News Expose reveals WDC control in online fan community


Well-Known Member
Maybe he just joined the forum to troll? ;) Maybe some others will be joining him? Fair warning.

"he he he Get 'him Ma!"



Well-Known Member
I honestly don't know what's more pathetic:
Disney hiring a group of people to attack others on behalf of the Disney Brand or grown adults using their free time to attack others because they feel personally hurt if anything they don't agree with (read: anything negative) is said about the Disney Brand.
Both happen on this site, both equally pathetic.
You know what is pathetic? Users that are only here for a day but are all knowing like they have been here for a long time and hide behind silly names like HmmmmmMMMmm or the other one just like it.


Well-Known Member
Because I don't want to cause alarm if I'm not seen online for a bit for those that are tracking my movements, I am about to take family to Lindbergh Field so they can fly home. I will then be going out for sushi. I will not be on this website during that time.

If you'd like to stop by and say hello at Sushi Tadokoro later this evening, I will be the distinguished gentleman at the end of the sushi bar chatting with the chef about Japan and his trade and not staring at my iPhone because that's rude. 🧐

Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
Because I don't want to cause alarm if I'm not seen online for a bit for those that are tracking my movements, I am about to take family to Lindbergh Field so they can fly home. I will then be going out for sushi. I will not be on this website during that time.

If you'd like to stop by and say hello at Sushi Tadokoro later this evening, I will be the distinguished gentleman at the end of the sushi bar chatting with the chef about Japan and his trade and not staring at my iPhone because that's rude. 🧐
Maybe I’ll pop in. What name is the table under?


Premium Member
I'm just going to throw this out there because I don't think we've talked about it yet, apparently Matt is convinced the Bobs are watching lol.

I think there is a middle ground here extremists miss when touting “no way the ceo cares about you”... that I agree with.

That however does not exclude the idea that worker bees are employed to read, summarize, and or highlight content in reports about social media or particular subjects or trends. I can certainly see things being quoted, or attributed to certain “channels”. And over time... you can imagine repeat topics would start getting name recognition or patterns. So I say you’d be foolish to think Disney isn’t watching.... but not every bit makes it through the boil down... and the levels of aggregation I’m sure make this a more division kind of thing.

The president of the country does not sit and watch Iranian tv... but he does get briefings on what is happening on media in markets of interest.


Well-Known Member
Anyone insisting that it is ludicrous of TWDC to waste its time with online fan message boards is at best naive and at worst misdirecting from the fact that companies, political operations, nonprofits, etc. regularly use traditional and social media to achieve various ends. Having sat in on strategy meetings with a public affairs group, this kind of thing is quite literally the bread and butter for how PR operations work these days. And if you want to get cute about what being "employed by TWDC" really means, realize that there are PR and public affairs firms lining up at the door to do the dirty work on behalf of their client as a contractor.

I’ll add this, all purely theory: these boards could be a focus group (or whatever you want to call them) in the traditional sense because it is a ready-made survey, etc...We comment and they observe. It’s a small sample size but a sample nevertheless.

But it could also be “barometer” testing for things where Disney mgmt. wants to test whether s*** will hit the fan. Say Disney wants to close Country Bears...well if the forum members here appear ready to picket and protest the parks a la “Mister Toad-style” then mgmt has a real problem. If senior mgmt jobs are at stake, wouldnt they want to know in advance how crazy the crazies are going to get? (I include myself in the crazies and use it affectionally and fraternally toward us all that are passionate enough be on here and follow park ongoings to the level we do)


Well-Known Member
Quotes from message boards, Twitter, etc. are absolutely put in front of C-level executives/the Board of Directors from time to time. I've seen the Powerpoint presentations that include them. I've never seen a Disney one, so I can't say for sure it's happened there, but I certainly wouldn't be surprised. I do have first hand knowledge of it happening at other Fortune 500 (and even Fortune 10) companies, though.


Well-Known Member
I’ll add this, all purely theory: these boards could be a focus group (or whatever you want to call them) in the traditional sense because it is a ready-made survey, etc...We comment and they observe. It’s a small sample size but a sample nevertheless.

But it could also be “barometer” testing for things where Disney mgmt. wants to test whether s*** will hit the fan. Say Disney wants to close Country Bears...well if the forum members here appear ready to picket and protest the parks a la “Mister Toad-style” then mgmt has a real problem. If senior mgmt jobs are at stake, wouldnt they want to know in advance how crazy the crazies are going to get? (I include myself in the crazies and use it affectionally and fraternally toward us all that are passionate enough be on here and follow park ongoings to the level we do)
But how do we account for the stuff that was rejected by many here but happened anyway? Not necessarily disagreeing with the premise, just trying to talk things out.

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