DVC Kitchen Use


A Long Time DVC Member
Original Poster
Just wondering about others: How much do you use the kitchens in the DVC Villas? We have been traveling in large groups lately and one of the villas is always the breakfast, lunch and after dinner gathering places. The kitchen really gets a workout making breakfast, lunches and snack foods for after dinner. A full bar of soft drinks and adult beverages is always at hand. How do you use your kitchen area?


Well-Known Member
We mainly use it-when we have the kitchen- for breakfast. It got a full workout during that time. We have always looked at it as we are on vacation who wants to cook extravagant meals. This is probably why we most always stay in a studio. Though making breakfast has been a nice option. And with taking my entire family next year, it may come in handy. But for my DH, myself and our 7 month old son right now its enough.


New Member
When we stay at our DVC villa I know that we use our kitchen in the AM for making coffee, have a quick breakfast, before heading out for the day. In past we while staying in WDW I have not used the kitchen for dinner ( were are usually in a park). Then at night it was a great place to get a late night snack.

2 yrs ago we had a villa at HH and I did use the kitchen the 2 nights we stayed there. The eatting locations were not on a DP and the places looked pricey, so I cooked in.

Now this yr we will be there during Thanksgiving and I plan on cooking that day, just do not want to deal with trying to get ADR. So a simple dinner will work for us.
We mainly use the kitchen for breakfast before heading out to the parks. I do go to the grocery store upon arrival and buy drinks and snacks for us. We usually do not cook lunches/dinners though.


Well-Known Member
We usually use the kitchen for breakfast too. We will also use it for late night snacks or mac and cheese for the kids or something. We also do soup a lot for the kids. Nothing fancy, I certainly don't like cooking and do want to do a lot of it while I'm on vacation. :lol:


Not old, just vintage.
I just recently came home from a trip with my sister, BIL, and her two kids. We stayed in a 2 bedroom at OKW and I was surprised at how little we used the kitchen. We ate cereal for breakfast every morning so all we really used were the bowls, spoons, and fridge for the milk. We used the oven once (and it smelled like it had never been used before) to bake some ceramic tiles we had painted at Vero Beach and ran the dishwasher once. We had a few snacks here and there but we never did any real cooking in the kitchen. The endless supply of ice cubes and a large refrigerator were nice though.

Now, if you ask about our washer/dryer usage, that is another story. We did at least one load of laundry every day that we were there. We couldn't have lived without it.


We always cook breakfast everyday and then have the fridge full of drinks. We usually get stuff for sandwiches too. We always have cookies and candy around and sometimes leftovers from the park.


Well-Known Member
I do like to cook, really cook, and I find the supplies in the DVC kitchen lacking.

I also would need more ingreidents than makes sense to buy

So most of the time its just breakfast in the kitchen.

We usualy do breakfast in the room, a sit down dinner, and some sort of snack during the day. Not necessarly a full QSF&B lunch.

If we do get an early ADR for dinner (4:00 or so) then we eat a big meal then, and when I come back to the room at night Ill make something light.



Active Member
I do like to cook, really cook, and I find the supplies in the DVC kitchen lacking.

I also would need more ingreidents than makes sense to buy

So most of the time its just breakfast in the kitchen.

We usualy do breakfast in the room, a sit down dinner, and some sort of snack during the day. Not necessarly a full QSF&B lunch.

If we do get an early ADR for dinner (4:00 or so) then we eat a big meal then, and when I come back to the room at night Ill make something light.


I agree. I'm a serious cook, and I just can't make much with the paltry supplies they have there. There's only two decent sized bowls, for goodness sake!

That's why we usually stick with breakfast, then come back to the room for a simple lunch, and usually snacks after dinner. We don't eat out every night we're down there, because, let's face it, 10+ nights in a row of eating out gets pricey!

So for the dinners we do eat in the villa, I usually stick to a lot of packaged food. Forzen pizzas, skillet meals, pasta and things that I don't need a lot of my pantry staples for. Although, even still, I usually bring down at least 4-5 jars of spices with me. All that processed food is so bland!


Well-Known Member
Breakfast...definately. Spending $30 at the store for milk, eggs, bread, waffles, cereal and hgaving it last a week is a big savings. Microwave popcorn, soups and that kind of stuff is good too. I love the microwave for reheating leftover meals from the great restaurants...good for a late night snack or mid day break. We also stock the fridge with juice boxes and water bottles.

I agree, the ice is great, too.


New Member
oh another thing I like about having the freezer is before we go to bed at night we take bottled water & freeze it so in the parks the next day our water stays colder longer.


Premium Member
We use ours quite a bit. We use it almost every morning for breakfast. Generally we eat lunch in the parks. We usually take a late afternoon break, so many times we will cook a simple dinner like a frozen pizza or pasta. We have even cooked chicken and pot roast (at different times) in a crock pot. Believe it or not we do get tired of eating out all the time and sometimes just want a home cooked meal.


We always use it for breakfast, and snacks, my teenage son needs his snacks.

But I never eer cook dinner there, vacation to me means mom is on vacation, that means no cooking!

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Now that we're 3 Magoos instead of 2, we may use the kitchen more, especially when it comes to a full kitchen in any unit not a studio. We definitely get snacks and beverages (we still tend to get refillable mugs, but it tends to be more a sovenier, filling it up only when we go to the main building which is rare). We may see a need for packing more for breakfast, but we do enjoy the dining aspect of vacation. Will keep you posted next time we go, I know you'll all be on pins and needles for the next 2 years or however long it takes :D


Active Member
we tend only to use the kitchen for fixing breakfast and sometimes the occassional sandwich. we usually get the villa for the living room space as kits more confortable than hanging out in a bedroom. However we did prepare a buffet in it this January for food to eat whilst getting ready for my wedding, and that was really helpful. ( i would have been starving by the time i walked doen the aisle without it.) I now rarely stay on sit as i live ablout 10 min away from AK nowadays, but plan to treat mom and dad by cooking them a nice meal next time they come and get a 1 or 2 BR. :)


Well-Known Member
We utilize the kitchen for breakfast only but keep the refrigerator stocked with beverages which we use both in the parks and for snacks. We always eat lunch and dinner in the parks. Finding that the shops in the hotels have a good selection of breads, etc. permits a variety of offerings in the A.M. We do have at least one breakfast in a restaurant each stay.
Knowing that we have a full kitchen available lets us decide what we want to do each day.
The ability to do a laundry within the room is an added plus....no laundries when we get home and do not have to bring additional clothing on the trip. Even can run the dryer so that we don't have damp bathing suits to pack!!
It is a home away from home -- if you chose to use it as such.

104 days:xmas::xmas::xmas:


New Member
Mainly for breakfast. I order food, but only basic stuff - eggs, milk, cereal, packaged cheese, etc. I like to pick out my own meats (including bacon) and I can't do that with an on-line ordering service, so breakfast is the easiest. When we have had a car, we've shopped more extensively and we once had a spiral-cut ham for dinner, which lasted for sandwiches and breakfasts for several days as well. But that is rare.

DVC Mike

Well-Known Member
The kitchen in our 1-BR goes unused most trips. We store left-overs and drinks in the refrigerator and use the microwave, but that's about it.


Well-Known Member
I do like to cook, really cook, and I find the supplies in the DVC kitchen lacking.
Can anyone give me a rough idea of what's stocked in the kitchens as a rule? We're at BLT next weekend in a 1 bedroom villa and were thinking of making breakfast.


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