Expedition Everest effects status watch

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
There seems to be more (conflicting) rumors and theories about the yeti than most "projects" at WDW. Which makes me wonder if they know exactly what is wrong and what it would take to fix it, or if they haven't ever actually got to the root of whatever the problem is and what the options are to fix it, which leads to all the misinformation.


Well-Known Member
Copy pasted from the news and rumors thread-

I'd call BS to this unless there's some proof. Besides being unlikely that Disney even cares much or at all about the fact that it's broken (some of the management is probably even glad it doesn't work so it saves them money), I couldn't figure they could just correct whatever is wrong with it so quickly without any notice. I don't recall what it was that the insiders here decided was the problem with it, but it doesn't seem like it was something that could be fixed without anyone knowing it was going to be fixed well ahead of time.

As one of the tweets said, video or it didn't happen.

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
Just wondering if they found a temp fix that could be done without ripping the side of the mountain off. Who knows. Like I said, no idea who this Twitter guy is. Just saw it RT'ed.

Tom Morrow

Well-Known Member
If the scene was still dark and the strobe lights were still on, then it was not moving. They wouldn't be hiding it in strobes and darkness if it was actually moving...


Well-Known Member
I think the real problem is the nearby themed restaurant. back when it was just a ride things were pretty good. now the yeti is stretched too thin working terrible shifts at the restaurant all day. back when it formed a partnership with the yak the yak yaked on and on about he would take care of most of the work but apparently was all talk. he is also doesn't cooperate well and would get really steamed if you talked back to that yakity yak. so before we all get angry with the yeti I think it's important to know he has to deal with that too so let's not be to hard on the yeti.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, during my trip last month whenever a CM asked how our trip was going I'd say something to the effect of 'Great except for the Yeti'. Typical response would be a smirk and 'Yeah we know' or 'There's something wrong with him?' followed by a short discussion about the ride. No new insight on the status of the attraction.

I also received a couple survey invitations and was able to work in a comment on each about the Yeti. So if he gets fixed in the next few months, you're welcome. If not, well I did all the typical guest could do. :)

Clever Name

Well-Known Member
One would think so, but what is major from a structural or mechanical standpoint might not be readily apparent. (eg there is more than likely not some gigantic fracture that could be seen by your average CM.)
The problem is underground in the geology supporting the Yeti foundation. Think of it as a cracked car windshield. There is not one large fracture, but rather, many small fractures that run off in all directions.

If you attempt to relieve pressure on one fracture, you increase pressure on all the others and risk increasing the damage. So far the damage has not compromised the track foundation or the mountain foundation.

However, the concern is that any attempt to fix the cracks (by injection or excavation) could cause the fractures to spread and jeopardize the adjacent geology under the track and/or the mountain.

They have concluded that any attempt to repair the geologic fractures at this time is too risky. Even test bores into the ground have been deemed a bad idea. They are just playing the odds.


Well-Known Member
just for anyone who has not seen the mist effects working on the ride...This is the best video I cam across. The music this person added to the video makes it look stupid but the mist is seen in the first tunnel approaching and going backwards and also in the cave exit before the big drop! enjoy


Well-Known Member
I have it figured it out. If any of you read the Kingdom Keepers series (I highly suggest the book series) the Yeti comes to life at one point. And soon attacks some kids. The kids defeat him. This is why he doesn't work anymore. The imagineers don't want him coming alive any more so they won't work on him.

Dads 2 Boys

Well-Known Member
I rode EE today and the Yeti was working. The arm swung down and scared me half to death, i was expecting disco yeti.

Not calling you a liar but when we were there in early February, the lighting was so damn good on the Monday we were there it appeared to be in "A" mode. When we went back the following day however, the lighting wasn't as good and he was still definitely in B or C mode.

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