DLP`s Timekeeper rumoured to be closing - is WDW next?


New Member
Wow, that really does sound like a great show. I had a chance to see it back in January but passed because of a bias against Robin Williams. Looks like I may never get a chance to see it now.

It's good news that there won't be a lame carnival ride, but seeing another original show bite the dust is sad. I've always been a bigger fan of WDW than of most Disney films, and I hope the parks don't fall into the synergy trap. Not every one of your products has to tie into other products.


New Member
Timekeeper needs to stay, but it needs a rehab. Why wont Disney rehab this attraction when they have plenty of time to do so?

This attraction suffers so much. All the other Tommorowland attractions get super long lines (except CoP) and Timekeeper sits here with the theatre never filling itself for each showing.


General Grizz said:
What about Pixar?? :brick:

Well, since our buddy Corrus is going to be typically tight-lipped, I'll go out on a limb.......nope, no Pixar for Timekeeper's spot.

My crystal ball says...next Pixar attraction appearance...something fishy... out west...in the shadow of a mountain...hopefully not "sub"-par.

By the way Corrus...I hear you've been out west lately. Seen T.B. putting on fins lately? That's what I hear, anyway.


Well-Known Member

Circlevision is something unique to Disney, epsecially when you take into account that it's something their competitors don't have. They should really emphasize the attractions that are truly unique.

I love Timekeeper (obviously, look at my name), and Robin Williams is the biggest celebrity involved with any existing Disney attraction. Although I am a fan of the current attraction, I agree that it could use from a update.

Imagine if the film was in 3D. Sure, there's Philharmagic, but Circlevision in 3D could be the only one like it in the world (that I'm aware of.) Install some sort of motion simulation to jazz it up, and you'd have an A-list attraction worthy of being housed in the most expensive Las Vegas hotel.

The idea is unique and I'd hate to see it completely lost. It's an idea that CAN be updated with technology, and it's not locked into one time period. Given so much flexibility and opportunity for creativity, there's no reason for why it should be scrapped altogether.

It's really a blank slate for all those talented imagineers.



Well-Known Member
Lee said:
Well, since our buddy Corrus is going to be typically tight-lipped, I'll go out on a limb.......nope, no Pixar for Timekeeper's spot.

My crystal ball says...next Pixar attraction appearance...something fishy... out west...in the shadow of a mountain...hopefully not "sub"-par.

By the way Corrus...I hear you've been out west lately. Seen T.B. putting on fins lately? That's what I hear, anyway.

Chuck Oberleitner had that on JHM yesterday, but it is strangley gone now. A bit about an imagineer telling the convention and then getting stroppy and walking off in a huff when he found out that Internet Journo's were in the room.


ogryn said:
Chuck Oberleitner had that on JHM yesterday, but it is strangley gone now.

Ah a mystery!
Actually, I was unaware that it had made it to the net yet.
My source played it up as a real scoop.........I guess not. :veryconfu


Michael72688 said:
sorry but the circle vision theater are really not that great

Dude, what is with you? It seems like every post you make is bait for someone to get in an argument with you. I don't know why you do this, but if you have something negative, just say it once, or even better dont say it at all. You always have something negative to say, and you say it multiple times.


Well-Known Member
SirGoofy said:
Dude, what is with you? It seems like every post you make is bait for someone to get in an argument with you. I don't know why you do this, but if you have something negative, just say it once, or even better dont say it at all. You always have something negative to say, and you say it multiple times.

If that is his only intention (and from what I have seen, it is) he has won. He got you to take the bait as you said. I am agreeing with you, I just think he is getting what he wants one way or another is all.

Tim G

Well-Known Member
Lee said:
My crystal ball says...next Pixar attraction appearance...something fishy... out west...in the shadow of a mountain...hopefully not "sub"-par.
Your words, not mine...:slurp:
By the way Corrus...I hear you've been out west lately.
I still am...:cry:
Seen T.B. putting on fins lately? That's what I hear, anyway.
Huh?? :confused: :D


New Member
I'm not trying to start anything, I was just trying to express an opinion, but I did forget, opinions are not liked unless you like every freakin ride Disney has buit


General Grizz said:
Nemo at DL Subs was reported on MiceAge a few days ago, if I recall correctly.

See what happens?
I leave the computer for four days to go the the meet and Al spills the beans before I get back. Typical.

Anyhow, Timekeeper......don't look for anything to happen there soon, even if it (probably) closes when Stitch opens.
Management has other fish to fry first, like settling on a plan for the lagoon area.


Michael72688 said:
I'm not trying to start anything, I was just trying to express an opinion, but I did forget, opinions are not liked unless you like every freakin ride Disney has buit

Sorry if it came across as if I was saying your opion doesn't matter, what I meant was that you do it so negatively, and that you drill the negativety into us by repeating it. Heck I could care less if you don't like some Disney attractions. I hate IASW, which is a classic. But I have respect for it. I also don't like Snow White's Scary Adventure, but I have respect for others who do. You can have your opinions, all I ask is that you convey them with more respect and consideration for the others who enjoy the rides that you don't.

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