do you bring food with you?


Active Member
hi all

i am in the final stretch to my vacation and am starting the packing process lol

here is my question of the day lol {that would make a cool thread BTW }

do you bring food with you?

if so what and do you put it in carry on or checked luggage?

keep in mind i have two teens not younger kids lol so no formula etc etc



Well-Known Member
Well, coming from the UK, we don't really get a lot of choice as many food items will not be allowed through customs. I also think that when flying, food takes up a lot of space which can be better used.

When we land, we will generally head to a shop to pick up a few items though. Normally some bread and cheese for sandwiches, perhaps from nutritional bars for breakfast and a pack or two of water. If we have a fridge in our room, we might also buy milk and some cooked meat.

We've never gone so far as to buy enough food for a full meal although I suspect others do (particularly if your staying in a villa)
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Original Poster
Well, coming from the UK, we don't really get a lot of choice as many food items will not be allowed through customs. I also think that when flying, food takes up a lot of space which can be better used.

When we land, we will generally head to a shop to pick up a few items though. Normally some bread and cheese for sandwiches, perhaps from nutritional bars for breakfast and a pack or two of water. If we have a fridge in our room, we might also buy milk and some cooked meat.

We've never gone so far as to buy enough food for a full meal although I suspect others do (particularly if your staying in a villa)

thanks i was thinking along the lines of breakfast bars, snacks, cereal to go box's but i am not sure its worth it lol
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Well-Known Member
We bring food with us, but it is more snacky type food than anything else. And we road trip, not fly, so we just put it in coolers in the van where it is reachable from the passenger seat. Just things like bottled water, sodas, Suzie Q's, Twinkies, or some other such snack cakes. Also, Pringles, pudding cups, fruit cups, etc. It serves as snacks on the way down, then while we're there, sometimes it's also a quick breakfast before we head into the parks.
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We don't bring food with us as we're from the UK we just buy stuff at the airport if we're hungry and when we're in our hotel, the one we usually stay at there is a store right next to it so we just get water and snacky foods from there.
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New Member
We don't fly, but we do bring food with us every day. I pack sandwiches for the 4 of us and transport it in an insulated lunch sack with a ziplock of ice in the bottom. You just have to have it open on bag check when going in the parks. The security folks are usually pretty funny about it, asking "What's for lunch?" But we've never had a problem. We usually augment the sandwich with a piece of fruit or popcorn from a snack cart then a Mickey bar or Dole Whip in the afternoon. By brown bagging, we're able to spend a little more at our table service dinners. Also it saves us time as we usually eat our sandwiches while waiting to get into a show or some other really long line. We've even been known to pull out the sandwiches an munch away as we make our way across a park.

I also have breakfast bars in the room for the morning as well. It really makes getting up and out a lot easier.
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Well-Known Member
We bring some small snack stuff with us, such as the packages of crackers and cheese, maybe some individual chip packages and such. We also aren't really breakfast people so we bring granola bars and mini muffins as well. We usually don't even touch the snack stuff, but they are good to have if we get back from the parks during EMH and the food court is closed and we want a little something.
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We usually bring breakfast bars into the park,along with PB&j for the grandkids. We drive our motorhome from Tennessee so we have the fridge packed with goodies too. Sometimes we take a cooler into the room and keep milk in it so the grandkids can have cereal in the am.
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Master Gracey 5

Active Member
On my last trip we brought some apples and a box of cereal with us in the suitcase. We stocked up on some milk at the resort and had a bowl of cereal each morning before we left (minus the day we had breakfast at the Crystal Palace). It was quick and a heck of a lot cheaper than buying breakfast or using QS meals. We also had to bring some paper bowls and plastic spoons, but the good thing was that these were all gone for the trip home, so there were more room for some souvenirs!
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Well-Known Member
I rarely bring food.

If I do, it's somthing like cereal. Not for any cost savings, but I find we get out of the room faster in the AM if we eat in the room. I am DVC so my room has a kitchen anyway.

When we get there we buy a few of the individual frozen pizzas. As others mentioned, somtimes we get back from EMH after everything is closed and you are still a bit hungry.

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New Member
We are locals and go to WDW all the time. We always say that we should bring a lunch with us to try to save some money, and we finally did this last weekend. It was a great idea! We went to Wal Mart the day before we headed over and bought a couple of those prepackaged subs. We sat down in quick service restaurants at the parks, got some mayo and mustard packages and we were good to go! We wound up only eating half each for lunch so we actually ate the other halves for dinner (and we were lucky enough to eat in one of the restaurants with a burger topping bar, so we added lettuce and tomatoes etc to our subs)! It was a really great idea. The subs cost $3 each and we brought mini bags of chips too...between lunch and dinner we usually spend about $50 for the 2 of us, just on mediocre burgers, so we were happy to have the extra cash to spend at other places in the parks. We will definitely be making a habit of this!!!
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We fly and send a package down ahead of time because we've got little kids. Things like - pretzel sticks with that "cheese" to dip it in, famous amos cookies in snack bags, the small boxes of cereal, microwave popcorn (DVC) granola bars, etc.

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Well-Known Member
Never, I budget for my entire vacation. If I can not afford to eat the things I want, then I can not afford to go.

I agree, I’m on vacation and don’t want to be concerned about food preservation, (i.e. what’s melting in my pocket). When I want something to eat, or drink, I’ll just buy it there. Of course I’m flying in from MA and staying a week. I might feel different if I were a local and doing a day trip.
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Active Member
We never take food into the park but since we drive down from TN we always take some drinks & snacks. It's just DH, DD and myself so we just take a small cooler to put some drinks & ice in when we get there. To save space in the car we put our snacks items in the empty cooler for the trip down and just pack up any leftovers to take home the same way! I take DD some soda and DH & I take a case of water to share. It's nice to have something to snack on or to drink after you get back from the parks without having to hit the food court. Who wants to wake up at 6 am, want something to drink and have to get dressed and go all the way to the food court to get it? Also, it's crazy to have to buy every little thing.............. It can be very expensive. Shipping stuff down ahead of schedule if you're flying is a great idea, IMO!
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