People are so quick to lean on the book Disney War as if its truth, when its just one version of one side. While the book might have some facts in it, its still just one side of a large story and obviously anti-Eisner.
Eisner did far more good than harm, and did more for Disney World than Walt or Roy.
Jimmy Thick-Or anyone named Disney...
Consider the fact that Walt was dead at the Grand Opening; there is only so much a ghost can do. However, the inspiration and the determination was Walt's and it became Roy's. Disney War is well documented and many of the players are on record. I am sure Eisner has his own story to tell but he isn't there anymore and he was ousted for a reason. How many CEOs do not plan for their eventual departure and have someone waiting to be groomed in the wings? Most of them. Eisner was too paranoid however to do that in a timely manner.