Everybody Loves MJ--Everyone Welcome!


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He's feeding.



Well-Known Member
Hey all. It finally stopped raining!:sohappy: And just in time too. Tonight was my first night doing....driver training! I am getting trained in the parade at AK. I am sooo excited about that. It is a lot of fun. Next day (or should I say night) of training is on Wednesday. We will be going into the park. So I can't wait for that.


New Member
WaltzingMatilda said:

Why does Connor ( I know you're listening) sometimes sound like a teenager ans sometimes like an unusaully smart grown-up?

Because he is a teenager who is way ahead of his time.

Kinda weird :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
WaltzingMatilda said:

Why does Connor ( I know you're listening) sometimes sound like a teenager ans sometimes like an unusaully smart grown-up?

Because Connor is an unusually smart teenager...:)
I think he is extremely intelligent and mature for his age..
But he is a teenager so of course he will sound and act like one sometimes..

A lot of grownups act like teenagers sometimes also...

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