Expedition Everest effects status watch

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
New Yeti discovery:

Russian and US Scientists Gather to Hunt Down Yeti



This confirms one of two things: Either the Yeti broke free of his Florida cave or, from that photograph, the true Yeti is a tarheel.


I've said it several times on this forum but I think its a real shame that such a great attraction like this remains in the state it's currently in. I'm fortunate enough to have been on EE in 2006 when everything worked and marveled at a fully functioning Yeti.

As it stands right now, there appears to be no plans to fix him anytime soon. You would think that all the wizards behind the scenes at WDI would have had a better repair plan just in case something went wrong with an AA like this that they spend tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars engineering.

It's been malfunctioning for almost 5 years now. I'd have to think it could have been fixed at some point during those 5 years. But now, instead of the great display of engineering it once was, it's instead a glorified statue that most either barely notice or don't notice at all.

Here's hoping one day they finally fix him and return him to his former glory. Although this has been going on for years now so I doubt anything will change anytime soon. At the very earliest it'll be after the Avatar expansion several years from now. Even then...


Does anyone know of a good Expedition Everest ride though of back when EE was fully functional? I'm trying to tell some friends of mine who went last year who do not believe me when I tell them how great the Yeti is to see when fully functioning. So I'm trying to find a good ride though video online outside of the "making of" video but cannot seem to find one.

Said friends when they went last year said they barely even noticed "a figure" towards the end of the ride.

Any links to a ride through of when EE was fully functional would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Now I know why the yeti isn't fixed. It's because the yeti is in Hollywood doing commercials. Disco yeti is in the new stride gum commercial with Sean white.


Well-Known Member
There today, both waterfalls working, steam and sound effects at load working, disco yeti... disco-ing (though the dim red light that illuminated him recently in addition to the strobe light was absent - I felt that was better because it made it easier to spot him), no bird on a stick, though I've been told the effect actually works but is turned off because it is cheap looking, not because its broken. And as we all know, the other fog and mist effects are disabled permanently.

So in other words, business as usual and as it will be for quite some time, so I'm still not sure why this thread is stickied when other attractions have more (and not so well documented) problems.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
There today, both waterfalls working, steam and sound effects at load working, disco yeti... disco-ing (though the dim red light that illuminated him recently in addition to the strobe light was absent - I felt that was better because it made it easier to spot him), no bird on a stick, though I've been told the effect actually works but is turned off because it is cheap looking, not because its broken. And as we all know, the other fog and mist effects are disabled permanently.

So in other words, business as usual and as it will be for quite some time, so I'm still not sure why this thread is stickied when other attractions have more (and not so well documented) problems.

Because the yeti's lack of proper function is a really big deal and we aren't going to forget about it or let it slide.


Well-Known Member
But we ALL know about it. Disney themselves has acknowledged that it will not be fixed any time soon. So what purpose does having this thread stickied serve?

And it really isn't that big of a deal if he swings his arm at you for three seconds. Its far, FAR more annoying to, say, ride Splash Mountain and have half the animatronics not functioning, or ride Test Track with no audio and many effects broken, both of which happen frequently.


Well-Known Member
And it really isn't that big of a deal if he swings his arm at you for three seconds. Its far, FAR more annoying to, say, ride Splash Mountain and have half the animatronics not functioning, or ride Test Track with no audio and many effects broken, both of which happen frequently.

Not disagreeing that other broken effects being bigger deals, but it is a HUGE deal that the most important aspect of Expedition Everest is no longer operational.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but its a huge ordeal that has been officially addressed by Disney. They told you their plan. They won't close it to fix the Yeti any time soon because without Everest, DAK is not worth a one day, one park ticket. I feel like continuing to whine about it is just giving them more fuel to not fix it. And while it may have been the main selling point, it barely affects the ride at all. The ride is first and foremost a roller coaster, a very well designed and fun one at that, and the yeti not swinging it's arm at you for 3 seconds shouldn't ruin the ride for you or anyone.

...that said, I do wish they would install some better lighting effects for B mode than just a simple strobe light.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but its a huge ordeal that has been officially addressed by Disney. They told you their plan. They won't close it to fix the Yeti any time soon because without Everest, DAK is not worth a one day, one park ticket. I feel like continuing to whine about it is just giving them more fuel to not fix it. And while it may have been the main selling point, it barely affects the ride at all. The ride is first and foremost a roller coaster, a very well designed and fun one at that, and the yeti not swinging it's arm at you for 3 seconds shouldn't ruin the ride for you or anyone.

...that said, I do wish they would install some better lighting effects for B mode than just a simple strobe light.

Disney, IMO, is not just a park with rides. The major thing that sets Disney apart from other amusement parks is the story element. Most, if not all, of their rides tell a story. The story associated with E:E is an encounter with the Yeti. Not being able to fully witness this is poor show and something that should not have gone this long (almost 5 years now) without repair. I understand other rides have their issues but this is a pretty huge glaring problem that I personally feel should have been addressed by now. Now, given that my one opinion matters about as much to Disney as a kid letting go of their Mickey balloon, I still don't feel as though just letting the broken Yeti issue go will bode well for any future projects at WDW. (Oh, it doesn't work? Ehh, dangle a cardboard cut out of that AA on a pendulum beside the ride. Oughta have the same effect. Guests will only see it for 5 seconds anyway.) I know that's a little over-dramatic but letting a large story element such as the Yeti sit broken for over 5 years before Disney even reacts with a statement is a bit lazy and almost pompous.

All in all, everyone wants it to work again the way it's supposed to. There's not one person on here who would agree that it needs to stay as is. Will it happen soon? Probably not. Will it happen at all? Who knows. But it can't just get off Scott free.

Who is Scott anyway? Why is he great and free? :lookaroun:)


Beta Return
Yeah, but its a huge ordeal that has been officially addressed by Disney. They told you their plan. They won't close it to fix the Yeti any time soon because without Everest, DAK is not worth a one day, one park ticket. I feel like continuing to whine about it is just giving them more fuel to not fix it. And while it may have been the main selling point, it barely affects the ride at all. The ride is first and foremost a roller coaster, a very well designed and fun one at that, and the yeti not swinging it's arm at you for 3 seconds shouldn't ruin the ride for you or anyone.

...that said, I do wish they would install some better lighting effects for B mode than just a simple strobe light.

I pretty much agree with this entire post. The static Yeti doesn't affect the experience for 90% of the guests who ride EE. They're riding it because its an intense coaster (for Disney).

I ride it once per trip for my wife. It makes me nauseas, and my eyes are never open when we supposedly pass the Yeti. I bet I'm not in a terribly small minority.

But for Disney guests who like coasters, they ride it for that reason, not to see the Yeti. Sure, its impressive when he works, but the right lighting and a thunderous roar would provide the same effect for that fraction of a second.

If they're going to fix it, id rather they wait until avatar is open, so we don't lose half the park's ride capacity for months.


Active Member
I rode it last week & the steam was working at the station but the second time you see the Yeti, he didn't lunge at you as you pass underneath him. I'm going back next week & I'll report.

MKCP 1985

Well-Known Member
2012 - 6 years since this ride opened! Wow, seems like just yesterday the Yeti was fully functioning. Well, not yesterday really. . . more like a couple years ago. :shrug:


Active Member
I pretty much agree with this entire post. The static Yeti doesn't affect the experience for 90% of the guests who ride EE. They're riding it because its an intense coaster (for Disney).

I ride it once per trip for my wife. It makes me nauseas, and my eyes are never open when we supposedly pass the Yeti. I bet I'm not in a terribly small minority.

But for Disney guests who like coasters, they ride it for that reason, not to see the Yeti. Sure, its impressive when he works, but the right lighting and a thunderous roar would provide the same effect for that fraction of a second.

If they're going to fix it, id rather they wait until avatar is open, so we don't lose half the park's ride capacity for months.

Tom's quote pretty much sums it up... And thanks for all the hard work in the past on the permit threads you worked on. They are always fun to read and see whats coming down the line. ;)

I was lucky and got to ride EE when all was shiny and new the 1st year it was open. YES the yeti is pretty kewl when it operates as designed BUT that said in the years past when its not been moving or whatever mode it was operating in...it never kept the wife and I from riding this great coaster. EE is still really good and we enjoy it.

Hopefully they will get it fixed up better than new but for now the enjoyment is still there.


Well-Known Member
I have never had the opportunity to ride Expedition Everest with the Yeti working properly. I would love to see it one day.

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