Well-Known Member
They could dust off an old favorite and say *You are the Electrical Light Parade*.I do agree the focus should not be, once again, put on a MK nighttime show. While I can’t say it’s true I believe they decided to replace Wishes with a more advanced show (HEA) instead of replacing MSEP. HEA proved to be extremely popular and pleased the vast majority of guests, so they were successful at brushing a nighttime parade under the rug. WDW fans didn’t and haven’t forgotten a nighttime parade but those once in a lifetime and average guests that WDW caters to could care a less if there is a light parade or not and are very satisfied with HEA being the one and only ending to a “Magical day at the MK”.
Just you and a few hundred of your (physically) closest friends can be a part of the a new offering. March of the Magic Band Plus (glowsticks and other blinky things available for a fee).