EE EFX Update


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I rode EE yesterday at about 2:30.

Yeti in A mode as it has been every time I've ever ridden including a couple of times over the last month.

Steam not working. It was last time I was there (5/23).

Cold room not very cold.

Still no replacement for the mist effect.

Ride seemed to be running pretty smooth. It looked like they would dispatch a train about every 40 seconds when I could see. That calculates out to 3060 riders per hour if it is the norm.

On a side note, EE definitely seems to be improving Animal Kingdom's attendance. It was the most crowded I've ever seen it. Dinosour was 40 min, Kali 80 min. I used to go to AK when the other parks were packed and Dinosour was practically a walk-on.

Empress Room

Active Member
DisneyCane said:
Steam not working. It was last time I was there (5/23).

Are you talking about the steam that comes from the back of the steam donkey (train) as it sits in the station? If so, it was working (and working very well) when I rode EE on both May 25 and May 28.


Well-Known Member
peter11435 said:
It was causing problems by getting the track and sensors to wet.

Someone explain why the tracks getting wet is a serious issue for this ride? I can understand that some sensors could give false readings from being covered in water, but not sure how the wet tracks are a problem.


Well-Known Member
I hope they are either going to find a way to make the ride system work with the mist, or they find a suitable replacement for the mist. I envisioned what the mist would do when I first went on EE this past weekend. And I think it really would have punched up the mysterious element of the ride. Maybe disguise the first track split as you go by?

Anyway, since there are flipping tracks, maybe the mist was interferring with the sensors on that critical component of the ride.


DisneyCane said:
Yeti in A mode as it has been every time I've ever ridden including a couple of times over the last month.

Glad to hear that. I'm leaving for WDW on the 19th, and I want to see the Yeti in all its glory.:sohappy:


biggbird5182 said:
Stupid Question: Can the tracks rust?

Anyway, since there are flipping tracks, maybe the mist was interferring with the sensors on that critical component of the ride.
Those are the sensors in that area, and water could be an issue for them.
You REALLY don't want those sensors acting up.:eek:


Well-Known Member
Last month I rode EE 3 times, and the Yeti was working every time. One thing they need to do is something with that vaulter (it looks like a plastic lawn ornament) every time the train was stopping you could see the bird retracting, and they as the train was heading backwards you could see him ascending. I just wish there was something they could do with that. Also, the last time I went on it, when the train hit the total darkness, and it feels like you almost do a loop, the building was pretty bright, and I could see most of the track (it looked almost like RRC when it's to bright and you can see the tracks). last but not least, I think the Yeti projection is weak, maybe if they added a wind effect to actually make it seem like the Yeti is behind you. Overall, it's a great attraction, and I rank it right under Splash Mountain as my favorite ride. So please don't think my post is in anyway bashing EE :wave:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Lee said:
Those are the sensors in that area, and water could be an issue for them.
You REALLY don't want those sensors acting up.:eek:
ummm, yes, you can ditch the mist so my train doesnt prematurely go in reverse etc etc.



Well-Known Member
hokielutz said:
Someone explain why the tracks getting wet is a serious issue for this ride? I can understand that some sensors could give false readings from being covered in water, but not sure how the wet tracks are a problem.

maybe they stopped using mist because of safety reasons? for example, if the train e-stops at the broken track section, guests evacuating the ride won't slip and fall from all the water collected on the emegency pathways.


New Member
I want to see the Yeti in all its glory.:sohappy:
Me to. I'm going to disney world next week adn i want to see the Yeti working fully:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
jmaxwell007 said:
ummm, yes, you can ditch the mist so my train doesnt prematurely go in reverse etc etc.


I concur. I wonder if they could use the snow bubbles effect. Not over the track (since soapy moisture would be worse than mist moisture), but along the mountain to make it look like flurries.


Well-Known Member
mitchk said:
...Also, the last time I went on it, when the train hit the total darkness, and it feels like you almost do a loop, the building was pretty bright, and I could see most of the track (it looked almost like RRC when it's to bright and you can see the tracks)...
One evening last week I was sitting on the beach at the Polynesian and two guys were discussing EE. One guy (acting like a know it all) stated that it went upside down in a loop inside. The other guy then told his kid "There you go. You called it son. Way to go. It did go upside down." Then he proceeded to tell the other guy how he doubted his son when he said the ride did that. And the two guys went back and forth on that for a few moments. I just sat there, enjoying the atmosphere of the beach, and smiled inside. Not only was the first guy wrong, but he was able to get the other non-believer to beleive it afterall.

It's so funny to listen to people when think they know exactly what goes on at Disney when, as a WDW fanatic, I know better. Newbie's are just so darn entertaining!


^Thanks! I don't feel stupid! I thought that they COULDN'T rust because the tracks are outside so I thought that they were "un-rustified"! I always ask the opposite of what I think!


Well-Known Member
Corrus said:
No not stupid... And, Yes! they can...
Roller coasters need very extensive maintenance, almost every day...

Almost? More like EVERY day. Rigorous inspections at the bare minimum, and calisthenics and a good brushing for Mr. Yeti.

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