Oh....I agree with you, but as a former restaurant owner/operator, they were acutely aware of what I saw on just two visits and I'm sure they're just making sure they're not leaving ANY money on the table. The fact that it's a restaurant with a high demand, it would make sense for Disney to grab as much cash as they could (because that's how they operate now-whether we agree with that philosophy or not). If the place is fully booked each evening, they now know what they're minimum take is going to be, PLUS beer and wine on top of that. I would have loved that as an owner. I'm surprised it took them this long to institute this change-and I don't think it's going to ever go back. As a customer, I don't really love it. Will I visit again? Probably not....but if I wanted to, it might be a tad easier to snag a reservation.