Everest missing show effects?


New Member
Merlin said:
What I have a "history" of is stating opinions that deviate from the automatic, "Isn't Everest INCREDIBLE??? Isn't the Yeti AMAZING?? Isn't it GREAT STORYTELLING that you only see the Yeti for half a millisecond??" Instead, I'm more honest and straightforward about what Everest is really like. Sorry if you can't understand that I hold Disney to a higher standard than that, because I believe the Imagineers are capable of so much more. I've never started an argument with anyone on these forums. I've stated opposing opinions and people have taken them personally. You and others are the ones who are guilty of starting arguments with ME.

Fine Merlin...we all know your opinion on EE....why do you insist on beating it into our heads and trying to convince us we're wrong. Fine...you don't like it. Don't ride it then....stay away from it and leave us to our opinions.

You're not going to change our minds, so why do you insist on trying?

Have a Magical Day! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
What I have a "history" of is stating opinions that deviate from the automatic, "Isn't Everest INCREDIBLE??? Isn't the Yeti AMAZING?? Isn't it GREAT STORYTELLING that you only see the Yeti for half a millisecond??" Instead, I'm more honest and straightforward about what Everest is really like. Sorry if you can't understand that I hold Disney to a higher standard than that, because I believe the Imagineers are capable of so much more. I've never started an argument with anyone on these forums. I've stated opposing opinions and people have taken them personally. You and others are the ones who are guilty of starting arguments with ME.



Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Instead, I'm more honest and straightforward about what Everest is really like.

Merlin, this is a perfect example of the argumentative posting style Steve was referring to and why some members have become annoyed by your repetitive posting of how awful you think Everest is.

At least from my persective, your opinion is welcome. However, when you make statements that belittle the opinions of others as being "dishonest" (vs honest) or "fake" (vs really like), its immature and argumentative. You seem to believe that everyone who believes that Everest is great is wrong. Respect other's opinions and we'll respect yours.


Account Suspended
TiggerRPh said:
Merlin....while you criticize us for telling you what you think...you have no problem telling us what we think...what gives?

I don't think you've been reading my posts very carefully. I'm not the one criticizing others for "telling us what we think". I was defending myself because I was accused of doing that, and was specifically told that was the ONLY reason why others are angry at me. I was simply pointing out that others are doing the exact same thing. Therefore, if it's the ONLY thing that is making others angry at me, then should others also be angry at anyone else who is doing it? Since they are not, it proves my assertion that it's just an excuse for the REAL reason people are angry at me....I'm not impressed by Everest and I've been honest about that.

TiggerRPh said:
BTW....Merlin...you can't have censorship on a private site. It's Steve site....he can do what he wants and allow or not allow whatever he feels like allowing or not allowing and you can't do squat.

Private or not, if someone is being banned for speaking his or her mind, or if threads or posts are being deleted because the owner of the site objects to comments that are being made....then by definition, that's censorship. Regardless of whether or not Steve "can do what he wants", that doesn't make it NOT censorship.


Account Suspended
TiggerRPh said:
Fine Merlin...we all know your opinion on EE....why do you insist on beating it into our heads and trying to convince us we're wrong. Fine...you don't like it. Don't ride it then....stay away from it and leave us to our opinions.

You're not going to change our minds, so why do you insist on trying?

Have a Magical Day! :wave:

Where do you get the impression I'm trying to change anyone's mind? When you post how great you think Everest is, are YOU just stating how you feel, or are you trying to persuade people? I'm guessing it's the former, and that's exactly what I'm doing too.


Well-Known Member
CTXRover said:
Merlin, this is a perfect example of the argumentative posting style Steve was referring to and why some members have become annoyed by your repetitive posting of how awful you think Everest is.

At least from my persective, your opinion is welcome. However, when you make statements that belittle the opinions of others as being "dishonest" (vs honest) or "fake" (vs really like), its immature and argumentative. You seem to believe that everyone who believes that Everest is great is wrong. Respect other's opinions and we'll respect yours.
Good post...

I'm not going to argue with Merlin anymore. That seems to be what he wants more than anything. So, if everyone just ignores him, maybe he'll just get bored. *shrug*


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
I'm not the one criticizing others for "telling us what we think". I was defending myself because I was accused of doing that, and was specifically told that was the ONLY reason why others are angry at me.

You were doing that. You did try to tell us what we thought, and that is the only reason many of us are angry with you.

I couldn't care less if you like Everest of not. What I don't like is when you tell me that I am being dishonest when I say it is a great ride. Or when you tell me that the only reason I like the ride is that I am ashamed to admit that is not that great.


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Good post...

I'm not going to argue with Merlin anymore. That seems to be what he wants more than anything. So, if everyone just ignores him, maybe he'll just get bored. *shrug*
Sounds like a plan.


Account Suspended
CTXRover said:
Merlin, this is a perfect example of the argumentative posting style Steve was referring to and why some members have become annoyed by your repetitive posting of how awful you think Everest is.

At least from my persective, your opinion is welcome. However, when you make statements that belittle the opinions of others as being "dishonest" (vs honest) or "fake" (vs really like), its immature and argumentative. You seem to believe that everyone who believes that Everest is great is wrong. Respect other's opinions and we'll respect yours.

I will admit that in some of my posts, I have implied that a certain level of dishonesty has taken place in some cases. Perhaps that is too harsh, as I will agree that if I were accused of being dishonest, I would take offense. So on that point, I will acquiesce and agree that you are right.

Perhaps how I should have put it was not that people have been blatantly dishonest, but rather that I highly suspect some major exaggeration has taken place. For example, several people have made claims that they've been tremendous amounts of time (hours, days, etc) just "hanging out" outside the exit of Everest to watch guest reactions. They've gone on to claim that "every single guest" was impressed with Everest. They've literally claimed that they've heard "hundreds"...that's right, "HUNDREDS" of different comments that have "ALL been positive" and have given examples like, "That Yeti is AMAZING!!!", etc. Some of these same individuals have gone on to claim that "not one single guest" had a negative impression of Everest (an impossible thing to measure unless you are a mindreader, or you can verify that every single guest was outwardly making positive comments every single time). To me, these types of claims are utterly ridiculous. I've been on some really impressive theme park attractions in my life. I've seen some awesome movies and some incredible stage productions and other forms of entertainment that have personally blown me away. But in none of those cases could I ever make such exaggerated claims that "every single guest" was verbally expressing their amazement with one of these forms of entertainment. That's just not being realistic. So when claims like that are made, a lot of credibility is lost for me. I was reading this stuff before I rode Everest and I would think, "These people seem to really be trying to make this thing into something that it couldn't possibly live up to. Why?" If anyone is trying to do some convincing of opinions, it seems to me that it's them.

Nevertheless, perhaps "dishonest" was the wrong implication to make. I think of a dishonest person as someone who is intentionally trying to lie or mislead. And since I can't say for certain that's what these people are doing (though I suspect that at least in some cases some of them are), I will change my wording to "exaggerating" rather than "dishonest".

Another example of this is when people make the claim that every time the train rolls into the station, the entire trainload of passengers breaks into applause, ...every single time. Is it possible this has been the true experience for some? Perhaps. Was it for me on my two rides? Not quite. A detail they leave out (either intentionally or innocently) is that when the train rolls into the station, there are CMs egging the passengers on to applaud. I do public speaking for a living and I can tell you that getting people to applaud simply by looking at them excitedly and clapping your own hands together is one of the easiest things to do. Even on the Mummy attraction at Universal, they have CMs doing this at the end of the ride. To me, this isn't really a true indicator that people necessarily loved the ride. But it's been presented as a supporting reason to the claim that "everyone" loves this ride.

My point, after this lengthy post, is that I think there may be readers of these forums who will read things like that and take it literally. It seems pretty apparent to me that those of you who love Everest really do want everyone else to love it too. But if so, you're undermining your own goal by setting these huge expectations of what the ride is like. I think it will cause people to ride it and be incredibly disappointed. Why not "just let people ride it and decide for themselves" as many of you have claimed to feel is the right thing to do. Oh I forgot,...you only make that statement after someone has said something negative about Everest.


Account Suspended
wannab@dis said:
Good post...

I'm not going to argue with Merlin anymore. That seems to be what he wants more than anything. So, if everyone just ignores him, maybe he'll just get bored. *shrug*

Actually, I'm probably going to be banned by the end of the day anyway. However, if everyone who disagrees with my posts WERE to just ignore me, it would probably make a lot of YOU more happy. It's RESPONDING to my posts that starts the arguments, not the posts themselves. If no one responds to them, I don't care. I'll be happy continuing to express my opinion freely with no one getting on my case for doing so. So I actually think that you've presented a good suggestion.

Steve, what do you say? This sounds to me like a fair compromise and a reasonable solution to all of this. If everyone agrees to just not comment when they disagree with one of my posts, can I stay and continue expressing my opinion? Up to you. The ball's in your court (of course, I guess it always HAS been! :lol: )


New Member
Merlin said:
Why not "just let people ride it and decide for themselves" as many of you have claimed to feel is the right thing to do. Oh I forgot,...you only make that statement after someone has said something negative about Everest.

There's no need to say it after someone says something positive about it.

If someone says "Everest looks really cool. I can't wait to ride it," no one else that lieks the ride is going to say, "I don't know... you might want to wait to decide if you like it or not..."

On the other hand, those that don't like the ride (such as yourself) would be the ones trying to persuade people to suspend judgement. Each person takes on a different role in a different situation.

For me, I love Everest, so I would like people to experience it just so they CAN experience it. I would tell a person who thinks it might be overrated to just try it once in order to make a sufficient opinion of the ride instead of telling them that what I think goes for everyone else.

(BTW - you spelled "disappointment" wrong in your signature ;))


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Why not "just let people ride it and decide for themselves" as many of you have claimed to feel is the right thing to do. Oh I forgot,...you only make that statement after someone has said something negative about Everest.

You had a great post up until the last line. I'm not a trying to be a posting nazi, but if you were wondering about the argumentative style Steve was referring to, this is another example. I can't speak for other members, but I'm sorry you felt attacked. However, I think if you try and refrain from making statements that everyone is out to get you simply because your opinion differs from the majority and not for any other reason (and I think many of us here have made it crystal clear by now what those other reasons are) we'll all be better off.

I agree with you though that there have been exagerrations. I will also agree that people who think the ride is great, including myself, hope that everyone else has a similar great time as well. Its part of the excitement of liking anything, be it a movie or a book or a certain job or a theme park ride.

And by the way, having sat at the outside of Everest for probably 45 minutes a few weeks ago while I waited for some friends to meet me (apparently they can't tell time :lol: ), I'd say at the very least 90% of everyone I overheard walking out that gift shop door were buzzing about the ride. At no time did I ever hear a negative comment, but that doesn't mean there weren't any. Everest is very popular with the masses, whether you can appreciate that or not. And while I haven't seen CM's at the unloading dock encouraging people to clap, I'd say that on more than half of my many rides on Everest I have heard people clapping at the end.


Well-Known Member
CTXRover said:
And while I haven't seen CM's at the unloading dock encouraging people to clap, I'd say that on more than half of my many rides on Everest I have heard people clapping at the end.
Very true. EE dosen't need a kid in a red baseball cap to tell us to clap.


New Member
So now Merlin is gone... What is this board coming to... Someone doesn't agree with all the "COOL PEOPLE" on here they are being argumentative.. It isn't just Merlin I saw you people attack.. There are others as well.. Me for example.. I was attacked unmercifully last night and each and every one of you still have your account here.. Even the one who called me low life... But diasgree and you get banned.. Wonderful...

Anyway, I have been on Everest and love it.... So what if something doesn't work all the time... I bet most people do not even realize not everything runs at 100 Percent.. Maybe we all do cause w elove Disnye so much we know the small little things.. but 99 percent of the people who come to Disney are not hardcore fans like the members of this board.. So they do not notice a problem... Long live Everest.. Imagineering created a winner with this one.


Active Member
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are waiting for argument clearance. Once the argument clears, we will resume further posting. If you are standing, please continue to hold on to the silver handrails and hold small children by the hand, and also cover their ears tightly. Thank You for your patience during this time.

Just had to, sorry. :lookaroun


New Member
CTXRover.. Where did you get your avatar?? I been looking for a good piture of Davy Jones from POTC2.. but cannot find one..

Sorry, a little off topic

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