News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous


Well-Known Member
THANK YOU, I was going to say this last night but didn’t want to partake in the clamoring that would follow, but the fake music and speech sounded atrocious. Only thing people are clinging to are the lack of IP, but otherwise it’s garbage, clearly fake, and if it isn’t, god

The last 30 or so seconds of it sounded fine to me (not spectacular, but fine). It was the kind of slow lead-in/build up to something more that generally works well, especially for a fireworks show.

I doubt it's real, though.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
The thing that makes me think it's not AI is that it sounds like real orchestration -- AI generated music generally sounds more off/synthetic when trying to create something orchestral. It's much better at doing solo piano etc. although even that sometimes sounds a little off.

But it's certainly possible there are now AI tools that have the ability to recreate full orchestral sound and I just haven't heard them.
AI music is indeed that good now.

But even before AI, it is nothing to get good sounding orchestral synthesized sounds from any DAW (Digital Audie Workstation). And to get it to repeat between two or three chords as the first "leaked" audio had or to arpeggiate a repeated lick as in the second "leaked" demo.

Yes, the demos *sound good* because it's pretty orchestral major chords. But that is the Muzak of background music. It doesn't go anywhere. There's no melody line. If it were a color, it would be beige.


Well-Known Member
AI music is indeed that good now.

But even before AI, it is nothing to get good sounding orchestral synthesized sounds from any DAW (Digital Audie Workstation). And to get it to repeat between two or three chords as the first "leaked" audio had or to arpeggiate a repeated lick as in the second "leaked" demo.

Yes, the demos *sound good* because it's pretty orchestral major chords. But that is the Muzak of background music. It doesn't go anywhere. There's no melody line. If it were a color, it would be beige.

I have to disagree with your second paragraph; it was always easy to tell the difference between synthesized orchestral sounds and real ones when put together into an actual piece, at least for me. But maybe that's because I listen to a lot of classical music and it was not so easy for an average person?

Somewhat disagree with the third. I don't think you can make that claim without hearing the full piece (if there actually is a full piece, which I doubt). It's not really unusual for a 30-45 second snippet of a longer piece to sound like it's going nowhere. I'd also expect anything composed for a Disney fireworks show to lean heavily on major chords; they're probably not going to compose something in F# minor.

All that said, though, I still don't think it's real either (this is all regarding that first one; the second one never sounded plausible). Especially since it's still up and listenable.
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Well-Known Member
Granted I haven't researched AI but Disney shouldn't be using AI correct?

If Disney can't think for themselves, maybe revert back to Shows that work. Like ROE and MSEP!


Well-Known Member
AI music is indeed that good now.

But even before AI, it is nothing to get good sounding orchestral synthesized sounds from any DAW (Digital Audie Workstation). And to get it to repeat between two or three chords as the first "leaked" audio had or to arpeggiate a repeated lick as in the second "leaked" demo.

Yes, the demos *sound good* because it's pretty orchestral major chords. But that is the Muzak of background music. It doesn't go anywhere. There's no melody line. If it were a color, it would be beige.

You did notice that the second "leaked demo" was an obvious joke, right?

And I'm going to very strongly disagree with your assessment of the clip in question as regards to its merit. It's subtle, but it does progress, and there's some minor variations in the construction as you get towards the end of the clip. What we've heard may not be beyond the level of the current entrance loop, but there's enough for me to like where it could go. If it's AI, it's a better engine than all but the last of those clips you posted, because I caught several little hiccups in transitions between sections/rhythms/motifs that don't happen with well-composed music in just about 15-30 seconds of listening to each of them (especially the first two). Those little hitches aren't present in the clip in question. If it's AI, I want to know what model/engine they used and what they prompted it with, because it also fits perfectly with the new Epcot theme.

I'm going to lean on my ear and background to allow me some "tangible" hope that they're going to get this one right, and that the work they did on the entrance translates to the lagoon. I would have much rather seen Gavin return for this one, but I do quite like what little we've heard of Pinar's work for Epcot and want to hear more from that book.


Well-Known Member
The opening words lead me to believe it’s fake. Why would they lead off telling us about the sheer magic of Epcot’s luminous spectacle? Just sounds like a terrible introduction, more like someone giving a presentation to a Board or a pitch for the show, but not the actual show


Well-Known Member
The opening words lead me to believe it’s fake. Why would they lead off telling us about the sheer magic of Epcot’s luminous spectacle? Just sounds like a terrible introduction, more like someone giving a presentation to a Board or a pitch for the show, but not the actual show
IF (and that's a huge if) that snippet of audio is real, then that gives me a lot of hope for this show, because the music is a really good starting point. I can feel it building towards something just in that short clip, so the real question is what they do in the next 30-60 seconds. And I do agree the narration at the start sounds like a placeholder, or more likely to me, the concept pitch for the show being read over the music.

But yeah, that part doesn't really give me pause. I am surprised the TikTok is still up, because I imagine it's a relatively small group who could possibly have possession of that compared to if they had released any bit of the soundtrack for press/PR purposes (or were ready to in the near future). But I do believe stranger things have happened with info getting out there.

Vinnie Mac

Well-Known Member
The opening words lead me to believe it’s fake. Why would they lead off telling us about the sheer magic of Epcot’s luminous spectacle? Just sounds like a terrible introduction, more like someone giving a presentation to a Board or a pitch for the show, but not the actual show
It's meant to tell the story of the show. It's very common for any good show (with exceptions). Illuminations did it, Fantasmic does it, HEA does it.


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Where do you go to have AI create music
The last two videos have some information.

There are some open source programs, but you'll also need to have a little coding knowledge to grab it from github and compile it.

Then there are some sites you can pay to use to give written prompts. Here's one that gives a short sound blurb back...



Well-Known Member
The opening words lead me to believe it’s fake. Why would they lead off telling us about the sheer magic of Epcot’s luminous spectacle? Just sounds like a terrible introduction, more like someone giving a presentation to a Board or a pitch for the show, but not the actual show

That was actually my take on it. That was a narrative to the listening crowd. Sort of the pitch for Luminous - not the actual opening narration. I agree that would not be a very good intro for the park show itself - aside from the very last few lines.


Well-Known Member
That so-called "demo" music was one of the most bland, soft, new-agish, and boring music I've ever heard. Do-re... do-re... do-re... do-re-mi... do-re... do-re... do-re... do-re-faaaa...

I didn't like Enchantment, nor Harmonious, nor EF... but they all had much better music that that droll demo. So, it's much more likely that Disney can do better than that demo. They do it all the time.
The music is terrible, whether composed by AI or a human. Not only is the composition bad, but the MIDI orchestration is not at all as authentic as even home demo studios can produce. Digital samples these days are mind blowing, and this ain't it.

And Mr. Penguin, your solfège is off. Following the narration:

Sol do ti do sol do ti do

sol do re la mi re do ti

sol do ti do sol do ti do

Do sol do me (over flat-VI, a mildly interesting yet cliched moment) do re fa sol do

EDIT: Actually the MIDI orchestration isn't half bad; some of it sounds quite real. It's the composition itself that is dreadful.
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