Any movement in a lower direction is good.
But, things like Disney really shouldn’t be open unless positivity is below 0.5%. 12% is 25 times too high.
Increased testing is great news. But unfortunately not useful when most results are a week delayed and there is no effective contact tracing.
This is the way it’s supposed to work, to have a functioning economy.
A state the size of Florida should be testing 200,000 per day — testing of employees, students, random testing of government workers.
With under 0.5% positivity — under 1,000 positives per day. Results within 24 hours. Those 1,000 people isolated. Contact tracing goes into effect — so of those 1,000 people... 5,000-10,000 additional contacts get self-isolated and tested.
This becomes daily... and it would eventually drive infection to virtually zero.
The countries that are successfully re-opening schools, like Germany, South Korea, Denmark — this was their formula for doing so.
You drive down infection extremely low— then you test, trace, isolate massively — which keeps the infections extremely low.