Well-Known Member
This is a little off topic, but couldn't help notice some recent pictures of the state of some of the animals around DL's river. There's a bird's nest which has a blue wire frame! Maybe Eddie or somebody else knows why they went with blue wire, would figure that you'd want to make the frame brown in case any of it is visible. (Or just use un-insulated wire which will rust and turn brown anyway . . . )
Amazing that the bird next to the nest is sitting on a "rock"!
Also, with the blad eagle, they glued or somehow attached real feathers onto the bird. Hard to believe they maintain animatronics in the Jungle Cruise, yet the Mark Twain's scenery gets so much less love . . . maybe they're just temporary and they plan on expanding Frontierland in five years.
Did the bird find somebody's blue sweater and make it part of her nest?
I believe the "rock" is a fish. As for the blue wire there is a bird called the satin bowerbird that collects blue items to attract or impress his potential mate. I'm not an expert on these birds (I give a thank yee to google for the quick info) and I'm fairly sure the bird in the picture above is not the satin bower but maybe the wires are christmas lights to spruce up an otherwise dull holiday look.