The Elevated Train was to be about the scale of the Peoplemover or the one at TDS, and to run over the sidewalk on the east side of the street. It would have served as a covering for the rain to view the parade and taken guests to and from Discoveryland. It is shown in great detail here...
The Automatamericana exhibit was a second year approval (added capacity) attraction intended to further tell the story of Main Street in a comical way through animated dioramas. We wanted to recreate the Stores and Cinema on Main street in miniature and then animate the townspeople in funny situations to illustrate life back then. You free flow through the space and experience these tableaus in pantomime regards of language. It was partially inspired by the Mechanical Cabaret Automata then popular in Covent Garden, London. I was very disappointed to see no new attractions for Main Street in the second year.
I finally get this elevated trolley concept after looking at historical photos, and the link Eddie provided. Had no idea they had this sort of thing back then. I think it would work aesthetically if some artistic license was taken and the track pylons were spaced out a bit and the thing didn't look clunky, but kinda fancy in a Mictorian type of way. Not a real big fan of the light green pylons used for the trolley track in Disney Seas—very industrial looking, whereas on BVS I'd want a bit more of a finished/fancy looking elevated track, as if millions were spent making something for a world's fair exhibit.
They could have the trolley go by second-story "apartments" and you could see animatronics reading papers, watching old shows on television or perhaps waving at the trolley. (Of course then we'd have broken effects threads and fans complaining that the "waving lady" above the Candy Store wasn't working all the time.)
Anyway, I can't believe they didn't use this idea for Buena Vista Street. Love Carsland, but BVS sure is quiet at night . . . sort of like a high end shopping district with a mission revival theme that is winding down. An elevated Trolley would sure liven the place up.
DCA has no train around the park, but why not have an elevated trolley station you walk under (similar to Main Street's train station), that travels around BVS, and makes a loop through Hollywood land, maybe even around Paradise Pier too.
The Red Car Trolley is just impractical. Goes too slow, and the windows look too small, making for a claustrophobic experience (haven't ridden it yet, but this is my impression). Would have been great to see BVS from above, but I guess the monorail track was in the way, and they'd have to make sure the sight lines were good from that height.
Wish they'd gone ahead and moved the monorail so it coasts by in front of DCA's entrance. The bridge doesn't work very well, IMHO. Would they ever spends the millions to do this? If they did, they could use the former bridge space to add more square feet of shopping space . . . BVS needs more of an attraction than just the low capacity Red Trolley.
Below is concept art of what, I guess, was going to go into Disneyland Paris. Very interesting. Love the jazz sign, still don't get why they didn't put a big Neon-ish looking sign on Carthay in BVS.