News EPCOT's Harmonious to be replaced with new nighttime spectacular Luminous


Well-Known Member
They've built two of serven barges. It would be a miracle of this was ready for the start of festival of the holidays. Maybe we'll get a date at mini d23
Pretty sure the others are built too offsite, they just haven't been transported yet. Once delivered they still have to be fitted with whatever tech is going on them but yeah October is a bit too close.


Well-Known Member
Not like they have anything else pending for 2024 for wdw entertainment so it seems like a no brainer to push this show out. Maybe Spring? I don’t think they’d wait till Summer but then again they have a recent history or deliberately sitting on new stuff until they feel the timing is right.


Well-Known Member

I wonder what the story will be.
I wonder if there will be a story at all.
I wonder if they will use movie music.
I wonder if they have the gutts to develop a brand new score that does NOT use movie what Reflections of Earth or Rivers of Light did.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
Pretty sure the others are built too offsite, they just haven't been transported yet. Once delivered they still have to be fitted with whatever tech is going on them but yeah October is a bit too close.
I was wondering about this, we watched them build the old barges over several months but these seemed to appear in a nearly completed state overnight, I figured they must have brought them in by truck and just lifted them into the water.


Active Member

I wonder what the story will be.
I wonder if there will be a story at all.
I wonder if they will use movie music.
I wonder if they have the gutts to develop a brand new score that does NOT use movie what Reflections of Earth or Rivers of Light did.
I really hope so. The power of good orchestral stuff like ROE had is a large part of what made it so incredible to me.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to take a stab and guess this opens Thanksgiving weekend. They definitely need a push for bookings. Moana and the 100 years mural won't do it, that's for sure. I don't know how far along it is, but that still gives them 3 more months for construction and a month to tech it.
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Well-Known Member
I'm going to take a stab and guess this opens Thanksgiving weekend. They definitely need a push for bookings. Moana and the 100 years mural won't do it, that's for sure. I don't know how far along it is, but that still gives them 3 more months for construction and a month to tech it.
If you announce this say within a month that gives people say 2 months to book if you are looking for a push during that time and honestly i would say most people have their Thanksgiving plans if going away already booked as they do for Christmas week/vacation time


Well-Known Member

I wonder what the story will be.
I wonder if there will be a story at all.
I wonder if they will use movie music.
I wonder if they have the gutts to develop a brand new score that does NOT use movie what Reflections of Earth or Rivers of Light did.

They did say there will be an original theme, so there is at least that. My guess is it will flow sort of like Happily Ever After with the theme starting and closing and mayer used to interweave between segments that are more IP based - so a blend.


Well-Known Member
I just hope it is not another movie clip show with 6 grand finale segments... It was ponderous and boring rather than being engaging.
Were any of the show designers involved that did ROE and the Millennium Celebration involved? They really had something, and understood show pacing. It was a beautiful show. Harmonious should have been like that, but went too far into movie clips...
The original shows that are not necessarily all IP seemed to work better.
Though the original World Of Color debut show was pretty amazing.


Premium Member
They need to stop trying to be so cerebral.

ROE was already burdened by that… the dak show went overboard… and harmonious was just as bad. WoC isn’t… nor is HEA

See the pattern….


Well-Known Member
I agree. It's almost like those shows were designed by people who have never actually been in the parks - let alone fans of them. It felt more like an advertisement at a trade show vs. emotional show.

As much as I am NOT a fan of a IP-driven show, the template of an "inspirational show highlighting the importance of being ourselves, cooperation and coming together as a global community" should be a slam dunk. It's basically HEA with a focus on inspiration and coming together vs. personal joy and adventure.


Well-Known Member
They need to stop trying to be so cerebral.

ROE was already burdened by that… the dak show went overboard… and harmonious was just as bad. WoC isn’t… nor is HEA

See the pattern….
ROE was burdened with being cerebral? I thought that was one of its main strong points personally. I prefer the shows that are equal parts intelligent and emotional. For me ROE came off as intelligent because it was in so many ways. Harmonious came off as trying too hard to be intelligent and failing miserably. I don't love the feeling that Disney is deliberately dumbing things down...but I'm likely not considered part of the general public/target audience 🤷
I just don't want this new show to be a rather mindless clip show like they seem to be churning out lately.


Premium Member
ROE was burdened with being cerebral? I thought that was one of its main strong points personally. I prefer the shows that are equal parts intelligent and emotional. For me ROE came off as intelligent because it was in so many ways.

Be honest - could you really piece together what was going on in ROE completely without some outside review of the story?

ROE was still a good show, but large portions of it basically go right over the head of the audience leading to drawn out sequences just staring at the globe not really being able to understand what the images being used are about. To most people the show is just a bunch of different paced segments - not being able to piece together the meaning or relevance of the content used. Just knowing they go through this progression, with multiple different segments that build to a finale. To most people it's just a entertaining show because of it's good music, great presentation and moving experience the sum of the parts brings.

ROE works because even WITHOUT any of the understanding of the tale it's trying to weave, it's still an entertaining show with only 'some' slow/boring bits. You aren't hit over the head with this messaging or force fed it. You still get an entertaining show w/o because most of it is abstract... carried mostly by the music, not the video assets.

Harmonious came off as trying too hard to be intelligent and failing miserably.
The challenge these kinds of shows (both River of light and Harmonious) have is the more visualization or concrete things (clear video, lyrics, etc) you put into the show (large video screens, etc) the more that content and it's purpose is in focus and challenges the viewer to grasp it's purpose. If I put up a video wall with just some big cycling of images on it... people are lured to look at it and go 'why?', 'what was that?' 'how does that work with X?'. Vs having nothing at all.. or just a tempo based lighting. If you insert a song with lyrics... the lyrics push their way into people's conscious, etc.

The less identifiable the visual or words are... the less it will risk detracting and derailing things if not done well or received well. You basically create a ton of liability to be more explicit and spinning a message the more you put identifiable visuals and lyrics into the show.


Well-Known Member
Be honest - could you really piece together what was going on in ROE completely without some outside review of the story?

ROE was still a good show, but large portions of it basically go right over the head of the audience leading to drawn out sequences just staring at the globe not really being able to understand what the images being used are about. To most people the show is just a bunch of different paced segments - not being able to piece together the meaning or relevance of the content used. Just knowing they go through this progression, with multiple different segments that build to a finale. To most people it's just a entertaining show because of it's good music, great presentation and moving experience the sum of the parts brings.

ROE works because even WITHOUT any of the understanding of the tale it's trying to weave, it's still an entertaining show with only 'some' slow/boring bits. You aren't hit over the head with this messaging or force fed it. You still get an entertaining show w/o because most of it is abstract... carried mostly by the music, not the video assets.

The challenge these kinds of shows (both River of light and Harmonious) have is the more visualization or concrete things (clear video, lyrics, etc) you put into the show (large video screens, etc) the more that content and it's purpose is in focus and challenges the viewer to grasp it's purpose. If I put up a video wall with just some big cycling of images on it... people are lured to look at it and go 'why?', 'what was that?' 'how does that work with X?'. Vs having nothing at all.. or just a tempo based lighting. If you insert a song with lyrics... the lyrics push their way into people's conscious, etc.

The less identifiable the visual or words are... the less it will risk detracting and derailing things if not done well or received well. You basically create a ton of liability to be more explicit and spinning a message the more you put identifiable visuals and lyrics into the show.
It took me two watches to get the full story. I didn't have any backstory guide. (The Internet wasn't what it is today.). And I was far from the only one.

Times are changing, but I don't think your argument stands. The fact people want quick, obvious hits (and Disney thinks it benefits from that) doesn't mean people aren't capable.

Plus, in these days with the bloggers telling all the details, having a more complex "cerebral" story would be easier than ever to convey.
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Well-Known Member
It took me two watches to get the full story. I didn't have any backstory guide. (The Internet wasn't what it is today.). And I was far from the only one.

Times are changing, but I don't think your argument stands. The fact people want quick, obvious hits (and Disney thinks it benefits from that) doesn't mean people aren't capable.

Plus, in these days with the bloggers telling all the details, having a more complex "cerebral" story would be easier than ever to convey.

People can get it but not sure the patience is there like it used to. Plus Disney definitely wants to push the "more Disney" - which I do get, they have an asset no other theme park does

Hopefully they find the right balance and have some emotion and connection and a bit of a deeper meaning and use the proper IP to complement that ... vs starting from the IP and working out from that

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