The reason you never saw any updated security checkpoints listed as part of the proposals for DLForward is because that is not really part of the purview of the proposal. The whole proposal is just to get zoning changes, not to put forth security plans. Security is under the purview of Disney corporate and doesn't require City approval on Disney property. So would come after the DLForward approval when Disney starts to plan out the whole west side of the newly rezoned expansion areas. And if we take the original plan from the Eastern Gateway as an example of what they would like for a security bubble its not hard to envision having most if not all of the western expansion within that security bubble including the hotels. Now of course they could keep the hotels outside the security bubble, but given they do it at other Parks (like I mentioned Disneyland Paris), its again not hard to envision they may consider doing that here too. But sure anything is possible and they may just keep it outside the bubble with the rest of everything else of the western expansion inside the bubble.
Also I'm not the one who is thinking Disney would buy Garden Walk, I think that day passed and its not really on Disney's radar anymore. But some here believe that its possible in the future. All I was doing was drawing up a reason why I think a plan with GW and a 3rd gate would be something where Disney would want a larger security bubble around the area, again using the EGW as the example of what they want, and how many of the businesses around Harbor would oppose that. But could they keep GW outside the security bubble, even though DTD is within a security bubble, sure again anything is possible. But again given what we know about what Disney wants in terms of a security bubble, again using the original EGW as the example, it seems more likely they'd want GW and most if not all other Disney properties within a security bubble as much as possible.