Everest missing show effects?


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
I must say that Merlin is one of the few on here that doesn't like EE and he's taking flak for it. His difference of opinion needs recognized too.

I recognize Merlin's opinion and respect it. But how many times must one repeatedly remind us how much they dislike something? I think Everest is an incredible ride and I know many on here do as well, but I don't make it a point in every thread about Everest, no matter the specific topic, to remind everyone my opinion of it. I respect his opinion and believe it has a much merit as any other person's opinion here, but obviously his opinion is in the minority and I have to wonder if the reason behind the reminders of his opinions in post after post and thread after thread is to raise a few feathers.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
How many times must one repeat how incredible an attraction is?
CTXRover said " I think Everest is an incredible ride and I know many on here do as well, but I don't make it a point in every thread about Everest, no matter the specific topic, to remind everyone my opinion of it."

That is the difference. Nobody on these boards has made a point to say Everest was incredible in nearly everyone of their posts. Especially not in thread that didn't even pertain to EE.


Account Suspended
Master Yoda said:
Rule #6: Don't post in threads when you have no relevant information to add to the topic.

It's been my observation that nearly ALL threads tend to drift somewhat off topic. I don't think that most people honestly are all that bothered by it. But it makes for a convenient excuse. It sounds more mature and grown up to say something like, "You have the right to your opinion, but don't change the topic" (when, in reality, I'm very much ON topic). This is, after all, an Everest thread, is it not?


Now to get off topic about the stuff someone didn't like about the effects, if they're going to light Everest like they're doing at night wouldn't it be cool at certain areas of the mountain they have a "shadow" cross the light to make you go "Did I see something up there? Nah!":eek: :D :cool:


Account Suspended
peter11435 said:
Yes it is. But not all of the threads you have posted your opinion on Everest in have been about Everest.

And I'm the only member of these boards to ever post a comment that is not precisely on the topic? Or is it that I'm the only one that warrants having it pointed out...simply because my comment is one that contradicts your opinion?


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
And I'm the only member of these boards to ever post a comment that is not precisely on the topic? Or is it that I'm the only one that warrants having it pointed out...simply because my comment is one that contradicts your opinion?
No Merlin. It has nothing to do with you or your opinion. It is just annoying when someone pushes their opinion in every post they make. Especially in threads that are not even on the subject. Like I said we all know you dislike Everest and that is fine. But you don't need to say it in nearly every post and every thread.

MGM is my least favorite WDW park but I don't point that out in every thread I post in. At the same time Splash Mountain is my favorite ride in WDW but you don't see me talk about how great it is in every post I make either.

What angered many of us early on was not your opinion, but rather when you tried to tell us how we think and feel. That just wasn't right.


Premium Member
Merlin said:
And I'm the only member of these boards to ever post a comment that is not precisely on the topic? Or is it that I'm the only one that warrants having it pointed out...simply because my comment is one that contradicts your opinion?

Merlin, consider this a last and final warning. Everywhere you post simply turns into an argument. You know exactly the effect that your posting style has. Either change your posting style or stop posting. If any of this continues into one more thread or post, you are going to be banned.


Not old, just vintage.
frankd1962 said:
Now to get off topic about the stuff someone didn't like about the effects, if they're going to light Everest like they're doing at night wouldn't it be cool at certain areas of the mountain they have a "shadow" cross the light to make you go "Did I see something up there? Nah!":eek: :D :cool:

Our leader has spoken. Back to the topic of EE and its effects, missing or otherwise. I like this idea about a shadow...its always fun to screw around with peoples minds a little bit...lol. The only problem I could forsee is that to the best of my knowledge AK isnt open that much when it is dark out (usually closes between 4 and 6pm right?) so not many people would really get to experience such an effect. Too bad we'll prolly never see something like this.


Well-Known Member
The hours are being extended (take a look at the hours) and they have the evening EMH. More people are now being able to take advantage of the park after dark.


Account Suspended
wdwmagic said:
Merlin, consider this a last and final warning. Everywhere you post simply turns into an argument. You know exactly the effect that your posting style has. Either change your posting style or stop posting. If any of this continues into one more thread or post, you are going to be banned.

It turns into an argument not because of my "posting style", but because my opinion differs from that of others. Others are guilty of many of the things that I do, but they're allowed to get away with it because they are saying positive things about Everest, etc. For example, even YOU are making assumptions about what I'm thinking (see your post above). Yet I'm guessing no member will criticize you for it and say that it's "wrong" (see Peter's post below):

peter11435 said:
What angered many of us early on was not your opinion, but rather when you tried to tell us how we think and feel. That just wasn't right.

Somehow I doubt Peter and others will jump down YOUR throat for doing EXACTLY the same thing I've done (an act which they state is the SOLE reason they are angry with me). I suspect we'll be seeing the words "Account Suspended" underneath my name shortly, and that will pretty much prove my point.

I've apologized numerous times, including in a PM to you which you did not have the class or maturity to respond to. I'm through apologizing for simply stating an honest opinion. Ban me if you feel it's what you need to do. Seems like censorship to me though.

Since banishment from these forums seems like an almost certainty now, here is my personal email address for anyone who would like to keep in touch with me:




Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
I've apologized numerous times, including in a PM to you which you did not have the class or maturity to respond to. I'm through apologizing for simply stating an honest opinion. Ban me if you feel it's what you need to do. Seems like censorship to me though.
Merlin, you know that you LOVE to argue and to attempt to show you know more than anyone else. It's been that way for a long time. You bait people and then you try to twist words for your arguments. You've done these things for a long time. Recently, you've been more hostile and argumentative than normal. You've been asked to stop.

Yet, instead of changing your style or just saying "sorry" in public, you have the gall to say Steve has no class or maturity. I think that statement basically shows that it's YOU that lack those traits. It's not censorship, it's simple rules. You're visiting someone else's forum so play by their rules and wishes. Pretty simple.


Not old, just vintage.
wannab@dis said:
The hours are being extended (take a look at the hours) and they have the evening EMH. More people are now being able to take advantage of the park after dark.

Good deal. I guess if I had thought about it for five minutes I would have realized something kind of obvious. :hammer: Disney wouldnt be going through all this trouble to get the exterior lighting effects perfect if they were going to close the park at dusk everyday. Glad to see that theyre giving AK some attention and letting it stay open later.


Account Suspended
wannab@dis said:
Merlin, you know that you LOVE to argue and to attempt to show you know more than anyone else.

Yet another example of a fellow member "trying to tell me what I think." Once again, this has been illustrated as the SOLE reason you and others are angry at me. Since you're guilty of it, and I don't see people jumping down YOUR throat for it, I think that proves the REAL reason people are angry is that I said the truth about how much of a letdown Everest is.

peter11435 said:
What angered many of us early on was not your opinion, but rather when you tried to tell us how we think and feel. That just wasn't right.


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Yet another example of a fellow member "trying to tell me what I think." Once again, this has been illustrated as the SOLE reason you and others are angry at me. Since you're guilty of it, and I don't see people jumping down YOUR throat for it, I think that proves the REAL reason people are angry is that I said the truth about how much of a letdown Everest is.
You really just don't get it do you.

The difference is that based on your posting history we have proof that you love to argue and dare I say cause trouble. You however have no solid proof to back up your claims about us and our opinions.


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
Yet another example of a fellow member "trying to tell me what I think." Once again, this has been illustrated as the SOLE reason you and others are angry at me. Since you're guilty of it, and I don't see people jumping down YOUR throat for it, I think that proves the REAL reason people are angry is that I said the truth about how much of a letdown Everest is.
Whatever... for someone that tries to act so knowledgable about everything, you sure can play dumb very well.

have a magical day :wave:


Account Suspended
peter11435 said:
The difference is that based on your posting history we have proof that you love to argue and dare I say cause trouble. You however have no solid proof to back up your claims about us and our opinions.

What I have a "history" of is stating opinions that deviate from the automatic, "Isn't Everest INCREDIBLE??? Isn't the Yeti AMAZING?? Isn't it GREAT STORYTELLING that you only see the Yeti for half a millisecond??" Instead, I'm more honest and straightforward about what Everest is really like. Sorry if you can't understand that I hold Disney to a higher standard than that, because I believe the Imagineers are capable of so much more. I've never started an argument with anyone on these forums. I've stated opposing opinions and people have taken them personally. You and others are the ones who are guilty of starting arguments with ME.


New Member
Merlin said:
Yet another example of a fellow member "trying to tell me what I think." Once again, this has been illustrated as the SOLE reason you and others are angry at me. Since you're guilty of it, and I don't see people jumping down YOUR throat for it, I think that proves the REAL reason people are angry is that I said the truth about how much of a letdown Everest is.

Merlin....while you criticize us for telling you what you think...you have no problem telling us what we think...what gives?

I can honestly believe that you don't believe that you're being argumentative wiith your posting style....you might be trying to be all knowing, sarcastic...whatever...it really doesn't matter, because text does not nor can it infer tone, intent or emotion very well. So, it doesn't matter what your intent or meaning is....it's how it's perceived and your posts come off as being argumentative and you're coming off as a jack.

BTW....Merlin...you can't have censorship on a private site. It's Steve site....he can do what he wants and allow or not allow whatever he feels like allowing or not allowing and you can't do squat.

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