Embarrassing Disney moments!


Im not the tallest of people but when me and my fiancee went to WDW for the 1st time, we wanted to go on everything - so we rode the carousel everything was going fine, i managed to get on the horse just fine.... but then when i went to get off the horse was up so high i couldn't get down ....

so many cast members were looking at me, trying to work out what was going on so that they could let more people on but it seemed to take forever for me to get down and to make it worse my fiancee was laughing so hard he couldnt help me .... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
I was drinking pop out of a water bottle which was my mother so I didn't want to drink out of the above my head thinking a little bit will come out I sprayed all the Pepsi all over my face it was the sticky rest of the afternoon but the cm at t o t thought it was funny


Well-Known Member
my friends and i were swimming at the pool at the pop and a tour group thought it would be funny to untie our tops. we had no clue until these really good looking guys kept staring at us. i looked down and well, no top.... it was floating right in front of me:oops:

real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Well I shouldn't be telling this story as my DW wasnt all that amused,but on one day in MK when we were wearing our Disney designer T - Shirts ( mines with the mad hatter logo ) I spotted Alice at the tea cups so I sat on the wall waiting for a photo with her and was busy fiddling with our new camera and all of a sudden she spotted my t- shirt and came over and sat down on my lap and my DW took the photo.This took about 20 seconds as my DW kept saying " Say Cheese ". When I stood up I realised I got a little excited and the looks I got from the other half,well let's not go there.:oops:


Well-Known Member
i have another few on a trip back in july '10 i got really bad sun poisoning. to make a long story short i had to rent a wheel chair because it was painful to walk. when we got back to the hotel, my friend went to return the wheelchair that i used to get from the bus to my room. while that was happening, i decided to call for extra pillows. when the pillows arrived, i slowly made my way to my bed, however, i tripped and landed right on one of the worst spots for the sun poisoning on my legs. i started balling. my friend arrived and was like what happened and helped me back up. i was so embarrassed. another is i went to disney for part of my 21st bday celebration and we went to 50s. i love a drink that has a very adult title. anyways the waiter brought the receipt and it blacked out the adult part of the drink after the first letter and then on the beach. i accidently dropped the receipt and this really funny guy behind us picked it up and said what is blacked out. i told him what it was. he laughed and said thats right babies come from storks at disney. i laughed so hard, as did the people around us i thought it was so funny, witty, and clever, and got the point across lol. lastly was my friends and i love via napoli. like we LOVE IT . we decided to have dinner there for my birthday. we got a very handsome server. i had an i heart venzia shirt from my trip to italy the summer before. he started talking about my trip. i was so nervous i turned bright pink. he asked if i was ok and i said its because its really sunny out. turns out it had been overcast and rainy that day. he laughed, i laughed, but my friend really never lets me live it down.


Well-Known Member
I was attacked by seagulls in Epcot while walking to a bench to eat my fried dough. They dive bombed me an took the thing right out of my hand. All you could see was a puff of powdered sugar and bags went everywhere. I was on the ground and people were all around me...I was SOOOO embarrassed!
OOOOOH MY GOSH. Im laughing SO hard at this. i seriously just choked on my toaster strudel...ROFL


Well-Known Member
Well I shouldn't be telling this story as my DW wasnt all that amused,but on one day in MK when we were wearing our Disney designer T - Shirts ( mines with the mad hatter logo ) I spotted Alice at the tea cups so I sat on the wall waiting for a photo with her and was busy fiddling with our new camera and all of a sudden she spotted my t- shirt and came over and sat down on my lap and my DW took the photo.This took about 20 seconds as my DW kept saying " Say Cheese ". When I stood up I realised I got a little excited and the looks I got from the other half,well let's not go there.:oops:

Viva Vic

New Member
I was probably about 12 and had gone ahead of my parents and went to the hotel pool. I got there and the pool had NO ONE in it. There were people lounging about on lounge chairs and kids on the playground ajacent to the pool. I dove right in and thought it was awesome that I had the pool to myself. It was only a few minutes later that I realized every one was staring at me. A lifeguard asked me to get out of the pool and I did so. She whispered that they had to temporarily close the pool (and it was a small pool), due to a child using the pool as a toilet for a VERY messy #2. If that wasn't bad enough, I then threw up on myself after learning that I had been swimming so happily in it.


Well-Known Member
When I was a kid. About 11 or so we were in Epcot and my precious 7 year old younger sister begged to sit between our older sister and brother on motion. So I sat in the front between my parents. Well the little darling decides as we are making our way up the loop ramp that she wants to switch seats. No understand I am 5'8" at this time and so my little sister is lifted to my father and I have to plop backwards into the back seat. Fun?? Yeah except that as I was trying to wiggle back we rounded the corner and I got wedged between the front and back seat. I was laughing so hard I coil not move and wa afraid I would pee myself. Eventually my older siblings pulled me and I popped up into the seat.

It seems like that same day but def. that same trip we were on horizons. Little sis and parents are in one car and myself and the sibs in another. Well my brother looks at my sister and I and says- what would happen of I put my foot in the door when it's closing?? I'll tell you- the doors didn't close right away and when they were about to we were halfway into the big screen room and the entire ride stops and will start again momentarily. Why?? Cuz when you stick your foot in the door the ride stops. All I remember is the Cm asking us what happened and me going. Idk- it just didn't close. We walked along the catwalk type thing to a new car. I looked back and my moms glare was made scariers by the reflection of those things on the big screens. Shudder.

There are others but I want to be able to go back to Disney soon.


Well-Known Member
Typhoon Lagoon. Went down Humunga Kowabunga. The whole right side of my swim suit split at the seam on the way down. Had to walk all the way to the front of the park holding my suit together to buy a new suit.


Well-Known Member
It was our 3rd MK day on our girls' first trip to WDW. DH had finally convinced the girls to ride Haunted Mansion and as we were escorting our now terrified little girls out of our respective Doombuggies post ride, the contents of the front pocket of my backpack spill out all over the moving belt- including my wallet which is now in shambles. It turns out DD6 (4 at the time) opened the pocket and started messing around with everything in there to help calm her nerves during the ride. So, now my wallet, all of the now loose contents of my wallet including cash, change, credit cards, debit card, my driver's licence, key to the world cards, etc. were all over the moving delt and moving towards impending doom as everything moved towards the end of the moving walkway. I believe my phone was also caught up in the mix. That thing seems to move really slowly until you're trying to chase down all of your stuff. The CMs couldn't figure out how to stop the belt so it was me and several CMs doing this mad jump and dash to get all of my stuff from going under with that stretch of the moving walkway. And of course we totally destroyed any haunted ambience anyone might normally have at the end of the ride since we were in "SAVE THE WALLET STUFF" mode.

I was mortified. :oops: I apologize to anyone who was stuck there and got all of us running around like crazy people instead of the nice ending to the ride. I have at least learned my lesson and now wear my wallet on a string so that neither girl can wreak havoc like this on any ride.

***On a side note, I have two far more mortifying stories from my first two trips to WDW, but I still am not ready to share them. ;)


Active Member
When my niece was about 5 (she's 21 now) we were hanging out having an afternoon ice cream, and all of the sudden she takes off. She saw Mickey Mouse. She ran in front of everyone waiting their turn to see mickey, gave him a hug and her ice cream. She didn't care about all the others waiting in line. Now we laugh about, but then we must of said sorry 100 times.


Beta Return
my friends and i were swimming at the pool at the pop and a tour group thought it would be funny to untie our tops. we had no clue until these really good looking guys kept staring at us. i looked down and well, no top.... it was floating right in front of me:oops:

I gave you a Like....but it was really meant for the tour group ;)

I was probably about 12 and had gone ahead of my parents and went to the hotel pool. I got there and the pool had NO ONE in it. There were people lounging about on lounge chairs and kids on the playground ajacent to the pool. I dove right in and thought it was awesome that I had the pool to myself. It was only a few minutes later that I realized every one was staring at me. A lifeguard asked me to get out of the pool and I did so. She whispered that they had to temporarily close the pool (and it was a small pool), due to a child using the pool as a toilet for a VERY messy #2. If that wasn't bad enough, I then threw up on myself after learning that I had been swimming so happily in it.

I was just eating a chicken tortilla soup while reading this, and it has the color and consistency of what you're describing. I had to stop eating for a few minutes :D

Well I shouldn't be telling this story as my DW wasnt all that amused,but on one day in MK when we were wearing our Disney designer T - Shirts ( mines with the mad hatter logo ) I spotted Alice at the tea cups so I sat on the wall waiting for a photo with her and was busy fiddling with our new camera and all of a sudden she spotted my t- shirt and came over and sat down on my lap and my DW took the photo.This took about 20 seconds as my DW kept saying " Say Cheese ". When I stood up I realised I got a little excited and the looks I got from the other half,well let's not go there.:oops:

Ummmmmmm. Are you saying what I think you're saying? Or is my mind just too far in the gutter?

Typhoon Lagoon. Went down Humunga Kowabunga. The whole right side of my swim suit split at the seam on the way down. Had to walk all the way to the front of the park holding my suit together to buy a new suit.

I think swimsuit malfunctions are pretty common on the Disney water slides. They should charge admission to sit in a viewing area at the bottom, LOL.


Well-Known Member
one of my really good guy friends came for a visit and when i came back with food he was tucked in and asleep. i put my mickey and yelled wake up and took this photo rofl. my other friend who was staying laughed so hard.
I was in typhoon lagoon with our group (16 of us in total). My sister in law and I were in the lazy river, I was on my rubber ring and she had just collected hers. Let's say she is not of a slim build which made it very difficult for her to get onto the ring and it took her several attempts. Unfortunately on her first attempt her swimsuit fell down to her waist Without her realising exposing her entire ( very large) top half. With each attempt to jump up onto the ring her were flapping around under her chin. I found it so funny I was laughing too hard to speak so she only found out once nicely settled and floating along!!!


Beta Return
I was in typhoon lagoon with our group (16 of us in total). My sister in law and I were in the lazy river, I was on my rubber ring and she had just collected hers. Let's say she is not of a slim build which made it very difficult for her to get onto the ring and it took her several attempts. Unfortunately on her first attempt her swimsuit fell down to her waist Without her realising exposing her entire ( very large) top half. With each attempt to jump up onto the ring her were flapping around under her chin. I found it so funny I was laughing too hard to speak so she only found out once nicely settled and floating along!!!


How many witnesses did she have?

steamboat wil

Active Member
Mine happened last trip. We were on the dining plan and I was getting our food in the QS at pinocchio village haus. My wife had gotten us a table already and had the kids settled in. Well with the DDP you get dessert and big drinks along with your meal, besides the entree. So I have this tray piled high of food and huge fountain cokes trying to get back to the table. I turned around from the pickup took like threes steps and tripped spilling everything everywhere. A CM spotted it right away and replaced the meals and got someone to clean up the mess. Eventually I made it back to the table and the first thing my wife said was "that was you who dropped the tray wasn't it". They know I'm clumsy.

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