One Little Spark...
Not so much.No, but I would imagine their requisition sent to the third party is just a report of what is shipping (how many bands, what color, and what account they are tied to) and where it is shipping to. Maybe I'm wrong and the third party is doing that work. But it would seem more likely that MDE is collecting that data and translating into a requisition order for whoever creates and ships the magic band. SO, its likely all that would need to be done to stop that is to have the logic in MDE change the requisition that is created.
As for mailers, those would likely be all or nothing I'd assume. Most companies have a way to opt out of receiving physical mail. I don't' think it would be that difficult to put a stop to any marketing shipments to a specific address associated with the MDE account.
The bands are likely 3rd party, the screen printing on the back (the "customization" and the mandatory FCC notices) are likely 3rd party, around the same time another 3rd party, most likely, handles the customized printing, and in the end both are sent to a 4th party that assembles them.
All this is conjecture, but I'm very sure it's a series of subcontractors and much more complex than a "requisition order". And, once you start placing "special orders (customization on an otherwise standard process isn't that complex, but special handling is)...it drastically confuses and complicates the process.
As I stated before, I can see exactly why Disney is doing it this way.