Everest missing show effects?


Well-Known Member
Rode it last week for the first time, and my initial reaction was like, that was ok. Rode it again severeal times for EMH the next day and I now say it is the smoothest and best rollercoaster on disney property. My personall fav still remains to be space mountain, but EE is a close second. It seems really really thrilling, like on par with rock n roller coatser. But now me and my dad agree that RRnr SUCKs big time after riding EE.


Well-Known Member
Because I can't remember Florida's timing, did you get some rides on Everest at night? I assume this is one that adds quite a bit with night fall. Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Merlin said:
:lol: :lol: This kills me! This attraction is, quite simply, just a piece of junk. Not only is it really dull and totally lacking in show quality,...but it's already falling apart!:lol:
I'm sure your idea of a great ride is Malestrom. Because of it's many Trolls.
RonAnnArbor said:
I rode it yesterday and today -- the steam is not on the train. The cold air and mist/fog effect is working. The Yeti is working wonderfully. The inside of the mountain is pretty much pitch black except for the actual ride track openings. The ride is ok - sort of a tamed down version of Big Thunder Mountain. A lot of hoopla about very little if you ask me.
Tamed down version of BtmR?! You're joking right? EE is like the total opposite of tame [in terms of Disney theme parks that is]

Merlin said:
:lol: :lol: This kills me! This attraction is, quite simply, just a piece of junk. Not only is it really dull and totally lacking in show quality,...but it's already falling apart!:lol:
no its not falling apart.. just not finished yet, which is why it hasn't had its grand opening yet. you can't diss an attraction if it isn't completed yet.. thats just.. silly.


Account Suspended
HM999thGhost said:
you can't diss an attraction if it isn't completed yet.. thats just.. silly.

I think I'm starting to understand the rules now. Tell me if I've got this right...

Rule #1: If an attraction isn't officially open, but has been running regularly for weeks, it's okay to say it's "incredible", "amazing" or "awesome", but anything else is prohibited.

Rule #2: It's okay to judge an attraction based on a photo or video as long as your judgment is that it looks "awesome". Saying it looks boring is prohibited and will result in chastizing along the lines of, "You can't possibly judge it without seeing it in real life".

Rule #3: Budget cuts and cheapness don't exist at Disney. We always refer to it as "great storytelling" and "leaving the guest wanting more".

Rule #4: If it looks like a section of merchandise at your local sporting goods store, with a little dust thrown on top of it, we call that "a really detailed queue area".

Rule #5: If you think the real Everest doesn't light up in purple at night, you're wrong.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Active Member
We get the idea. You dislike the attraction; but on the contrary, there are still those who enjoy it, and despite what you seem to think, that is allowed. It's called "difference of opinion," and it's one of the thing that's makes discussion boards and freedom of speech in general great institutions. Unfortunately, you seem to have crossed a line, from discussion something, to attempting to force your personal opinion on others. Neither party is completely innocent in this case, but time and time again it is you who act as the aggressor, or the one who baits others into arguments. I don't mean to single anyone out, but it appears it's impossible, seeing as you are the one one who's done such things. Respond how you wish, but this is how I see it, and if you continue this way any credibility of respect you've earned over the year will wear off quickly.


New Member
Merlin said:
Rule #4: If it looks like a section of merchandise at your local sporting goods store, with a little dust thrown on top of it, we call that "a really detailed queue area".

A relative of mine has been to Nepal and he said it was amzingly similar. The other things I can semi agree with, but not this.


New Member
I must say that Merlin is one of the few on here that doesn't like EE and he's taking flak for it. His difference of opinion needs recognized too.


New Member
Some of you people think Disney could do better on a a ride than that?? I Was expecting less than even fog. Disney didn't even have to build everest. I'm going in June so I've not been on it yet but look at it, Great written all over it. You People are amazing. I don't see trash in Disney ever. They keep it clean!!!!! I still can't believe how EE looks not even how it actually is! Because on how they keep it that clean, is amazing.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
I know Disney could have done better. Not to diss the attraction at all, I love it, but they could have made it better than it is.
Anything and everything can be done better...


New Member
COOLKID007 said:
Some of you people think Disney could do better on a a ride than that?? I Was expecting less than even fog. Disney didn't even have to build everest. I'm going in June so I've not been on it yet but look at it, Great written all over it. You People are amazing. I don't see trash in Disney ever. They keep it clean!!!!! I still can't believe how EE looks not even how it actually is! Because on how they keep it that clean, is amazing.
I noticed you only complain about new rides


Account Suspended
Connor002 said:
Unfortunately, you seem to have crossed a line, from discussion something, to attempting to force your personal opinion on others.

It's not my intention to "force" my opinion on anyone. On the other hand, if someone expressed an opinion I disagreed with and I responded by suggesting they had no right to an opinion based on the information they had (i.e. just a photo or a video), then yes, I'd say I was trying to force my opinion. On the contrary, I believe, as you do, in the concept of free speech, whether or not what's said is something I find personally offensive (such as "Everest is awesome!" j/k). It's all meant in good natured fun. I'm honestly not trying to start arguments. :wave:


Account Suspended
wdwishes2005 said:
I must say that Merlin is one of the few on here that doesn't like EE and he's taking flak for it. His difference of opinion needs recognized too.

Thank you!

Btw, I love your quote about "inspiration". I just about died reading that!


Account Suspended
COOLKID007 said:
Some of you people think Disney could do better on a a ride than that??

Perhaps that's what makes me the true Disney fan here. I KNOW Disney could do better! That's what I find so disappointing. Completely wasted talent if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
COOLKID007 said:
Some of you people think Disney could do better on a a ride than that?? I Was expecting less than even fog. Disney didn't even have to build everest. I'm going in June so I've not been on it yet but look at it, Great written all over it. You People are amazing. I don't see trash in Disney ever. They keep it clean!!!!! I still can't believe how EE looks not even how it actually is! Because on how they keep it that clean, is amazing.

Your jokeing right?:rolleyes:


New Member
Merlin said:
It's all meant in good natured fun. I'm honestly not trying to start arguments. :wave:
Then I'd strongly reconsider the way you're approaching it. 'Cause I dont think it's working too well :lookaroun

Have a magical day :wave:

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