Do people think you're strange for loving Disney so much?

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I gave up a long time ago worrying about what others thought of our addiction to WDW. I kinda think they did too as no one asks any more, "Where ya going on vacation". They just know. Probably got tired of hearing the same thing.
I hear "you're going there again" from people who go to the beach every year! I want to tell them that after day 2 on the beach I would be bored to tears.. and if you don't "get" Disney..keep it to yourself - I don't get the beach and never say anything.. its called manners.. ahhh feel much better now - been holding that in for years!..:)

:lol: I feel the same way. Because I get bored, 2 days is about it for me on the beach - but I could stay at WDW forever. Vacations are for relaxing and having fun, I guess we all do that in a different way. My way just doesn't include sitting...unless I am on a ride. ;) I'll have to remember to tell my beach friends, "you are going to the beach...again". :p


New Member
Yes, some of my friends think I am a little weird. However, they ask me for asvice when it comes to planning a trip there. I had a good experience this past spring. I took a public speaking class. One of my speeches was an Informational Speech on traveling to WDW the Hutchinson way. Everyone loved it and started asking me about different tips and what advice I could give them.:lol:


Well-Known Member

I have heard it a thousand times how can you keep going back you've seen it? I usually just smile and say if you've seen one (submit their favorite sport or activity) why do you keep going back?
I hear "you're going there again" from people who go to the beach every year! I want to tell them that after day 2 on the beach I would be bored to tears.. and if you don't "get" Disney..keep it to yourself - I don't get the beach and never say anything.. its called manners.. ahhh feel much better now - been holding that in for years!..:)

I'm so glad to hear (read) someone else say that about the beach. I mean, I like it okay I guess but I don't see the appeal of laying in the sun, playing in the ocean (with sharks and jellyfish to worry about), or feeling like it's a meat fest with bikinis and thongs everywhere! Okay, maybe I'm just too old for the beach now, but honestly I wasn't a fan of it when I was wearing my own bikini (WAY back in the day.) :ROFLOL: Give me Disney World any day!


There are several people in my family that do get it. But my Mom is always laughing at my sister and me. She does not understand why we want to go every year. I would go multiple times a year if I could..And sometimes I am able to. I was talking about how I cry sometimes during fireworks and stuff while there and I think she now thinks I am totally crazy. Some people will just never get it!


RunDisney Addict
We were actually mentioned in the paper because of it this week.

We have a friend that does a weekly opinion column, and started talking about how we'll take mulitple trips each year to WDW if we can....then went on to talk about why he doesn't understand why people repeat any location with so many sights in this world to see.

Isn't that why I have the discovery channel?


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't necessarily say that people think I'm strange for liking Disney as I do, but I have been picked on at school, from grade school right up to high school, for liking it. They usually taunt me with things like "Mickey Mouse is dead!" or "I burned down Disneyland!" But during and after high school, things have tapered off.


Active Member
to goosebump, or not to goosebump, that is the question

I believe there are two types of people in this world, those who get goosebumps and those who don't. For me, I sit on the bridge between France and England and become immersed....immersed in some feeling I can't explain while I watch the second half of Reflections of Earth that takes me to a place that movies, nor music have ever taken me. I have been lucky enough to travel this world pretty extensively. I Have seen, eaten, drank and experienced some pretty amazing things, but still nothing for me comes close to the magic of Disney... call it a longing for my childhood, or a fulfillment of some creative fantasy that I could never begin to imagine fabricating on my own, but that place is pure magic, and no person can ever take that away from me... It is as though it was made for me and me alone and I have the utmost respect for anyone mature enough to let their false ego get out of the way and let their true child like self emerge and love the magic like I do... you are amongst friends here....


Active Member
Not really at all! Since I hang out with the early 90's generation, most of my friends love Disney! It'd be strange to find someone not a fan of Disney.

A lot of older folks tend to be a bit skeptical towards my level of fandom towards the company, but towards them I feel pity because they don't get to have a life with the Disney "magic". :)


Active Member
Yes :veryconfu I get alot of eye rolling and sighs but I think oh well its what I'm into... alot of the people I work with are die hard racing fans ...I don't get that so we are even.:shrug:

Wilderness Lodge 1997
Caribbean Beach 2003
Port Orleans - Riverside 2005
Wilderness Lodge 2007
Polynesian 2009
Contemporary 2011


Well-Known Member
I have a couple of friends that love it the way my family does, but Yes, some people think we are crazy. One of my friend's exact words are, "I just don't get it". My husband and I have kids, but we will go without them occasionally just to have fun by ourselves. People really don't understand that. :lol: For the most part our friends enjoy going to WDW with their families, but that is where it ends. It is just another amusement park to them. We love Disney for more than just the amusement parks, we love all things Disney and we truly feel the magic. Some people just aren't going to understand that.

Oh I hear ya!!! We've gone to disney without the kids, either due to just need to get away or having extra Southwest credit and gee where do we go??? LOL I love going there just hubby and I, kinda feels like our honeymoon all over again! ...But people who don't have "the Love"....think your nuts....and to go every year? People either roll their eyes or love the idea!!!! Everyone has their "thing" , Disney for our family is it!


Well-Known Member
co workers try to bust me all the time... they just dont know how to the trip the right way! They have been and hated it, but they made no ADR's and had no idea how to attack the parks in an efficient manner.


Carey Poppins - Nanny and Disney Enthusiest
Firstly I know there's nothing wrong with enjoying and loving something, I'm not looking for acceptance. I also don't constantly talk about Disney to others, most of my colleagues only know I love Disney because of my annual trips. However I do find that some people find it odd that as a guy in his early 40's with no kids, that I go to Disney World every year with my wife and enjoy it and know so much about it (albeit not as much as others on here). I know we're all fans and there's nothing wrong with that, but do you think on the whole that people think we're a bit strange :shrug:

Yes, I agree with you. I'm much the same, I don't talk about it all the time but people know. Whether it is my t shirts (I'm a nanny so I'm in t shirts most of the time and most are Disney/Mickey) or my coffee mugs (most are Disney), people know. And the same people who tease me about it, are the same ones that come to me for Disney planning advice. I don't take it personally - but yes, sometimes people think it is weird. My best friend thinks I should broaden my horizons and travel other places. But for my DH and I, we love Disney. So why go some place else. We would love to go out west and travel up the east coast, but those are trips that we would like to do if we have kids some day. And I want my children to experience Disney as much as possible too.
Everyone thinks I'm crazy with my Disney obsession but then again I'm the guy who enjoys My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (some people get it others not so much.) I am however the go to guy if you wanna know anything about the parks so that's a nice feeling.


Well-Known Member
Some people just don't get it & that is OK w/ me.
I just know who I can talk to about WDW & who I can't. :D
I guess everybody has their own thing that they really enjoy & WDW happens to be one of mine. :wave:
The problem is that most people do not understand the different degrees of Disney fandom.

I go to the parks twice a year, I read a lot of books about the parks and Walt. My family understands that I love Disney, but they think that means that if they find any kind of tacky Mickey Mouse souvenir that I'm going to love it.


Yes, fam and friends think I am strange.

Since I am 50 and most associate love of Disney with kids, my family, friends and neighbors think I am a little weird.
But who do they come to when they are planning a trip? ME!!:sohappy:


Maybe this will make you feel better if I tell you my story.

I'm a married man, 30 years old, we have a little infant but we last went to Disney before he was born or even conceived. The first time it was just my wife and I. The second time (6 months later) we tagged along with my parents who go there often.

I stick out in a crowd. I'm 6'2" 275lbs. and look like I could be a linebacker in the NFL. I'm a teddy bear in reality, but the truth is I'm one of those guys who likes his "men to be men". I'd be a typical "man's man" if you met me.

However, nothing touches me like Disney. It always has had a special place in my heart from day one. I remember distinctively my first trip in 1991 and I loved Small World, Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Country Bears and believe it or not I loved the Carousel of Progress. I was 10 and a half.

But you know, there is nothing wimpy about loving Disney, or appreciating Disney. You have to be a real prude to not recognize the beauty of it and if I'm in a room full of people who are mocking me about Disney World (it has happened countless times) I never budge from my belief and openly tell my colleagues that I truly feel sorry for them with that opinion. They should go there, and instead of mocking the park they should wonder why a grown man has gone there without children and adored it.

So just so you know, the next time you're being mocked, remember there is a grown man on these boards (among others) who feels the same way as you do and can probably beat up the people who are poking at you :D

I know what you mean, Phil. I am 6'-1" and 235 lbs. Former college f-ball player and giggle like a little girl when at WDW. I just LOVE the place.


(I always hate to say this) As a CP, I would go to the parks on my days off. I call my parents when i was off. They ask me what i was doing today and i said, "the parks". They would say, "AGAIN? don't you ever get tired of them?" I always say "Nope.... :)"

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