since I actually bought a ticket since i've had an AP for like four or five years now. Those prices go up, too.

Hehehehee... Hoisted on my own Piccard- or was I??? Maybe I was... Laid Out Laughing Out Loud! Yes... that's the ticket...

Ah! An AP man! Ain't it the best! And you don't have to pay that extra (now) $11 bucks for parking... not that I'm saying that's another hidden cost...


Actually, the Resident AP is quite a good deal, so I am just waiting for them to take it away... First two years, well, year and a half, I got about 200 park days on mine: loved "flashing my pass" as I drove through the gate.

For the record, current one day ticket price is $71, plus tax; for non-expiring add $6. As compared to back in 95 when I paid... ah drat! Not on the ticket- but parking was $5. I think it was 35 or so? And never expired...




New Member
My girlfriend is a vegetarian , She Loves to orders a Veggie burger meal when available but not every burger spot sells them. She also orders extra Veggie burgers Solo by them self , I was surprised because I would not think of ever asking that. But when they are not available she orders a Bun w/ Cheese because she will eat that with the bar. In her defense she tries to work with the Menu where ever she goes.At Wendy's she orders a Jr. Cheeseburger deluxe without the meat. But also people want to slit a double burger meal and fries between two young people.


New Member
I miss the days I remember when the Glass palace was a walk up and dine. I was between 8 or 10 and they had burgers that seamed to me like Whoppers wrapped up with all the toppings.


Well-Known Member
Now, for some reason I don't have much of a problem with repeat mugs at resorts, but the asking for an extra bun always seemed too cheap for me.

I couldn't do it.

We would rather split the chicken strips (remember them) or cut the burger. I just couldn't bring myself to say "give me one of those cheapo buns so I can double my meal".

I'm fine with the increase. Plus, like some said, many go NUTS at the toppings bars and make a meal out of that themselves. I'd rather see this price go up than lose yet another "perk" from what you are already paying.

Maybe this will be the first step to going back to SINGLES. I have no need for a double. I don't like the way the meat on meat tastes anyways. Always makes me choke. And it makes a pretty funny joke for the 8th grade crowd (I don't like the way the meat on meat tastes -- shut up Beavis).


Or you could park at DTD take a bus to one of the resorts transfer to the MK bus thus saving the $11 parking fee and then use the $11 for a second burger


Well-Known Member
Or you could park at DTD take a bus to one of the resorts transfer to the MK bus thus saving the $11 parking fee and then use the $11 for a second burger

Or you could tell the person at the parking booth you are just picking someone up and they'll let you right through.

Or better yet, you could know this is a tourist destination, so just come planning to spend some money.


You were swindling them (don't get me wrong, I appreciate a good swindle), and they caught on. Now you have to find a new swindle. This is how the game goes. :D

guess the wife can't share my resort mug with me anymore. she'll be ed


Well-Known Member
Jeez! Noone's answered the REALLY important question here..... Can you use a snack credit for the extra bun?!?!?!???? :ROFLOL:



Well-Known Member
Maybe this will be the first step to going back to SINGLES. I have no need for a double.
You can get a single. It's just normally listed under "other offerings" if it's not one of the main items on the menu board. I can barely eat a whole single burger, there's no way I could eat a double so I always order the single.


Active Member
Here's what you lose when comparing buying and extra bun v. cutting in half
1. half the bun
2. half the 'salad' you can fit on the burger

#2 is the bigger issue for me. I LOAD my burger full of stuff to the point where nothing else will fit on it (and a lot falls out as it is). If I have half the surface area, I have half the extras.

Yeah, but $1.99 for a bun? A bun?! Just another way to nickel and dime us... (Or it would be, if I continued to buy them instead of bringing them with, which is what I'll now do--2 buns won't take up much room in a backpack.

I work for a wholesale bakery in Chicago. In January of 2007, a bag of flour cost $12.51, in January of 2008 that same bag of flour cost $28.00. Projected flour costs for this summer is in the $40 neighborhood. In the 18 years I've worked for the company, this was the first year we had 3 price increases in one year. In our history we've previously gone up to 3 years without a price increase. Earlier this year there was a Baker's March on Washington to encourage the Congress and Senate to do something about the rising wheat prices. The US is still exporting the same amount of wheat that we have in the past but we are not producing the same amount of wheat. One of the problems is that the farmers are being encouraged to plant corn to use as fuel instead of wheat. All wheat based products are going up because of it.



May not be "big news" like we all like, but the price of an extra bun is now $1.99 (up from $.40 last summer!) which could have "big" implications on those using the DDP or just trying to dine cheaper.

Looks like we'll have to bring our own buns this summer to cost-effectively split the double cheeseburger combo at Cosmic Ray's!
unbelieveable....never would hanve thought of splitting double in a million years...gives meaning to the term 'riff-raff'...please stay home and stare at your money.


Well-Known Member
I am not giving ANYONE my second hamburger patty, I LIKE double cheeseburgers! :lol:


Active Member
I work for a wholesale bakery in Chicago. In January of 2007, a bag of flour cost $12.51, in January of 2008 that same bag of flour cost $28.00. Projected flour costs for this summer is in the $40 neighborhood. In the 18 years I've worked for the company, this was the first year we had 3 price increases in one year. In our history we've previously gone up to 3 years without a price increase. Earlier this year there was a Baker's March on Washington to encourage the Congress and Senate to do something about the rising wheat prices. The US is still exporting the same amount of wheat that we have in the past but we are not producing the same amount of wheat. One of the problems is that the farmers are being encouraged to plant corn to use as fuel instead of wheat. All wheat based products are going up because of it.
I applaud you for being able to think on your own.


Active Member
I work for a wholesale bakery in Chicago. In January of 2007, a bag of flour cost $12.51, in January of 2008 that same bag of flour cost $28.00. Projected flour costs for this summer is in the $40 neighborhood. In the 18 years I've worked for the company, this was the first year we had 3 price increases in one year. In our history we've previously gone up to 3 years without a price increase. Earlier this year there was a Baker's March on Washington to encourage the Congress and Senate to do something about the rising wheat prices. The US is still exporting the same amount of wheat that we have in the past but we are not producing the same amount of wheat. One of the problems is that the farmers are being encouraged to plant corn to use as fuel instead of wheat. All wheat based products are going up because of it.

Sadly.....all goes back to rising gas costs. Our society as a whole is considering alternative heating sources like corn because of the rise in gas!:( So supply and demand of corn increases, farmers feel the pressure to plant more corn, supply of wheat goes down, flour goes up.....damn oil companies with their billions of dollars in profit last year!!!:brick: This cycle just makes me sick to my stomach!!:hurl: Pretty soon Disney vacations will be out of our budget because of inflation!:eek:


unbelieveable....never would hanve thought of splitting double in a million years...gives meaning to the term 'riff-raff'...please stay home and stare at your money.

please climb down from that horse of yours before you fall. you havent been here long enough to judge anyone


Well-Known Member
Sadly.....all goes back to rising gas costs. Our society as a whole is considering alternative heating sources like corn because of the rise in gas!:( So supply and demand of corn increases, farmers feel the pressure to plant more corn, supply of wheat goes down, flour goes up.....damn oil companies with their billions of dollars in profit last year!!!:brick: This cycle just makes me sick to my stomach!!:hurl: Pretty soon Disney vacations will be out of our budget because of inflation!:eek:

And, what no one takes into consideration, he has to use even more $4.00/gallon diesel fuel to plant this corn!! So, the oil coompaines win again!
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