Disney's Hollywood Studios: What's Next


Well-Known Member
If Pixar is the thematic driver in any upcoming new DHS attraction, I'd like to see The Incredibles. It's a great story with good characters (IMO), and seeing that Disney may be looking to bring Marvel into some of it's other parks, it'd make sense for WDW to have a super-hero attraction with the legal worries from UNI. If cloning is inevitable, then it's seems like it'd be fairly simple to put an Incredibles overlay to nearly any Marvel based attraction. If Disney likes the "variation on a theme" throughout it's parks, then I like The Incredibles for a new attraction idea.

If animation in general is the driving element, then I've always like Aladdin as an attraction idea. Great movie, memorable songs, and one of the most iconic characters from that era. Flying carpets (not a spinner), exotic city scapes, great villain, and The Genie. Nice potential.

Incredibles is the best choice, but sadly, it seems to be one of the forgotten Pixar movies in the halls of Disney.


Well-Known Member
Incredibles is the best choice, but sadly, it seems to be one of the forgotten Pixar movies in the halls of Disney.

I agree, but I find that fact so strange in light of the popularity of comics based super-hero movies. I'd think they'd be fast tracking THIS as the next Pixar sequel (not that they need ANY). It was actually set up nicely for a sequel. Sad indeed...


Well-Known Member
I agree, but I find that fact so strange in light of the popularity of comics based super-hero movies. I'd think they'd be fast tracking THIS as the next Pixar sequel (not that they need ANY). It was actually set up nicely for a sequel. Sad indeed...

I don't disagree at all.

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
I suppose what Disney serves in their parks can be described as pizza. And while I enjoy all the myriad styles of pizza pies out there, I still can't wrap my head around the idea that what Disney dishes up is worse than a frozen Digornio.

This comment made me laugh because one of my husband's friends is what I call a "pizza snob". This guy makes life so difficult sometimes. Where we live, there's a Papa Johns and a Dominos that delivers and we order pizza about once a month or so if it's a night I just don't feel like cooking. "Pizza Snob", if he's around when the ordering is happening, always goes into a tirade against Papa Johns or Dominos, saying he doesn't like their pizza and we should order from whatever hole-in-the-wall place he thinks is the best. It's always something like "Mamma Rosaritos" or "Fabanuccis". The way he talks these places up, you'd expect them to have lines stretching for miles deep into neighboring counties because people would be making pilgrimages to eat just one slice of these "perfect pizzas".

I listened to this guy once -- and once only -- because his "best pizza in the state" turned out to be greasy, minuscule, and mediocre...for about ten bucks more than I would have paid for Papa Johns.

I happen to love DiGiornos too. In fact it's my favorite frozen pizza.

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
My brother and I just brainstormed on the possibilities of the ride. The Scream Floor could be the Coaster Loading area, complete with the coaster lowering to the floor for loading, then the door holder would close around the coaster car. When the cast member had cleared the car, he would press a button on the keyboard that sits next to the lowered car, and when the head cast member gave the all clear, the coaster cars would be pulled up and onto the track, beginning their journey into the door warehouse. The queues could wind through the factory, recreating the locker room, the halls, and especially the lobby/atrium, where you may see a few monsters (possibly Mike & Sulley Animatronics) talking and going to work. You would see Celia (the Receptionist) talking on the telephone and answering calls. The possibilities are endless for a ride like this. The inspiration is already in the movie... I wonder why WDI hasn't chose to fully act on this movie.... I wish they would!

This is fabulous. I love it! Great brainstorming!

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member
If Pixar is the thematic driver in any upcoming new DHS attraction, I'd like to see The Incredibles. It's a great story with good characters (IMO), and seeing that Disney may be looking to bring Marvel into some of it's other parks, it'd make sense for WDW to have a super-hero attraction without the legal worries from UNI. If cloning is inevitable, then it's seems like it'd be fairly simple to put an Incredibles overlay to nearly any Marvel based attraction. If Disney likes the "variation on a theme" throughout it's parks, then I like The Incredibles for a new attraction idea.

If animation in general is the driving element, then I've always like Aladdin as an attraction idea. Great movie, memorable songs, and one of the most iconic characters from that era. Flying carpets (not a spinner), exotic city scapes, great villain, and The Genie. Nice potential.

WOW. This is really smart. I never thought about it before, but you are so right. The Incredibles could be used in Florida and the same ride could be built in California using Marvel characters instead. So Florida Disney parks could get superheroes too without any Marvel opportunities.

So smart. I really hope they do something like this!


Well-Known Member
I always thought it'd be nice to have a store within DHS that sold nothing but Hollywood/film related things. No Disney plushes, no pin trading, no Vinylmation, just movie related stuff. DVD/Blue Ray, movie posters, prop replicas, movie star photo/autographs, biographies and maybe one of a kind, authentic movie paraphernalia (scripts, props, clothing, etc).

I know there was a shop near the entrance that sold posters, but is it still there? I bought a small 8x10 still from Dragonslayer, years ago (1996).

Yes, the shop is still there as of a few years ago (I doubt it hasn't gone away since). Minus the DVD/Blu-Rays, it includes everything else you've mentioned. It's a shop my parents and I always browsed through, even though we never really bought anything since all of the really cool things were out of our price range. They had the suit Dick van wore during the Jolly Holiday sequence from Mary Poppins and an autographed image of the main three from Harry Potter, among a ton of other things.


Well-Known Member
I always thought it'd be nice to have a store within DHS that sold nothing but Hollywood/film related things. No Disney plushes, no pin trading, no Vinylmation, just movie related stuff. DVD/Blue Ray, movie posters, prop replicas, movie star photo/autographs, biographies and maybe one of a kind, authentic movie paraphernalia (scripts, props, clothing, etc).

DHS is somewhere I expect to find this kind of stuff. If I go to DHS and I get all inspired to bring some Hollywood home with me, I'd like to have that available. The possibilities are quite endless.

I know there was a shop near the entrance that sold posters, but is it still there? I bought a small 8x10 still from Dragonslayer, years ago (1996).

Speaking of Dragonslayer, there's a movie with a cult following that would make an awesome attraction. In AK or DHS.
I've had this thought as well, I'd want it to include all of the movies reflected in The Great Movie Ride. It could sell Blu Rays, DVDs, posters, etc. You could do the same thing over at American Idol Experience with albums of the real winners.

Why aren't we clamoring for a clone of the Rattaollie Dark Ride going into Paris rather than Cars Land? Oh, because we have seen Cars Land and want it.

If WDI can design what is supposed to be an E-Ticket experience off a rat pretending to be a chef in a French Restaurant, they can develop some original and unique concepts for the Florida parks...
Get out of my head. Disney has parks all over the world. I would much rather see clones of attractions in Overseas parks that the stateside visitors don't get to visit all that often. To me, if they're going to round out Pixar Place with clones, I would much rather see the Ratatouille dark ride, and potential Ride and Go Seek as well (even though the vehicles are identical to TSMM).

But again, this calls to the relative lack of imagination that we have and that TDO has. I'm sure that Imagineering, if given a Carsland budget and free reign could really impress us with enhancements to DHS.


Well-Known Member
WOW. This is really smart. I never thought about it before, but you are so right. The Incredibles could be used in Florida and the same ride could be built in California using Marvel characters instead. So Florida Disney parks could get superheroes too without any Marvel opportunities.

So smart. I really hope they do something like this!

Thanks! Seems like an "end-around"' to the whole Marvel on the east coast thing.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the shop is still there as of a few years ago (I doubt it hasn't gone away since). Minus the DVD/Blu-Rays, it includes everything else you've mentioned. It's a shop my parents and I always browsed through, even though we never really bought anything since all of the really cool things were out of our price range. They had the suit Dick van wore during the Jolly Holiday sequence from Mary Poppins and an autographed image of the main three from Harry
Potter, among a ton of other things.

Like I've said, it's been many years since I've been in there, but I don't remember the costumes. I remember a few autographs (Walt's was one that sticks out), movie posters, and photographs of Hollywood "legend" types. Thanks for the info, I'll have to make sure I check it out next time I'm there.


Well-Known Member
If Pixar is the thematic driver in any upcoming new DHS attraction, I'd like to see The Incredibles. It's a great story with good characters (IMO), and seeing that Disney may be looking to bring Marvel into some of it's other parks, it'd make sense for WDW to have a super-hero attraction without the legal worries from UNI. If cloning is inevitable, then it's seems like it'd be fairly simple to put an Incredibles overlay to nearly any Marvel based attraction. If Disney likes the "variation on a theme" throughout it's parks, then I like The Incredibles for a new attraction idea.

A Spider-Man style ride would be perfect for The Incredibles. It has needed to have happened for years.

On a side note, we were at DHS yesterday and to have TSMM still running at a 90 to 120-minute wait time is a joke. For TDO to not recognize that DHS needs more family attractions given these insane wait times is absolutely irreprehensible. It's a complete shame that anyone would have to spend two hours of a vacation day having to wait in line for one attraction.


Well-Known Member
I actually stood in the standby line after I used my fastpass. The wait said 110 minutes but it actually ended up only being 50. But still.


Well-Known Member
Mabey this could be a land now that i think of it. The mosters inc coaster, a sushi resturant (Harry Housens) like the one on the film and im sure many other ideas could be thought out for this.
more ideas will come with the new film in 2013! and also we can have a bumper-car type attraction based off of the "Mike's New Car" short film.

El Grupo

Well-Known Member
Incredibles is the best choice, but sadly, it seems to be one of the forgotten Pixar movies in the halls of Disney.

I wouldn't agree that it is totally forgotten. Sounds like if Lasseter had not gotten behind doing a complete and immersive Carsland, an Incredibles attraction would have been the premiere E-ticket addition to DCA.

Apparently the plans are waiting on the shelf and could easily be introduced with DCA's eventual Phase 2 (or with an upgrade at DHS).


Well-Known Member
I hate the idea of bringing Cars Land to DHS. I know you all want it in Florida but in my opinion we should just let Anaheim have this one and plus, it would be a horrible fit in DHS! Have a pixar movie themed land at the back of the park when we have a pixar studios themed land at the front, how ridiculous! However, I do believe a Cars Attraction could be utilised. DHS lacks things for kids to do. In fact, many people feel Magic Kingdom is the only place they can take their kids and keep them entertained all day. That could change!

Disney's Hollywood Studios. Lose the Hollywood. Disney's Studios. Lose the 's. Disney Studios. The new park name. Now emphasise on the s at the end. I think the entire park could be broken up into large lands based on studios.

Cinema Court, Hollywoodland, Lucasfilm Ranch, Pixar Studios, Disney Greats, Animation Courtyard, Marvel Studios, Muppet Studios, Hot Set.

Each area strongly dedicated to a specific theme, unlike the current DHS where everything seems the be all over the place.

Cinema Court-
The entrance to the new updated park. Each building reflects a well known set from the most popular movies ever made. Walk down the court to the recreation of The Chinese Theatre, which houses an updated Great Movie Ride which takes on you on a journey through the history of film!

Hollywoodland- Recently known as Sunset Boulevard, this street now puts guests into 1950's hollywood, complete with Hollywoodland sign! The tower of terror stays in it's rightful place, but the Rock n Roller Coaster has been altered to reflect the First Era of Rock n Roll! Fantasmic has been replaced with a modified World Of Color. This WoC focuses only on Disney's early work.

Lucasfilm Ranch- Replacing the Indiana Jones + Star Tours area is a new area which is made to feel like the home of George Lucas. This is made to truly feel like a Ranch, from the dirt all the way to animals. Once you pass through the Ranch Home, things change fast. Go left and head into the world of Indiana Jones, including a stunt show and both rides from DL Paris and DL Anaheim. Go Right and enter the Star Wars universe. Ride the Star Tours ride, Eat with the characters, Learn to be a Jedi or ride THE FORCE coaster. But if those movies aren't your thing, go upstairs in the house and learn how Lucasfilm tech has changed cinema.

Pixar Studios- Imagine the current Pixar Place. Now imagine it 4 times bigger. That is almost as big as the new Pixar Studios! It now includes Crush Coaster (DL Paris), a Wall-E Play Area, a Ratatouille QS Restaurant, Cars 2 Stunt Show, A Bug's Life Train Ride, The Incredibles Super Labs and UP Adventures! Enough to keep a child busy for an entire day!

Disney Greats- A small chunk of the backlot area is now an area dedicated to the disney movies the changed cinema! The area honours Roger Rabbit, Snow White, Toy Story, Mary Poppins and Fantasia. Attractions include an updated Roger Rabbit Car Toon Spin, Mary Poppins Flying Automobile and a Dark Ride that shows the breakthroughs in animation done by Walt Disney.

Animation Courtyard- This area has great potential, and that potential will be full achieved in this expansion! It is now a fully running animation studio that are continuously making shorts. Art Academy is now updated to have different characters hosting each show. Disney Junior live is now gone, but only to be replaced by a tangled dark ride! More updates are in Animation Courtyard, but I am yet to think of them.

Marvel Studios- Replacing a large part of the backlot, the marvel studios is your chance to get up close to the heroes that save our world everyday! Walk down a metropolitan street being attacked by villains, and watch as the heroes save the day! Attractions include Avengers: Earth Protectors Roller Coaster, Hulk dark ride, Spiderman 360 Dome show and a marvel hero parade!

Muppet Studios- Similar to the original muppet area but with small expansion. The muppets are making their new movie at their studios and need your help. Unfortunately the premiere is in a few hours! To hurry up the Casting, they decide it do it while eating lunch! Have some of Swedish Chef's fine cuisine while watching the muppets perform on screens next to your table at the Casting Cafeteria! Then it's time to get on the new dark ride where you film the movie! And finally, the premiere! Replacing Muppet Vision 3D is the great new Muppet Movie!

Hot Set- Hot Set is where guests can experience what it's like to be on an actual movie set! This area takes up where the Tram Tour is currently. Actors, Directors, Producers and Cameramen walk around as you make your way through the hot set. The main attraction here is the Backlot Tour, now upgraded to feel like a real Disney attraction. Drive through sets and see popular props on this amazing ride!

Well that's my idea, if you read this much then I thank you :)

I don't think Cars 2 should have a stunt show and we can't put Marvel in the Florida parks because of a dispute with Universal. I think the theming and title of Sunset Boulveard should stay put, and for that 'Disney Greats' thing, Toy Story isn't Disney (It's Pixar). And I'm not sure how a ranch would do in a theme park haha.


Active Member
The incredibles is my favorite pixar movie! I actually feel bad for WDI when it comes to pixar in DHS their are so many good choices for attractions and lands. (toy story, monsters inc, cars, increadibles, up). And has anyone else besides me realised that pixar has been coming out with the great movies lately?


Well-Known Member
I think a KUKA Arm for the Door Vaulter would be appropriate, even if it isn't necessarily a coaster. Because in the film you can see how the doors are constantly swinging (back, forth, left, right) so the KUKA would go on the track while moving.

The vehicle could be themed to look like a door a lot more than a suspended coaster. Each arm could have two people, and the door would be vertical with the paint of a door. (the Harry Potter's thing is horizontal and has 4 seats)

I think the Incredibles would be good but I personally love the Monsters universe for a new e-ticket haha. I think a Wall-E space playground could be really cool as a retheme to Honey I Shrunk The Kids Playset . And an Up interactive walkthrough attraction would be also be beneficial, and each room could have a surprise! For example, one room you'll see animatronic Dug who speaks to guests. And also Mater's Junkyard Jamboree from California would be fantastic for a small c-ticket.

So: Toy Story Midway Mania, Monsters, Inc. Door Vaulter , Up and Away , Mater's Junkyard Jamboree , and Wall-E Intergalactic Playground. Add in Café Ratatouille and in an Al's Toy Barn store and there you go complete Pixar Place ranging from the old backlot entrance to the Prince Caspian building and a bit of the backlot.


Well-Known Member
Get out of my head. Disney has parks all over the world. I would much rather see clones of attractions in Overseas parks that the stateside visitors don't get to visit all that often. To me, if they're going to round out Pixar Place with clones, I would much rather see the Ratatouille dark ride, and potential Ride and Go Seek as well (even though the vehicles are identical to TSMM).

But again, this calls to the relative lack of imagination that we have and that TDO has. I'm sure that Imagineering, if given a Carsland budget and free reign could really impress us with enhancements to DHS.


My likelihood of EVER visiting Hong Kong or Shanghai Disneyland is very very low. I'd love for WDW to get all the cool stuff developed for Shanghai. I'll take Grizzly River Gulch. I'll take some of the stuff from Paris too because when I go to Europe it isn't to visit a Disney Park.

California is within striking distance. Let Disneyland and WDW have unique offerings.

This is all said with the caveat that I only want clones if they make sense. Shoehorning Grizzley Gulch into the Studios Backlot isn't what we need.

Patricia Melton

Well-Known Member

My likelihood of EVER visiting Hong Kong or Shanghai Disneyland is very very low. I'd love for WDW to get all the cool stuff developed for Shanghai. I'll take Grizzly River Gulch. I'll take some of the stuff from Paris too because when I go to Europe it isn't to visit a Disney Park.

California is within striking distance. Let Disneyland and WDW have unique offerings.

This is all said with the caveat that I only want clones if they make sense. Shoehorning Grizzley Gulch into the Studios Backlot isn't what we need.

I don't think I will ever go to Shanghai or HK Disneyland. I just have zero interest in going to China.

I will probably go to Disneyland Paris in the next five years. I want to learn some French before I go and I never get around to cracking the books.


Well-Known Member
I honestly hope, that whenever (if ever) the decision is made to revamp/straighten out DHS, that a good deal of thought goes into the design. Considerations for thematic transitions, sight lines, ease of expansion, long term goals and "shelf life" of any future attractions, avoiding trendy, flash in the pan things. I'm hoping that some of the more obvious mistakes are heeded and the good things are built upon. ToT, RnR, Star Tours, TSMM are fantastic attractions. I still have a soft spot for Indiana Jones. These things they did spot on. I'm hoping for more of these design efforts and less "quick fix" and "shoe horning".

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