Everest missing show effects?


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COOLKID007 said:
I still can't believe how EE looks not even how it actually is!

I actually agree with you on how Everest LOOKS. In fact, when I first saw the photos of the nearly completed mountain, I was absolutely blown away. And honestly the thought that went through my head was that this was going to truly be the most incredible attraction ever. It wasn't until the first ride reviews and videos came out that my expectations changed...and you can believe I was very disappointed. But not so disappointed that I was willing to fool myself into thinking it was "great storytelling" or anything else of that nature. I was told to reserve judgment until I actually rode it. I went into it with low expectations (just as I had done with Mission Space...which I ended up LOVING). But alas, Everest really did turn out to be an even bigger disappointment than I had expected.

(The preceding was 100% my own opinion. You are welcome to your's just as I am welcome to mine)


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LilDucky said:
Then I'd strongly reconsider the way you're approaching it. 'Cause I dont think it's working too well :lookaroun

Have a magical day :wave:

I think you're right. :lol:

Nevertheless, I think there are things Disney has done that are truly deserving of high praise. Everest is most definitely not one of them in my opinion. Hmmmm...."in my opinion"....maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. I always assumed that it was a GIVEN that it's just my opinion, but perhaps I need to start adding the phrase "in my opinion" more often. Think that will help?:lol: :lol:


New Member
Merlin said:
I think you're right. :lol:

Nevertheless, I think there are things Disney has done that are truly deserving of high praise. Everest is most definitely not one of them in my opinion. Hmmmm...."in my opinion"....maybe that's what I'm doing wrong. I always assumed that it was a GIVEN that it's just my opinion, but perhaps I need to start adding the phrase "in my opinion" more often. Think that will help?:lol: :lol:

Actually, yes :)


New Member
Merlin said:
Rule #4: If it looks like a section of merchandise at your local sporting goods store, with a little dust thrown on top of it, we call that "a really detailed queue area"

Actually... I'm pretty sure it's a "really detailed queue" because it has a lot of detail... most of which came straight from the REAL Everest.

Merlin said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, no one else is laughing.



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Pongo said:
Yeah, no one else is laughing.

I hate to break it to you, but according to several PMs I've gotten tonight in response to this thread, quite a few other people are laughing.

Besides, I put the smileys on my posts in order to avoid the perception that I'm "trying to start an argument". It seems like YOU are trying to start one though.


Well-Known Member
Just because you throw a few smileys doesn't change the fact that you are looking for an argument. You just try to use it as a rationalization for your argumentative posts. Interesting that you claim to receive these "supporting" PMs, but yet very few your claims that EE is a mess, boring, waste of space, etc (as you've posted).

Not everyone has to like the attraction. I may not like it when I first ride. But, there's no need to continually bash it as a failure in every thread on the board. I don't care for SGE, but that's not part of every post that I make. That would be stupid and annoying.

If you're just looking for a few laughs by PM, head over to a humor board; otherwise, the joking is getting old.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Merlin said:
I think I'm starting to understand the rules now. Tell me if I've got this right...

Rule #1: If an attraction isn't officially open, but has been running regularly for weeks, it's okay to say it's "incredible", "amazing" or "awesome", but anything else is prohibited.

Rule #2: It's okay to judge an attraction based on a photo or video as long as your judgment is that it looks "awesome". Saying it looks boring is prohibited and will result in chastizing along the lines of, "You can't possibly judge it without seeing it in real life".

Rule #3: Budget cuts and cheapness don't exist at Disney. We always refer to it as "great storytelling" and "leaving the guest wanting more".

Rule #4: If it looks like a section of merchandise at your local sporting goods store, with a little dust thrown on top of it, we call that "a really detailed queue area".

Rule #5: If you think the real Everest doesn't light up in purple at night, you're wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dint forget rule number 6.

Rule #6: Don't post in threads when you have no relevant information to add to the topic.

The OP was inquiring as to whether several effects that were in operation during the CM and AP were going to be up and running by the grand opening or if they had been removed.

We all get the fact that you don't like EE. There is no need to shove your opinion down everyones throat at every opportunity.

"War beating a dead horse"


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Just because you throw a few smileys doesn't change the fact that you are looking for an argument. You just try to use it as a rationalization for your argumentative posts. Interesting that you claim to receive these "supporting" PMs, but yet very few your claims that EE is a mess, boring, waste of space, etc (as you've posted).

Not everyone has to like the attraction. I may not like it when I first ride. But, there's no need to continually bash it as a failure in every thread on the board. I don't care for SGE, but that's not part of every post that I make. That would be stupid and annoying.

:sohappy: Excellent post.


Well-Known Member
I love it how Merlin says it's not ok to have a bad opinion about EE, yet he dosen't respect it if you have good opinions about it. (I just love it how people who like Everest can give vaild reasons that it's well done, yet people like Merlin can just say "it looks like junk" and "the real one dosent look like that".) Oh, and as by your "The real Everest isn't really lit purple" remark, let's go through this.
A: NO mountain is lit at all.
and B: See above.
Now let's apply that chain of thought upon the "classics" that you say EE can't match up to. (Which, by the way, no fan of EE has said that it can.)
1. Pirates whould not sing while looting a town.
2. You can see backstage things during Pirates.
3. You could see the framework for the rockwork in the opening cave scene
4. I see light leak into the Haunted Mansion through back doors everytime I go on. (Much more light than EE's backwards part that's for sure.)
See? I could go on and on about little things like that, that if Pirates or Mansion opened today you'd be talking about how poorly done they are. Listen, you don't like EE, fine. Go ahead, I respect that. But don't just sit here and whine about it all day. Because we haven't been sitting here yelling how good it is. We're just defending the work of the imagineers, who we believe made a very great attraction, that we will love forever. Good night, and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Now...let me ask all of you this.

Where, in the past 3 pages of this 4 page thread, has anything been addressed dealing with the title of this thread?

It's never going to end........


Well-Known Member
WDWFREAK53 said:
Now...let me ask all of you this.

Where, in the past 3 pages of this 4 page thread, has anything been addressed dealing with the title of this thread?

It's never going to end........
Yea... every thread about a new ride turns into a flame war. Been like that since Mission: SPACE.


Well-Known Member
I haven't been on Everest, and I'm excited to do so, probably in November. However, I know I will be disappointed by some things that would/could be lacking at that point - be it the steam from the trains, the waterfalls, the blasts of cool air, the snow, or quite possibly a yeti that isn't working. Now, I don't know if those that disliked the ride had an incomplete experience, but that could conceivably weigh into it.

That being said, Merlin is right - everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This is also an everest thread. In fact, it's a thread called "Everest missing show effects?" That title, undoubtedly lends the attraction to a degree of criticism. Just because the bulk of the Everest threads have been positive, much like the bulk of the feedback it doesn't make what Merlin is doing wrong. I'm sure if I looked back to when SGE opened up, the complaining would be far worse, and it would be acceptable because more people agreed with it.

Merlin itimized his complaints, granted it was in a sarcastic manner, but he itimized them none the less. Certainly everyone can choose to agree or disagree with these complaints, but to say that he didn't voice them is incorrect.


Well-Known Member
Pete C said:
Yo RSoxNo1, off topic, why do you still have a pic of Johnny Damon when he plays for the Yanks now?

Johnny Damon doesn't play for the Yankees...

Look at him...that's not Johnny...that's some imposter wearing a Damon jersey with pinstripes. Johnny is nothing without his hair. :lookaroun

I think his name is "Jonathan Damonski" now.

Now, the problems with Everest...are these easy fixes that can be done within a couple of weeks or do they need to order special parts, etc.?


Well-Known Member
I've looked around for other pictures, but nothing has appealed to me... I'm bored now, I'll find something today.
Merlin said:
Rule #1: If an attraction isn't officially open, but has been running regularly for weeks, it's okay to say it's "incredible", "amazing" or "awesome", but anything else is prohibited.

No, no, no. You can say it isn't awesome but really, can you properly judge an attraction if it isn't complete? Yes it's been running for weeks but that doesn't mean its finished.


Well-Known Member
HM999thGhost said:
No, no, no. You can say it isn't awesome but really, can you properly judge an attraction if it isn't complete? Yes it's been running for weeks but that doesn't mean its finished.

I've heard this argument quite a bit and I still don't understand it. Everest is still in soft opening yes but if anyone thinks it will be a different experience on opening day they are mistaken. Opening day will have all the effects working but it won't have any new ones. These soft openings are to test the ride and "break it in" so to speak. It's so that if it breaks down like all new rides do, they can cover it by saying it isn't "officially open" yet. I went on Mission: SPACE in June 2003 at the very beginning of the soft opening. I went again the following year and it was exactly the same ride except this time with more "spinning" warnings. Those who rode Everest in A mode with steam and mist got the full experience that will be had on opening day. It isn't like there is a construction crew in there adding effects or changing the speed of the train. Lighting is really all they could be tweaking right now.

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