Expedition Everest - Yeti Spotted! Videos Are Available!


New Member
Should a mod change the title to Spoilers cause I think it is getting very revieling here if you know what I mean!!

Anyways I think this pic is awesome

Just seeing those huge turns are amazing!!


New Member
I've just watched both videos -- I don't mind spoiling things much -- and I've a few thoughts:

  • Meh.
  • The anti-rollback system is a traditional ratcheting dog style device. It will get louder with time as friction wears away on the dogs beneath each train. Good maintenance and replacing the dogs often will minimize the noise, but I don't know how inclined Disney is to do that. Both Big Thunder and Space Mountain have very loud dogs.
  • I understand the technical hurdles, but the switches take an awfully long time to engage. It hurts the show.
  • The animation of Yeti's shadow looks like it came from Pixar. In this rare case, that's not a good thing.
  • The outside portions of the ride will be much better when the foliage grows in.
  • Does WDI want me to come down there and show them how to build reliable, impressive animatronics that don't break the bank? That's an awfully short glimpse at a really expensive piece of machinery.
  • What's with that bird?
I'll enjoy it when I get to ride it, but as I expected, this ride is E-ticket only in size. It's a bit disappointing, but I as I mentioned before, I think this was built as a visual anchor for the park as much as it was built for story.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know a roundabout figure of what Big Thunder would cost today accounting for inflation? It's not that I'm in the market for big faux-mountains or anything, but I'm curious to see where Everest lands in the spectrum of really big rides without much to see.


New Member
Madison said:
The anti-rollback system is a traditional ratcheting dog style device. It will get louder with time as friction wears away on the dogs beneath each train. Good maintenance and replacing the dogs often will minimize the noise, but I don't know how inclined Disney is to do that. Both Big Thunder and Space Mountain have very loud dogs.
EE uses a different type of Anti-Roll back which incorporates magnet like stuff. When the train starts to ascend you hear the dog clicking against the roll back, but as you get faster up the mountain and as the wheels start to move more, the dog moves away from the roll back and doesn't make a sound.


New Member
elpirataman said:
EE uses a different type of Anti-Roll back which incorporates magnet like stuff. When the train starts to ascend you hear the dog clicking against the roll back, but as you get faster up the mountain and as the wheels start to move more, the dog moves away from the roll back and doesn't make a sound.

Are there pictures? I'll believe it when I see it. New coasters have very quiet anti-rollback mechanisms because the catch is coated in urethane (or similar). I can't imagine why they'd combine a traditional ratcheting system at the top and bottom with a magnetic system in the middle, though stranger things certainly have happened.


My god. You are *completely* missing the point and trying to prove yourself by being *way* too literal.

This has nothing to do with what would or would not be on the train. Exactly like Taylor said - it's something that simply flows in the background that enchances excitement and enforces mood. It is a VERY nessary tool when speaking in terms of show.

Want proof? Watch a movie without the score playing in the background. Tell me you enjoy it just as much when only listening to the dialogue.

That's not all ways the case.

Watch Alien and see what a effective tool Ridley Scott makes of Silence and the diegetic
sound of the world, where you would expect there to be a dramatic score.

IMO, I think EE is suited to not having a score, other rides that have a score such as IJA and TOT are more firmly placed within the world of Film and TV, where as EE is placed more within the realm of reality.


New Member
elpirataman said:
Here you can see the dog away from the roll back so the sound is minimized

If it doesn't show up here is the url.

That's really interesting. I'd love to learn more about how and why they've decided to employs something that circumvents one safety system in favor of another -- and, particularly, how the system reacts in failure. Obviously, the ratchet is secondary to the other system.

Does this ride have a lift chain? I've read before that it uses Linear Synchronous Motors on the hold points before each switch, so if that's true it'd be easy to implement an LSM-based lift as well. If it's a chain-driven lift, the train uses LSMs as an anti-rollback and there's a ratchet to back that up, I'll simply conclude that the folks at Vekoma are insane.


Premium Member
Must say I was quite disappointed....hopefully I can enjoy it once I actually ride it (one thing that's for sure though is that I better never hear another person say anything bad about the ghosts during the coaster portion of ROTM --- they easily work much better than that awful Yeti projection, IMO).


Premium Member
Tahu said:
But the Mummy ghosts were just blacklight paintings, at least the shadow Yeti Kong moves...
They work well for what they're needed for though....much more "believable" than this projection.


New Member
Madison said:
That's really interesting. I'd love to learn more about how and why they've decided to employs something that circumvents one safety system in favor of another -- and, particularly, how the system reacts in failure. Obviously, the ratchet is secondary to the other system.

Does this ride have a lift chain? I've read before that it uses Linear Synchronous Motors on the hold points before each switch, so if that's true it'd be easy to implement an LSM-based lift as well. If it's a chain-driven lift, the train uses LSMs as an anti-rollback and there's a ratchet to back that up, I'll simply conclude that the folks at Vekoma are insane.

It does have a traditional chain and I believe that in between the roll-back for main lift, I believe they use magnets, that when the train gets going, the magnetism increase making much more of a spread. And the switch track does use LSM's to get it moving faster.


New Member
I've been noticing on Disney boards everywhere, that alot of people love EE already and even so before any videos came about, so my question is....

Has anyone seen the videos of the EE ride thru- and been dissapointed in what they saw.?

Personally, I think it looks cool, but also can see that is has been alittle OVER HYPED as well.
Huh, my opinion might change when I ride it - hopefully on my Feb 1-5th trip I can jump on it.?


Active Member
Minor Spoilers...

OK...so I've read all of these pages (slow afternoon at work) and have now watched both videos. After having been on Everest nine times so far, I would have to say that both of those videos are little more than sorry adverts for the actual attraction.

*The vulture bird at the top? I can't believe there's so much discussion for something seen for such little time. It's only there for a second or two, and you're MOVING when it pops up. Is it corny? Maybe...but it doesn't take away from the overall experience. It only adds. The fact that no one here has said that it's a vulture only shows A) how little of it is seen and B) how crappy the videos are.

*The dark tunnels...I agree. I wish/hope something happens here. I've heard that some fog/snow/mist type of effects are planned, but, nothing so far. But...this is the backwards part of the attraction and even in the dark, it's fun to go fast backwards!!!

*The Yeti projection...this seems to be a love it or hate type of thing I guess. Big discussion at work about it too. Some people think it's great, others think it's way to cartoony. I myself, dug it. It's a really big cave, it's loud and it's a chance to take in your situation--you ignored warnings about this train and area and now you're in some trouble. It looks better in person as well...but I'll get to that in a minute.

*The lack of trees and follage in general...I guess that this where some realism from the outside world comes into play. In the part of the world where this story take place, foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, trees are scarce. Wood, not gold is how your wealth is judged here. I guess because I wasn't expecting a jungle, I wasn't disapointed when one failed to show up.

*The Yeti...WOW! THOSE VIDEOS STINK! You have NO idea how much better the real thing is!!! You will certainly see him longer than what's shown on the videos, but it will be a quick view. The idea here is not for you to stop and gaze lovingly upon the beast. In fact the idea and the reality are much closer to you being amazed and wondering what it was that you even saw. Trust me...you see it for the right amount of time!

C'mon...more than two people here have been to Tokyo DisneySea. I have as well. And while I 100% agree that Everest is NOT Journey to the Centre of the Earth, it is a solid "E ticket" Disney attraction for everyone to enjoy! And that's important! This is a FUN ride that overall, I believe they (WDI) got right! Is it perfection? Of course not! Is it fun? Of course!


New Member
VERY nice post Supermatt......

You said it right at the end....as long as it's fun.!!
I just hope we all enjoy it for what it's worth and not pick it apart to much. It'll be interesting to see when it officially opens and more people get to ride it as to what their opinions are.


New Member
Supermatt70 said:
Minor Spoilers...

OK...so I've read all of these pages (slow afternoon at work) and have now watched both videos. After having been on Everest nine times so far, I would have to say that both of those videos are little more than sorry adverts for the actual attraction.

*The vulture bird at the top? I can't believe there's so much discussion for something seen for such little time. It's only there for a second or two, and you're MOVING when it pops up. Is it corny? Maybe...but it doesn't take away from the overall experience. It only adds. The fact that no one here has said that it's a vulture only shows A) how little of it is seen and B) how crappy the videos are.

*The dark tunnels...I agree. I wish/hope something happens here. I've heard that some fog/snow/mist type of effects are planned, but, nothing so far. But...this is the backwards part of the attraction and even in the dark, it's fun to go fast backwards!!!

*The Yeti projection...this seems to be a love it or hate type of thing I guess. Big discussion at work about it too. Some people think it's great, others think it's way to cartoony. I myself, dug it. It's a really big cave, it's loud and it's a chance to take in your situation--you ignored warnings about this train and area and now you're in some trouble. It looks better in person as well...but I'll get to that in a minute.

*The lack of trees and follage in general...I guess that this where some realism from the outside world comes into play. In the part of the world where this story take place, foothills of the Himalayan Mountains, trees are scarce. Wood, not gold is how your wealth is judged here. I guess because I wasn't expecting a jungle, I wasn't disapointed when one failed to show up.

*The Yeti...WOW! THOSE VIDEOS STINK! You have NO idea how much better the real thing is!!! You will certainly see him longer than what's shown on the videos, but it will be a quick view. The idea here is not for you to stop and gaze lovingly upon the beast. In fact the idea and the reality are much closer to you being amazed and wondering what it was that you even saw. Trust me...you see it for the right amount of time!

C'mon...more than two people here have been to Tokyo DisneySea. I have as well. And while I 100% agree that Everest is NOT Journey to the Centre of the Earth, it is a solid "E ticket" Disney attraction for everyone to enjoy! And that's important! This is a FUN ride that overall, I believe they (WDI) got right! Is it perfection? Of course not! Is it fun? Of course!

Kudos for you my friend! You rock!


Well-Known Member
Can I just say, this whole thing should have been closed 2 days ago. From what was a little video clip we've turned it into a "I've been on it X more times than you" to a "I know So and So and therefore my info is better than yours" to a "This is the end of the world" cry.

Give it a rest. Steve close this thread it's had it's due course. Video or not, we can all ride it shortly. Hopefully it won't suck, maybe it will. Who knows, get a life people. Today is a Holiday, lets try to remember there is another world outside of Disney.


Active Member
Thelazer said:
Can I just say, this whole thing should have been closed 2 days ago.

Which is impossible due to the fact it was only started yesterday...

Thelazer said:
From what was a little video clip we've turned it into a "I've been on it X more times than you" to a "I know So and So and therefore my info is better than yours" to a "This is the end of the world" cry.

Really... I haven't seen any of this yet...

Thelazer said:
Give it a rest. Steve close this thread it's had it's due course. Video or not, we can all ride it shortly.

Not all of us.

Thelazer said:
Hopefully it won't suck, maybe it will. Who knows, get a life people.

Aw... now that's not very nice. These people only want to come here and express their opinion about a passion which we all share, with the possible exception of you. If you don't like it, you could always leave...

Thelazer said:
Today is a Holiday, lets try to remember there is another world outside of Disney.

Perhaps so... but does it really make sense for a Disney forum to ignore Disney? :hammer:

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