Ever just realize that....?


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Original Poster
Ever been at work, or home, in the day or evening, and all of the sudden realize that right at that very moment, someone is riding your favorite ride?


Well-Known Member
Too much of the time!

I used to always have the habit of saying to myself "right now, the big lights at Pleasure Island are shining in the sky". And I can't do that since they're gone. :(

Sometimes early in the morning, I will think about the opening of the parks & all the people who get to watch it that day.


Well-Known Member
Or after packing up your things the morning you are checking out of your WDW resort, when you realize that someone else will be calling your room home for their vacation. :cry:

I think the hardest part for me is when we all fill up our mugs in the Pop cafeteria for the last time before departing on our long journey home, and you see all the new families who are just checking in and buying their mugs and just starting their vacation. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Or looking up into the sky at the aircraft passing overhead wondering........... are they off to Disney ???

i live 2 min from O'hare. The planes take off and fly east every time I watch them fly over my house.. I think that out of 30 planes flying over at least 6 might be flying over to Orlando.

Another moment that gets me is when you start your trip and entering the main terminal at MCO and seeing families going through security checkpoints to go back home. Then it dawns on you that not only your vacation started....But you'll be at the checkpoint soon:cry:


Think for yourselfer
No, I spend a lot of time just wishing I was there.

Until now, when thanks to this thread I am imagining someone sitting on a splash mountain log on the ascent towards the big drop into the briar patch. Ugh


Active Member
When I was doing my cp, I used to call my mom to tell her what ride I was about to go on. Some of the time it was to brag, other times it was cuz I didnt call her a lot, so it was more just to let her know I was doing fine, but wouldnt get stuck on the phone for hours. (my mom & i have a tendency to talk forever on the phone)


New Member
Or after packing up your things the morning you are checking out of your WDW resort, when you realize that someone else will be calling your room home for their vacation. :cry:

I think the hardest part for me is when we all fill up our mugs in the Pop cafeteria for the last time before departing on our long journey home, and you see all the new families who are just checking in and buying their mugs and just starting their vacation. :cry:

That is to funny, becasue when we arrive at or home away from home, I see others packing their cars to leave and I think don't worry I will take care of things while your gone. When we leave I try to be numb & blind, since it is to painful to deal with.:(


Well-Known Member
Yeh you see people leaving when you get there and try not to think "That'll be me one day..."

All the time though I think" Right now someone is arriving there (some for the first time), some are leaving, some are eating my favorite foods, and right this moment a Doom Buggy is driving right down the hallway into the mansion...:mad: and I am not there!

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