I'm not saying 19 Million viewers is nothing to sniff at. I watch videos on YouTube of guys mowing overgrown lawns for free for poor widows in the South that only get 2 or 3 Million views.
But in the big ball game, and for those of us older folks who remember how big of a deal the Oscars used to be in the 70's, 80's and 90's
(especially us confirmed bachelors who considered the Oscars to be the "Gay Superbowl" and remember fondly blowout Oscars parties in the latter 20th century that were nearly Bacchanalian in their scope and impact), the Oscars viewership has crashed into a tiny percentage of Americans.
In the 1980's up to 25% of the country watched the Oscars. And everyone talked about it the next day.
In 2023, just under 6% of the country watched the Oscars. And hardly anyone talks about it the next day.
It will be interesting to see where the Oscars viewership lands in March, 2024. If trends hold, perhaps only 5% of the country will tune in.