Everybody Loves MJ--Everyone Welcome!


Well-Known Member
Connor002 said:
Aren't you supposed to be working?
I am, but the kids are playing Nintendo stuff, so I thought I'd pop in and see if anybody was home.

Aren't you supposed to be cleaning your room?


New Member
Nemo14 said:
Bonny - how did MJ react to loosing a tooth/
and were you in WDW when it happened?

Yes, in Mouse Gears at Epcot 5 pm!!!! But she was with Daddy :( I bought her the Disney Potato head parts and will get her a potato today and give her both :D She seems to be fine with it, she talks about losing it, but not in a traumatic way....

Yes Connor, it's a good thing.


Well-Known Member
MommytoMJM said:
Yes, in Mouse Gears at Epcot 5 pm!!!! But she was with Daddy :( I bought her the Disney Potato head parts and will get her a potato today and give her both :D She seems to be fine with it, she talks about losing it, but not in a traumatic way....

Yes Connor, it's a good thing.
When my daughter was little we explained to her about her "baby teeth" falling out some day, and the "big girl" teeth that would replace them. She insisted that she was not going to lose a tooth (she's so stubborn). Well, as soon as her friends started losing theirs, it was the "cool" thing to lose a tooth, so she used to wiggle them out long before they were ready. It made for some interesting school photos for a couple of years!


New Member
We didn't even try to explain to MJ what was going to haoppen, she can't really grasp concepts like that, it seems that it falling out was relativley painless, except that she almost swallowed it, which was my biggest fear....


Well-Known Member
MommytoMJM said:
We didn't even try to explain to MJ what was going to haoppen, she can't really grasp concepts like that, it seems that it falling out was relativley painless, except that she almost swallowed it, which was my biggest fear....
My son swallowed one (actually one of the few that came out without the dentist having to pull it out.). He was eating a burger and after he swallowed he realized the tooth was gone. Tooth Fairy didn't wait for the tooth to appear under his pillow...


Well-Known Member
MommytoMJM said:
Thanks Dana (I did get your PM, just haven't had time to respond and I have to leave again in 6 minutes)

You're welcome Freddy!

Thats fine.. whenever you can..:)
Well, I will see all later..Have a great day everyone:wave: :kiss:


New Member
Nemo14 said:
My son swallowed one (actually one of the few that came out without the dentist having to pull it out.). He was eating a burger and after he swallowed he realized the tooth was gone. Tooth Fairy didn't wait for the tooth to appear under his pillow...

Oh, I don't care if she swallows the rest, I just wanted the *first* one....

She has no concept of the tooth fairy :(


Well-Known Member
MommytoMJM said:
I gotta go get Nana, go shopping and pray MJ doesn't have an asthma attack in this smoke....
Be careful Bonny!
Got to get back to work here too. Have a good afternoon!

Connor - go clean your room!

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