Doing the wave with Magic Friends


Well-Known Member
Good morning!
I started the shower thread early:
I hope everyone has a fun day with us today!
Amy...stop worrying! :kiss:


We'll be there a little after noon, if all things go well...

Last night was NOT fun. Anastasia woke up and puked at 4:30 AM. :hurl: Changed sheets, PJ's and wiped her down. Put her back to bed.

10 Minutes later she did it again. :hurl:

I'm exhausted. But I'll make the 3 hour drive eventually.. it may just take a little longer... :brick:

Aww, poor baby!:(

Crap....well, the tree people showed up TODAY. This should be fun....9 a.m. on a neighbors may not be thrilled. But the weather is nice today, which is why they're here.

Oops! :ROFLOL:

LOL! Me too!!!

Jenny, thanks for our message. :kiss:

Okay, I'm hitting the road! I wonder if I should bring my laptop?:lookaroun

Of course! :lookaroun


High School choice slips are out for next yr. DD is very emotional and she has to turn it in by Monday. She is rebelling on taking a foreign language. "Why do I need it?" She said. "I don't care anymore I might as well drop out." Yikes. how am I supposed to convince her to do what is right.
So emotional right now. ahhhhh!!!!


New Member
High School choice slips are out for next yr. DD is very emotional and she has to turn it in by Monday. She is rebelling on taking a foreign language. "Why do I need it?" She said. "I don't care anymore I might as well drop out." Yikes. how am I supposed to convince her to do what is right.
So emotional right now. ahhhhh!!!!

:eek: High school is such a hard time for the 'youngens'. I remember saying the same thing in school.... (:eek: 10 years ago!!!!) How old is she?
I still have 7 yrs to go for my DD to be in high school.

Love U Disney

New Member
My friend fowarded me this really funny message. Thought you all would like it...:D

"How to give a pill to a cat.
1.Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if
holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of
cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in
right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to
close mouth and swallow.

2. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in
left arm and repeat process.

3. Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away.

4. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear
paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of
mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth shut for a count of ten.

5. Retrieve pill from goldfish bowl and cat from top of wardrobe. Call
spouse from garden.

6. Kneel on floor with cat wedged firmly between knees, hold front and
rear paws. Ignore low growls emitted by cat. Get spouse to hold head
firmly with one hand while forcing wooden ruler into mouth. Drop pill
down ruler and rub cat's throat vigorously.

7. Retrieve cat from curtain rail, get another pill from foil wrap.
Make note to buy new ruler and repair curtains. Carefully sweep
shattered figurines and vases from hearth and set to one side for
gluing later.

8. Wrap cat in large towel and get spouse to lie on cat with head just
visible from below armpit. Put pill in end of drinking straw, force
mouth open with pencil and blow down drinking straw.

9. Check label to make sure pill not harmful to humans, drink 1beer to
take taste away. Apply Band-Aid to spouse's forearm and remove blood
from carpet with cold water and soap.

10. Retrieve cat from neighbor's shed. Get another pill.Open another
beer. Place cat in cupboard, and close door onto neck, to leave head
showing. Force mouth open with dessert spoon. Flick pill down throat
with elastic band.

11. Fetch screwdriver from garage and put cupboard door back on
hinges. Drink beer. Fetch bottle of scotch. Pour shot, drink. Apply
cold compress to cheek and check records for date of last tetanus
shot. Apply whiskey compress to cheek to disinfect.. Toss back another
shot. Throw Tee shirt away and fetch new one from bedroom.

12. Call fire department to retrieve the damn cat from across the
road. Apologize to neighbor who crashed into fence while swerving to
avoid cat. Take last pill from foil wrap.

13. Tie the little ______________'s front paws to rear paws with garden twine
and bind tightly to leg of dining table, find heavy-duty pruning
gloves from shed. Push pill into mouth followed by large piece of
filet steak. Be rough about it. Hold head vertically and pour 2 pints
of water down throat to wash pill down.

14. Consume remainder of scotch. Get spouse to drive you to the
emergency room, sit quietly while doctor stitches fingers and forearm
and removes pill remnants from right eye. Call furniture shop on way
home to order new table.

15. Arrange for SPCA to collect mutant cat from hell and call local
pet shop to see if they have any hamsters.

How To Give A Dog A Pill

1. Wrap it in bacon.

2. Toss it in the air"
I loved this email so much I saved it in my inbox somewhere. It was a funny message to recieve.:D
Okay...wasn't sure whether to post here or in the shower thread.

Wow...just wow. I had the best, best time! It was awesomely awesome.

To start, it was sooooo great to see everyone in guys made me feel comfortable right away, like I fit right in. I felt like I could relax and be myself (and all without Windex...highly unusual for me :lookaroun). Everyone was just like I imagined...your personalities really shine through in your posts!

I have never laughed so hard...everyone was so funny! Baby showers usually bore the heck out of me...not this one!

You all are absolutely adorable! What a bunch of cuties. Gorgeous girls all.

I got such a kick out of my "bridal shower". You guys, that was so sweet and funny...and a bit embarrassing! For as big a mouth as I have, you'd think I'd like being the center of attention. It was awesome that you guys made such a fuss...Dot LOVED the sash and tiara veil, very creative!...Jenny, your gifts were a riot, I reckon that swatter will come in handy (not to mention the nutcracker)...Betty & Dot, that purse, those earrings, can't wait to wear them, and to try out those dice...Nibbs, I love those tacky glasses!!! I actually think they're adorable. Grant's favorite of all was, of course, the lacy underdrawers from Judy :ROFLOL: Thanks to everyone!:kiss:

Steph and Chrissy, I'm so sorry you couldn't be there. We missed you very much but of course you have to do what you have to do for our "Future WDWMagicians" (major props to the Dynamic Duo on those onesies!). Love you girls, can't wait to meet you both.

Judy, it was so great to meet Philly soul sistah! Thank you for the cake, it was scrumptious! :kiss:

Rosella, you are a doll and I wish you the best...God bless you and the little one on the way!

And Dot and Betty, thank you for the Tigger and Pooh for Em and Wee was so sweet of you to think of them. I just now found the little towels you got them as totally cool! Thank you!!!!! :kiss:

Gah, could those pictures of me be any worse??? I gotta get rid of that gut. I told you Nibbs, I don't photograph well!

And finally: Joe, very funny. :rolleyes: Dana, thank you love! :kiss: You're gorgeous yourself! I just know it, even though not a picture of you exists.

In summary...I am so glad I went...I love you guys so much.

(p.s. - if my cigarette and pickle breath (yuk) knocked anyone out during the hugs goodbye, sorry luvs!)


Active Member
Okay...wasn't sure whether to post here or in the shower thread.

Wow...just wow. I had the best, best time! It was awesomely awesome.

To start, it was sooooo great to see everyone in guys made me feel comfortable right away, like I fit right in. I felt like I could relax and be myself (and all without Windex...highly unusual for me :lookaroun). Everyone was just like I imagined...your personalities really shine through in your posts!

I have never laughed so hard...everyone was so funny! Baby showers usually bore the heck out of me...not this one!

You all are absolutely adorable! What a bunch of cuties. Gorgeous girls all.

I got such a kick out of my "bridal shower". You guys, that was so sweet and funny...and a bit embarrassing! For as big a mouth as I have, you'd think I'd like being the center of attention. It was awesome that you guys made such a fuss...Dot LOVED the sash and tiara veil, very creative!...Jenny, your gifts were a riot, I reckon that swatter will come in handy (not to mention the nutcracker)...Betty & Dot, that purse, those earrings, can't wait to wear them, and to try out those dice...Nibbs, I love those tacky glasses!!! I actually think they're adorable. Grant's favorite of all was, of course, the lacy underdrawers from Judy :ROFLOL: Thanks to everyone!:kiss:

Steph and Chrissy, I'm so sorry you couldn't be there. We missed you very much but of course you have to do what you have to do for our "Future WDWMagicians" (major props to the Dynamic Duo on those onesies!). Love you girls, can't wait to meet you both.

Judy, it was so great to meet Philly soul sistah! Thank you for the cake, it was scrumptious! :kiss:

Rosella, you are a doll and I wish you the best...God bless you and the little one on the way!

And Dot and Betty, thank you for the Tigger and Pooh for Em and Wee was so sweet of you to think of them. I just now found the little towels you got them as totally cool! Thank you!!!!! :kiss:

Gah, could those pictures of me be any worse??? I gotta get rid of that gut. I told you Nibbs, I don't photograph well!

And finally: Joe, very funny. :rolleyes: Dana, thank you love! :kiss: You're gorgeous yourself! I just know it, even though not a picture of you exists.

In summary...I am so glad I went...I love you guys so much.

(p.s. - if my cigarette and pickle breath (yuk) knocked anyone out during the hugs goodbye, sorry luvs!)

Aw, Amy....wish I could've hugged you in person. Someday...:)

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