Eddie Sotto
Premium Member
I actually found the SS Disney article more interesting than the Disney India article! Thank you for the link.
It's seeming more and more that the Disney Parks is one of the only truly Disney "franchises" that TWDC feels they can capitalize on. It doesn't seem like they have much faith in any other "Disney" property or in developing new fanchises to grow. I haven't fully developed this idea so what I'm trying to get at might not be completely clear...
I definitely think the world is becoming a little too saturated with Disney Parks. I am planning to visit all of them one day but they're building them faster than I can afford to visit them. So far I've only been able to cross off the domestic parks from my list.
The stock has been pretty flat for years and so the only way for them to find any significant growth is to grow the parks as they introduce the company in a unique way into new markets that goes beyond TV and movies. In Japan there are a significant number of people that first learned Disney through the parks and not through the media.