Expedition Everest effects status watch


Well-Known Member
Effects update:

BOTH waterfalls working

Steam working

No Bird

Yet was in a new pose. The lighting has changed. I didn't see the strobe light as much because there was just a regular light lighting up the area. You could see the entire area that he was hanging on and the track that is up above his head. This is the most well lit I have ever seen the yeti.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Effects update:

BOTH waterfalls working

Steam working

No Bird

Yet was in a new pose. The lighting has changed. I didn't see the strobe light as much because there was just a regular light lighting up the area. You could see the entire area that he was hanging on and the track that is up above his head. This is the most well lit I have ever seen the yeti.
YES! Finally, my only wish came true. How long, who knows, but at least they have tried lighting up the show scene more.


New Member
I was shocked to find out he is broken. I rode the ride for the first time last year and didn't think anything of it simply because I didn't know any better. It would be cool to ride it again with all of this actually working.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
did we ride the same ride? I saw steam, waterfalls, and the strobe lighting on the yeti was more effective than it has been in a while.


Well-Known Member
No steam, no bird on a stick, and Yeti badly lit and in new position - seems like he is half turned from the car...

Went on Everest with my fiance in March (it was his first ride) and we had to ride it twice because we didn't even see the Yeti on the first ride.


New Member
My first time riding Everest was today and the steam at the loading dock was working. I only recall one waterfall at the front of the mountain. I'm not sure if there were both or not as I really only noticed the one because my husband was complaining that it got his glasses wet lol. No bird but there was a bird sound effect. Still just a strobe on the Yeti. We rode it twice and the hubby didn't see him either time! It seems like just a static, low level light on the Yeti would be better so that it would be easier to see him! Forget the fact that they want to simulate movement...if you can't see him in the first place, what good is fake movement?


Well-Known Member
I cant believe he posted a question asking which people like best, the Yeti or Hopper. Its like they are all just pretending the Yeti isnt broken at this point......

I know!!! I couldn't believe it either!! so of course I had to write that I wouldn't know because every time I ride its broken! LOL

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