EXCLUSIVE: "Dinner in the Sky" for Magic Kingdom!?


Well-Known Member
I think you all underestimate the power of Disney Events selling out to companys. I don't think they'd do it at Magic Kingdom (Since the Contemporary and it's great view and restaraunt are right over there) But I could see them doing this at the other parks. Sure it would be an eyesore during the day for guests, and take away the guests value and park hours for a company dinner event, but they do that all the time anyway.


Well-Known Member
There are no plans for anything like this. Perhaps a bored intern decided to find out what the insurance would be...
Not to start an argument or anything, but would you even know about blue sky stuff that Disney Events does? I know you'd know if it were in motion to happen, but I think this was just a recent blue sky idea at Disney Events.


Well-Known Member
pretty bad idea

What a ridiculous "dinner gimmick"...If any company has booked this, may your conservative business approach continue to maximize your profits! In any regards, thanks to the OP for sharing. I am all in favor of stripping the Astro Orbiter and making that a "Fine Dining Experience"...The view from up there is incredible, and u can enjoy it just the same without having a seatbelt and your legs dangling while you eat.

Just think, normally you eat and then get on a "spin and puke" ride, with the Astro-Orbitor option you could do both at the same time.


Not to start an argument or anything, but would you even know about blue sky stuff that Disney Events does? I know you'd know if it were in motion to happen, but I think this was just a recent blue sky idea at Disney Events.
I wondered the same thing.... You seem to know all about Imagineering and marketing, but this too? hmmm....


New Member
The idea alone makes me queasy! Could you imagine trying eat while you were swinging in the wind? YIKES!

That's what I was thinking! What exactly happens when a rogue gust blows through? How do you stop the thing from swinging?!


Active Member
What a ridiculous "dinner gimmick"... I am all in favor of stripping the Astro Orbiter and making that a "Fine Dining Experience"...The view from up there is incredible, and u can enjoy it just the same without having a seatbelt and your legs dangling while you eat.

Yeah. I wonder what other attractions could be turned into fine dining experiences? (other than the convention meals now served at American Adventure, World Showplace, T-land, New York Street, Dinoland, etc...)

Tower of Terror? nah, too messy. Maybe the TTA could be outfitted with tray tables. Or make the train at DAK into a dinner train. Or retrieve the boats from dry dock. I dunno. Any better ideas?


Active Member
Hey, I cannot vouch for the necessity or class of the event...but this is no rumor....Disney IS looking into this. If and when it ever comes to fruition (and we know how idea-to-action plays out with Disney) but they have contacted several companies who will be involved with making this happen if it ever comes to be.

In my opinion, this is a terrible, tacky idea; one that I hope never comes to play, but I am here just to deliver the information. Disney is looking into this: nothing more, nothing less.

Says who? :veryconfu I ran this information by two different sources of mine and both say this will never happen. Oh, and a crane holding people in the air at Disney is:

  1. Bad Show
  2. Too much of a liability issue for both the people eating and the people below them.
  3. Rediculous
  4. Stupid
  5. Defeats the purpose of Cinderella's Table
Not happening. Nothing more. Nothing less. Sorry. I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but I even checked up on this one to see its validity, and it isn't happening. You can say that Disney is considering it, but Disney also considered building a theme park specifically for dogs. Even if they were considering it (which no one in the company that I have spoken to has ever heard anything on this topic/idea), it is strictly blue sky. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Says who? :veryconfu I ran this information by two different sources of mine and both say this will never happen. Oh, and a crane holding people in the air at Disney is:

  1. Bad Show
  2. Too much of a liability issue for both the people eating and the people below them.
  3. Rediculous
  4. Stupid
  5. Defeats the purpose of Cinderella's Table
Not happening. Nothing more. Nothing less. Sorry. I don't mean to be the bearer of bad news but I even checked up on this one to see its validity, and it isn't happening. You can say that Disney is considering it, but Disney also considered building a theme park specifically for dogs. Even if they were considering it (which no one in the company that I have spoken to has ever heard anything on this topic/idea), it is strictly blue sky. Nothing more. Nothing less.

I'm kinda surprised (and yet not) at the intensity this rumor has drummed up. Our new resident insider says no way...the quotes poster checks a couple sources and categorically denies anyone ever even thought of it (exageration, I know)...but the orginal poster simply said somebody from Disney called to inquire and he was there when it happened. As some other posters suggested this was probably a blue sky idea from Events, or maybe in response to a particular clients inquiry. But no, I suppose its "NEVER EVER HAPPENNING BECAUSE I AND MY FRIENDS SAY SO...IN FACT THE PHONE CALL WAS NEVER MADE...THERE'S NO SUCH WEBSITE...THE ORIGINAL POST WAS A FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION." Sheesh. It's just a silly rumor. Get over your bad selves.


New Member
I prefer my feet on the ground, thank you very much, no matter if it's at Disney or not. Not to mention, the bathroom situation or if there is a wind!


Active Member
I'm kinda surprised (and yet not) at the intensity this rumor has drummed up. Our new resident insider says no way...the quotes poster checks a couple sources and categorically denies anyone ever even thought of it (exageration, I know)...but the orginal poster simply said somebody from Disney called to inquire and he was there when it happened. As some other posters suggested this was probably a blue sky idea from Events, or maybe in response to a particular clients inquiry. But no, I suppose its "NEVER EVER HAPPENNING BECAUSE I AND MY FRIENDS SAY SO...IN FACT THE PHONE CALL WAS NEVER MADE...THERE'S NO SUCH WEBSITE...THE ORIGINAL POST WAS A FIGMENT OF YOUR IMAGINATION." Sheesh. It's just a silly rumor. Get over your bad selves.

I didn't say that my friends said so. I didn't say that the phone call wasn't made, nor did I say that the idea was completely ruled out. But, I did say that if this has been considered, it has not gone very far in the company, nor has it achieved a status past blue sky/consideration. As I said before, there are many things that Disney looks into, but never does. I never questioned the validity of their inquiry, but the validity of this happening. Calm down. As I said before my post that I wasn't meaning to sound harsh, nor rude, but I was responding to this news. Simple enough-not in any way meaning to cause a mutiny against the OP (and for the OP, I apologize if I sounded a little on edge, but I in no way meant to).

How do you...uhh...get up to go to the bathroom?

The company that runs these dinners in the sky are working on their next project, Porta-potties in the Sky! :hammer:


New Member
You know for a website that has every thing to do with the happiest place on Earth, some of you people are just down right nasty!

If my company was holding a special event at Disney and i thought we could dine over the trees in Animal Kingdom, i would get Disney to look into it for me.

But maybe ripping the OP apart has made you all feel a bit better about yourselves!

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