I would think that the free ranging system would also allow for the vehicle to break off at a fork and experience parallel ride paths which may, or may not, be identical, hence increasing the ride capacity, and maybe re-rideability if you have two different set of scenes.
It could even be part of the show, like Eddie's idea for a Haunted Mansion trackless ride system where guests are one by one pulled back away from the dining table. For example, you could have a Brave ride where the guests climb aboard ride vehicles in the royal hall at Merida's castle. Some ride vehicles go off on an adventure with the three twins, one with Merida, one follow the willow wisps and encounter the witch . . . and the rest of the vehicle loitter watching an animatronic king give a speech while they wait to head off on an adventure.
It would cost more money, but not necessarily double for an parallel adventure as you're already building a showbuilding . . . plus the rider would never need to go down as you could refurb one "track" and keep the rest of the ride open.
Personally, I like the fact that while you might wait 30-40 minutes to ride Peter Pan, Toad, Pinocchio, Snow White or Alice, once you're on the ride you leave the other guests/outside world behind and embark on your own adventure, with family friends, not strangers.
Sure, on Pirates, Haunted Mansion there are other guests, but its often dark enough that you can tune them out if you want.
Small World works with being able to see other guests as the ride is about the whole world coming together and community.