I never said in any of my posts that I felt the best place for the ride was in the MK, I agree with you in that it doesn't really fit into the MK, would I object to it were they to put it in, no. That being said it wouldn't be my first choice, simple as that.
I do feel it has a larger and more diverse following than you may be giving it credit for. Yes, it is the Harry Potter of the Video game franchise, and Spartan 117 has trumped Nintendo's Mario in every respect. But to say it doesn't belong in Disney period is very narrow minded and short sighted. I think Disney could and would do a far better job than Uni at an attraction, and with the help of the creatives at Bungie, the ride would be spectacular to say the least.
Do I think this ever has a chance of making it into the Theme Parks, sadly no, their is far too much red tape surrounding the entire Halo franchise to get anything done, I think that is in large part to Microsoft being the owner of the IP.
Would I like to see this happen? Of course, what Halo fan wouldn't?