EE EFX Update


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disnyfan89 said:
Winne the Pooh- Built inside of a preexisting building!

Everest- 2 new building structures, one new walk way, one new bathroom, one new que building, one roller coaster, one huge mountain facade, and one state of the art yeti.

Mountain structure, yeti structure, and roller coaster can't touch each other.

Oh ya! Everest with its few affects should defiantly be cheaper.

I think the point that andymagic was making, though, was that the average guest doesn't take all of those things into account. It boils down to whether or not the attraction itself delivers a truly entertaining experience. If adding an extra bathroom meant losing some cool effect, I would have been happy walking a little further to get to the next bathroom.


Well-Known Member
disnyfan89 said:
Winne the Pooh- Built inside of a preexisting building!

Everest- 2 new building structures, one new walk way, one new bathroom, one new que building, one roller coaster, one huge mountain facade, and one state of the art yeti.

Mountain structure, yeti structure, and roller coaster can't touch each other.

Oh ya! Everest with its few affects should defiantly be cheaper.

Where did I say Everest should be cheaper than Pooh?! All I said was that an attraction that costs so much money shouldn't have fewer fx than Pooh. That is all. You read way too far into the comment. As for Everest, I'm sorry but a new walkway and a new bathroom is not a part of the attraction, it is the expansion of Asia. I can see it now; people who insist Everest is groundbreaking will start using the technology used to pour the concrete for the new walkways and the amazing AI used in the bathrooms to sense when you are done as a reason the ride is so amazing. :hammer:


Well-Known Member
CHAPPS said:
I think the point that andymagic was making, though, was that the average guest doesn't take all of those things into account. It boils down to whether or not the attraction itself delivers a truly entertaining experience. If adding an extra bathroom meant losing some cool effect, I would have been happy walking a little further to get to the next bathroom.

I personally think it all boils down to the amount of money Disney can make from the people they get through the gates, because of Everest.

If what they have gets people through the gates NOW...then it is a success. I would imagine that more effects will come in the future...distant future (or not, depending on how often people keep coming back). Like ToT...EE will only improve as the years pass.

Just having it there, adds a lot to the park's look, feel, atmosphere, and yes marketability. EE helps Disney further promote AK as something that is MORE than what some consider to be a glorified zoo.

I think people's expectations are set too high before they go on EE and their experience suffers as a result. Could EE be better? SURE. But the same can be said for every attraction currently running (not just those made by Disney). Just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
AndyMagic said:
Where did I say Everest should be cheaper than Pooh?! All I said was that an attraction that costs so much money shouldn't have fewer fx than Pooh. That is all. You read way too far into the comment. As for Everest, I'm sorry but a new walkway and a new bathroom is not a part of the attraction, it is the expansion of Asia. I can see it now; people who insist Everest is groundbreaking will start using the technology used to pour the concrete for the new walkways and the amazing AI used in the bathrooms to sense when you are done as a reason the ride is so amazing. :hammer:
Maybe if you had a history of positive posting then you would receive a slightly better reception. However, you always seem to post something about "it could be better" or "they should have done better". It does get annoying. Maybe you can find a Universal board that would suit your style better? :wave:


Well-Known Member
Shaman said:
I personally think it all boils down to the amount of money Disney can make from the people they get through the gates, because of Everest.

If what they have gets people through the gates NOW...then it is a success. I would imagine that more effects will come in the future...distant future (or not, depending on how often people keep coming back). Like ToT...EE will only improve as the years pass.

Just having it there, adds a lot to the park's look, feel, atmosphere, and yes marketability. EE helps Disney further promote AK as something that is MORE than what some consider to be a glorified zoo.

I think people's expectations are set too high before they go on EE and their experience suffers as a result. Could EE be better? SURE. But the same can be said for every attraction currently running (not just those made by Disney). Just my opinion.
I think you are totally correct.

EE will be a huge sucess for Disney and most will find it an awesome attraction.

However, if a few feel it's not "up to par" then they would have probably felt the same about ToT or Splash Mtn if the internet had been around when they were built. :lol:


New Member
wannab@dis said:
Maybe if you had a history of positive posting then you would receive a slightly better reception. However, you always seem to post something about "it could be better" or "they should have done better". It does get annoying. Maybe you can find a Universal board that would suit your style better? :wave:
You notice more faults in the thing's you like the most. Andymagic had high expectations for a budget of what? 120 mil or some other ungodly high number? I expected it to be better than what it was, but I am satisfied.

If what they have gets people through the gates NOW...then it is a success. I would imagine that more effects will come in the future...distant future (or not, depending on how often people keep coming back). Like ToT...EE will only improve as the years pass.
One difference. ToT can be reprogrammed. What can they do to EE? add some smoke here or there? It's pretty much done......


Well-Known Member
Um ya I don't get how you people keep missing the fact the built a mountain! That has to have take alot of money! Im just happy AK has a great new coaster! Its your own fault if you were expecting something like mummy when you started all those "Mummy vs. Everest" threads two years before it even opened. All you are doing is compare apples to oranges when it comes to all these special effects!


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Maybe if you had a history of positive posting then you would receive a slightly better reception. However, you always seem to post something about "it could be better" or "they should have done better". It does get annoying. Maybe you can find a Universal board that would suit your style better? :wave:

I have responded to yammerings like this countless times. If I posted everytime I liked something at Disney I would be posting 24 hours a day. I do in fact visit a Universal board and I can assure you I am even more critical there. I rarely post because I'm busy and often only post when I feel an urgant need to. There is no point in having a discussion board if everyone feels the same way. When I disagree, I post the reasons why and support my claims. When people like you disagree, you simply say, "go away." Sorry but I'm pretty sure a forum with people all stating the same viewpoints everyday would not only be boring but horribly unstimulating. If you would like to do a search, I'm sure you can find many posts in which I cry out in defense of Disney. Most notably, when Mission: SPACE opened I went on and on about what a great ride it was and it was even my favorite for a bit. I've been visiting these boards since January of 2002. I doubt I would keep coming back if I didn't love Disney beyond all reason.


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Shaman said:
I personally think it all boils down to the amount of money Disney can make from the people they get through the gates, because of Everest.

If what they have gets people through the gates NOW...then it is a success. I would imagine that more effects will come in the future...distant future (or not, depending on how often people keep coming back). Like ToT...EE will only improve as the years pass.

Just having it there, adds a lot to the park's look, feel, atmosphere, and yes marketability. EE helps Disney further promote AK as something that is MORE than what some consider to be a glorified zoo.

I think people's expectations are set too high before they go on EE and their experience suffers as a result. Could EE be better? SURE. But the same can be said for every attraction currently running (not just those made by Disney). Just my opinion.

I agree with you 100% on a couple of counts, and not so much on a couple others. With regard to an immediate short-term financial gain, you are correct, in my opinion, that this is the point of building Everest. In that respect, I would imagine that Disney has considered Everest a success (although that would also depend on what they projected Everest to increase attendance figures by). However, I would like to hope that Disney has learned it's lesson about thinking short-term versus long-term. When they do something that draws a lot of people, but then turns out to not be what they expected, then over time I think people start to develop a bad impression of Disney. It's kind of like when a new movie opens with an impressive opening weekend box office, but then you realize it was just because of great marketing or because it starred Tom Cruise or Julia Roberts, not because it was actually a great movie. I do think Everest is a bit of a letdown, and they seem to have skimped as far as attention to detail, special effects, etc. Whether it cost $100 million, $200 million, $1 billion, or whatever, if that's not apparent in the attraction itself, I think people will feel disappointed (I know I was). I doubt many people will come home from a trip to AK saying, "Wow, you should have seen that cool new bathroom over in the Asia section!"

To your point about just having it there improves the atmosphere, etc, I certainly do agree with you. I think Everest looks absolutely awesome from the outside and it definitely makes AK look even cooler than it already did.

As far as Disney adding more effects as time goes on, I'm not going to hold my breath on that one. Usually an attraction has to get pretty old and almost dated before they do any kind of major enhancements.


Testtrack321 said:
The ONLY coaster I know that cannot run in the rain is Hypersonic XLC, and that's because it uses I-beams instead of tubular rails as tracks, and with rain and a fast acceleration it's not a pretty sight.

Deep hurting?


Active Member
AndyMagic said:
Where did I say Everest should be cheaper than Pooh?! All I said was that an attraction that costs so much money shouldn't have fewer fx than Pooh. That is all. You read way too far into the comment. As for Everest, I'm sorry but a new walkway and a new bathroom is not a part of the attraction, it is the expansion of Asia. I can see it now; people who insist Everest is groundbreaking will start using the technology used to pour the concrete for the new walkways and the amazing AI used in the bathrooms to sense when you are done as a reason the ride is so amazing. :hammer:

I have been reading these posts for a while now and I think that some information might be either missing or mis-understood.

Disney has always stated that E:E's budget was $100M, but did this budget include the expansion of Asia (walkways, bathrooms, etc.). I am sure that it included the queue as well as most, if not all, of the town structures.

There is also the cost of R&D on the Yeti, which I am assuming was part of the $100M budget.

If the total buget included building the expansion, then WDI would have been under more constraints than some on these boards would have liked and this might be the cause of the limited FX on the attraction itself. Hopefully WDI has additional FX in their file cabinets just waiting for the funds (and if DAK attendance continues to improve, the money may be released soon).

I have riden E:E four times and enjoy it, and especially the Yeti, very much. I do not ride the "thrill" coasters as my head lets me know that it does not like the changes in G-forces. E:E will not please everyone, but without actual figures on how the $100M was spent on the attraction, I am not sure that we can fault WDI for the lack of FX (complain, yes ... fault, no).


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out why some are hung up on "counting special effects" and then complaining there's not enough. EE isn't a dark ride... it's a thrill ride. Just how many effects do you think is "enough" so you wouldn't whine? Take a look at some of the "classics" and popular thrill rides in WDW... they don't have lots of special effects and yet are very popular.

No, I still think my first instict is right. Some will never be satisfied and will do nothing but complain.


New Member
Everest has had the desired effect they were looking for Animal Kingdom. Ever since EE opened, AK has been the #2 park in attendance.


Well-Known Member
Yen_Sid1 said:
Everest has had the desired effect they were looking for Animal Kingdom. Ever since EE opened, AK has been the #2 park in attendance.
#2? that's quite a jump from #4 spot.

I believe Epcot had about 10M last year and Animal Kingdom had 8M. So that would be about a 25% increase or it would mean a decrease at Epcot.


New Member
landauh said:
I have been reading these posts for a while now and I think that some information might be either missing or mis-understood.

Disney has always stated that E:E's budget was $100M, but did this budget include the expansion of Asia (walkways, bathrooms, etc.). I am sure that it included the queue as well as most, if not all, of the town structures.

There is also the cost of R&D on the Yeti, which I am assuming was part of the $100M budget.

If the total buget included building the expansion, then WDI would have been under more constraints than some on these boards would have liked and this might be the cause of the limited FX on the attraction itself. Hopefully WDI has additional FX in their file cabinets just waiting for the funds (and if DAK attendance continues to improve, the money may be released soon).

I have riden E:E four times and enjoy it, and especially the Yeti, very much. I do not ride the "thrill" coasters as my head lets me know that it does not like the changes in G-forces. E:E will not please everyone, but without actual figures on how the $100M was spent on the attraction, I am not sure that we can fault WDI for the lack of FX (complain, yes ... fault, no).
I wouldn't count on it... I don't have inside info, so its probable that I am wrong. It just doesn't make sense to build the ride, and then add stuff later, unless it's much later like PoTC.


Well-Known Member
wdwishes2005 said:
I wouldn't count on it... I don't have inside info, so its probable that I am wrong. It just doesn't make sense to build the ride, and then add stuff later, unless it's much later like PoTC.
That assumes that others (including WDI) think additional effects are needed.


Well-Known Member
I'm at a loss as to what additional effects could be added, aside from replacing/fixing the effect of blowing snow from the tops of the mountain. Its a thrill coaster that zips you forwards and backwards, then forwards again and climaxs' with the Yeti swiping at the train as it hurtles by. Maybe the Yeti Projection could be changed or another Yeti could be added before you go down the drop... I don't know... but I think its hard to add effects to a coaster

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