Epcot's Continued Sad Condition


Liker of Things
Dude, you know I used to "see the magic" everywhere. Before your time, as you said. Now its sporadic amongst a sea of mediocrity.

I just so wish I could take you back 20 years. I'd even pay you in!

Yes. I am going to admit that the decline/disappearance of things at WDW has led me to this recurring daytime fantasy where a Sheik gives me 20 billion dollars and only a decade to spend it on WDW. In my fantasy, I spend the most on EPCOT. Also, I get to pay myself a "reasonable" yearly salary out of the 20 billion. I usually settle on something around $326,000.
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Liker of Things
Even with the canceled Project Gemini quite a few ideas were used...

If only the "Cool Stuff" area had been constructed. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I'm somewhere in between. My husband and I adore Epcot and always spend a full day there, but mainly just to wander, enjoy, shop and explore. We consider FW to be a sad waste of time -- we love SE (before the script rewrite, though), Soarin' and TT, but World Showcase is the place we gravitate toward.

On the other hand, we are going to drastically scale back our WDW trips in the future until we see new attractions and new investment. It's so ridiculously expensive that we just can't justify it - especially given the drop in maintenance, the crazy wait times and the dearth of new attractions. After our trip this December, we have no plans to return for a few years - instead, we're going to focus on our other true love - the Disney Cruise Line, as well as exploring trips beyond the Mouse. :)

Hard as it is for us to do - given how much we love Disney, we have to hit TDO where it hurts - their wallets!


Well-Known Member
I am so sad with what has become of EPCOT CENTER that I stopped going 2 years ago. The past few years I have only gone to the MK park. This January I am going to be running in the Half marathon at WDW. I will only be going to the MK park that trip, but I get to run through Epcot so it will be good to see it again. I am planning on going to Gay Days in June 2014 and will only be going to the MK park again. I am so hopeful that the other parks get fixed soon. It seems that a plan is in place for AK and DHS. My hope is that Epcot is next! It sure needs it.


Well-Known Member
:(...Yeh...Your right...Gonna get me a sad face T- Shirt for my next vacation...Doom and Gloom..:depressed:...I understand what others are saying...I'am just back from Spain..My last and only visit to Spain was way back in 1983.. It felt like Spain..It tasted like Spain..Now it's so commercial, I thought I was in the UK with English bars and restaurants...:eek:....So yes, I do understand where other people are coming from, but I reckon it will take more than a lightbulb not working to dampen my excitement...;)
Yep, you nailed it. Epcot's problem is a single light bulb is burnt out.


Well-Known Member
Or he just has a different opinion of EPCOT than you. I understand than it is hard to believe for the gloom and doomers here, but that is ok.

For what is worth, I have the same opinion of EPCOT that the Real Mad Hatter does, and I have been going since 1979.

First he doesn't need no one to defend him. I wasn't trying to attack him....although it might seem like it. ANd for that I apologize. Second. So all these post about how far EPCOT has fallen are wrong? I will give Hatter a pass....he has no point of reference. But you.....you.....you do. It is beyond me that someone who has been going to WDW and EPCOT that long and finds nothing wrong with the place. Does not see the subtraction. Does not see it? Well GREAT for you. I wish I had you as a customer.


Active Member
....annnnnnnd that's why I chose not to renew my WDW AP toward the end of 2010 and went to Disneyland Paris instead with an AP and got to see it throughout the seasons and see the higher level of quality and magic a Disney resort is capable of....sort of how WDW had those high standards they held themselves to until the early 2000s. Now I'm planning my first trip to Disneyland in 2014 rather than spend more $ at WDW.

I used to have pixie dust in my eyes and visit only WDW many years in a row, but when you get lucky enough to meet the Spirit and ride PoTC with him after he complains about the food at the MK, points out all the broken effects on POTC, and then watch the MSEP break down right in front of you later that night, you begin to realize how stale WDW has become. Oh..and then you go to Universal and SeaWorld and see how much better they have become in the last few years. It really opens your eyes.

The Spirit and I and others don't hate WDW, we hate what management has allowed it to become because we know and lived through what it used to be.

EPCOT Center was marvelous in the sense that it opened as the Space Shuttle was making it's early flights, we had major advancements in communications technology, and were slowly climbing out of the cold war and a recession. It was 1982, but much of the world was trying.

The problem IMO, was that future world had too many omnimover attractions, and world showcase never got half of the attractions in additional countries it had proposed.

Epcot was getting pretty good with a balance of new and old in the 90s, but now look at it.

Leave a Legacy has become faded and chipped and cracked on many monuments. Numerous flowerbeds are overgrown and unkept. Innoventions Plaza is a mish-mash of things from the mid 90s, and Millenium celebration. Ellen's Energy Adventure is from 1996, Wonders of Life is closed. Mission Space is well..interesting. Test Track 2.0 is great for future world and has that EPCOT Center edutainment and thrill combined. Imagination....need I say more. Soarin' is still playing a film about California which is scratched and dusty. Circle of life and Living with the Land are from the mid 90s. The Seas with Nemo and Friends is basically just for kids. World Showcase is beyond stale. IllumiNations is from 1999 or 2000.

The park has so much potential and instead has become a cash cow for the same old events with slightly different booths and topiaries it offers each year and gets people stuffed and drunk. That's Epcot today, had much of the management that died over years that built EPCOT Center, see Epcot today, they'd be mortified.
Wow, hit the nail right on the head.Just got back from my first trip to Uni in 12 years, what a great place, if your a basher towards Uni, pop the wdw bubble your living in.Way more cutting edge than wdw, thrilling, new, but I also love wdw.Just enjoy each for what it is, time away from work and enjoy some family time!


Well-Known Member
Think about it.....TDO has the money....Has the where with all.....Just does not have the desire....the reason to do anything. Guest experience simply isn't on the list of priorities anymore. The list goes as such.

1) Profit
2) Profit
3) Profit.

@real mad hatter was/is there anything you have ever been disappointed in when you have visited? Oh yea.....yeaha Bob. Anyway, what is your point of reference? When was your first trip? There is no way anyone who visited EPCOT say 15 years ago simply can not say that there is not a problem. Goes for all of WDW. I understand people who have made only a few visits over the past eight years or so. No point of reference. Even that is a stretch. To say you don't see these things is either....you are blinded by pixie dust or you have no point of reference......which is it?
Sadly it still is about guest experience, the game is just different know they no longer have to go the extra mile for them to be successful. It's all about how little can we spend and still give guests the feeling that innovation is happening or that the parks are no longer stagnant. See if they were actually receiving complaints every day about the state of epcot and the numbers went down you would bet your bottom dollar they would do something about it. Guests today are happy with the current offerings simply because the parks are still something that is different and unique and filled with moments that make people smile. Epcot was better in the past true, but that is in the past and it is still an enjoyable experience no need for all the pixie name calling garbage, I think we all are on some pixie dust considering how we love the parks so much we are on a fan forum site and check it frequently.


Well-Known Member
Sadly it still is about guest experience, the game is just different know they no longer have to go the extra mile for them to be successful. It's all about how little can we spend and still give guests the feeling that innovation is happening or that the parks are no longer stagnant. See if they were actually receiving complaints every day about the state of epcot and the numbers went down you would bet your bottom dollar they would do something about it. Guests today are happy with the current offerings simply because the parks are still something that is different and unique and filled with moments that make people smile. Epcot was better in the past true, but that is in the past and it is still an enjoyable experience no need for all the pixie name calling garbage, I think we all are on some pixie dust considering how we love the parks so much we are on a fan forum site and check it frequently.

Absolutely! No one says that spending a day at EPCOT can not be enjoyable. Also I have not seen one member on this forum who has said I have never been to the parks or who wasn't planning a first visit. My inquiry was in the context of how EPCOT has changed. I think my comments were well with in the context of the original post. I never once called anyone a name. When reading the title of the thread what do you think the conversation would consist of? Mad Hatter decided to give his opinion ( which I fully respect....other then his opinion on Yeeha Bob;)) I then asked for his point of reference. I cant blame him for not being able to compare what excellence really is versus to what the world has become today. You say it is in the "past" I suspect in your eloquence you are telling us to just get over it.....that EPCOT is gone. By accepting what it has become is allowing Disney to take it even further. There are those of us that are voting with our wallets. I have curtailed my number of days at WDW. Once I would stay for 8.....9....10 days. My next trip will consist of 3 days in the parks. I will stay at a resort for five days on a heavily discounted room while spending two days at another non Disney park.

If my remarks toward Hatter came across snarky I AGAIN apologize. But lets face it.....being here on the blue pages you need to have your big boy pants on. Thin skin doesn't do well here.


Well-Known Member
I'll be visiting Epcot this coming trip (leaving Friday for Orlando) as part of my itinerary/plan, so I'm now asking myself why. The simple answer is that, after being away for 5 years, there's a nostalgia about being there again... and to be honest, I'd feel a little silly traveling 3000 miles to WDW and not visiting all four parks. I wonder how much of the current Epcot attendance is just that... some mix of nostalgia and just wanting the sense of completeness. Then it make me wonder... just how bad would any of the four parks have to get before I could make the decision to not visit that park. Hmmm.

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